Not sure if you’re aware, but if you start the combo close (After a focus/tandem) You can do that exact combo with Standing Hard Punch instead of Crouching Medium Punch. It deals really bad stun and damage, it wouldn’t be worth using, EVER.

Yes i know.

The japanese guy wanted xx cr.lp -> xx Sonic Boom to work.

Yes, I know, I agree that should work to give Seth a decent block chain.

I was just responding to your complaint about that combo.

After realizing that seth already can do that combo…

It wouldn’t be broken at all :sweat:

please comment my improvment ideas:

  • EX Lightning Kicks should be more invincible and do more damage, like EX Shoryoken and EX SPD Does

  • Dive kick, useless move? Maybie make is a mutch better dive kick. Exempel you should be able directly after seth jump away from the wall, so you can play some mind games. and it should be alot faster, like Cammys?

  • EX Tadem Engine should take one EX and not two, however using it in combos should make the combos very weak. EX Tadem Engine should be used as suck the enemy in the air when they jump in at you. oh and alot better startup frames

  1. making it invincible during active frames would be good – avoid trade issues.

  2. :rolleyes:

  3. it’s already really good and does suck the enemy out of the air, which is why it takes 2 ex stocks. i think having some invincibility would be cool, and for half a super meter, i think it’s fair to make it a great AA.

Yeah, it wouldn’t. But it isn’t necessary to homogenize him in this way.

I sure hope they don’t actually nerf Seth.

That would make him almost impossible to win with.

How would they nerf him anyway? They couldn’t really lower his life or damage much more…

from what the article said, they’re gonna be changing frames on Seth and Sagats moves. Dunno if that means making them slower, or less invincibility, or worse recovery, or what.


seth is probaly going suck in ssf4. i hope they wont change that long arms have 200stun

Well. I’m prepared for disappointment.

Looking at the actual article ( it would seem to me the journalist has a bias against Seth (assuming him to be overpowered), though Ono’s response to the question of whether some characters such as Sagat and Seth will be rebalanced was more - “all characters in ssf4 are getting a rebalance”.

Anyway, my opinion is Seth doesn’t need nerfing or buffing, people who claim he’s op’d clearly haven’t spent any length of time actually playing as him (which is the only way you could make an informed statement on his tier). But also giving Seth more health or stun I think would quickly see him becoming overpowered. The point of him as a character is he’s high risk, high reward - making him a medium risk, high reward character would really screw with game balance… and if you were to completely rework his moves etc. to allow for more health/damage - well then it’s no longer Seth but some other character.

I play some top level competition in tournaments with my Seth and in Street Fighter IV against really good players Seth is so hard to win with. Whereas characters like Ryu and Sagat are low risk, high reward, Seth’s risk is not really worth his reward. I have been playing Seth since console release and in my opinion he could definately use buffs, whether they be health, stun, damage or changes to move properties. Any nerfs (without buffs) would kill him and make him useless. As it is, to win a round you have to play almost perfectly with no room for error lest you die and that is just too harsh.

I don’t see either Sagat or Seth being nerfed aside from slight changes to frames, as was stated. Then you have to consider they will likely add new moves as well to Seth.

I still believe they will increase his health and stun by a slight bit.

seth’s 2nd ultra: revival like gill. 1/2 ultra=half life. full ultra=3/4 life. seth’s revenge gauge fills up half as fast (comparing percentage) and ends up only at half-way in the end if you don’t FA.

since seth has a horrible recovery on everything he does…and they are probably gonna take a huge dump on him on ssf4 because these flowchart douchebags who can’t learn a matchup complain as hell about anything

why not give seth fireball recovery like gouken and a cancelable lightning leg kick

I’d rather he wasn’t.

Already been confirmed that ultras will only be direct-damage moves.

Really people don’t get your panties in a bunch. Ono didn’t specifically say that he will be nerfing Seth, only that he’s going to balance the game. Also, refered in the past to CPU Seth being overpowered, not the actual usable Seth himself. That’s actually what the interviewer was more likely getting at when he asked the question, Sagat and CPU Seth are overpowered.

The only change I want to his current moveset is more invincibility on his EX-legs. Its bullshit when I know my opponent is going throw out a poke so I EX-legs only to get a trade.

If they decide to give Seth even more moves(new specials for existing characters is already confirmed) i’m hoping for an air special. Something to extend stomp combos would be crazy.