Better boom recovery (c’mon it’s supposed to be a sonic boom) would be ideal in my opinion. It would like it if lk lightning legs was safe on block ala Dictator scissor kick, but that’s wishfull thinking. EX lightning legs definately needs to have way more invincibility frames, Seth just cannot afford to trade.

Making Sonic Boom have better recovery would allow Seth to beat anyone in a fireball war. He can already almost go even with Sagat. Seth’s Sonic Boom already has enough advantages. LP Sonic Boom goes really slowly compared to a lp hadouken, hp Sonic Boom goes faster than a hp hadouken, it’s a good situational anti-air, Seth can tack on a standing fierce if he hits someone with a sonic boom, and he can use a blocked lp boom to cover a teleport in.

If you’re trading with EX Legs, then stop using it how you’re using it. EX Shoryu is a much better reversal. EX Legs has a very specific purpose: to punish fireballs at range.

If you need to break focus, don’t do hyakuretsu. Do EX Sonic Boom, shoryuken, super, or ultra.

Or Jab tandem at certain ranges, especially against characters like Boxer where the backdash will get them yanked too. Though people honestly don’t need to focus fish too much against Seth, he has more than enough ways to deal with it.

What I think they should do to seth:

Give him the highest health rating in the game. Make all his move safe on block, all shoryus should work like O. Kens LP shoryu. Make his ultra do half life with only half bar. Give him stupid priority on all moves. Give him the ability to combo after toe tap from anywhere on screen.

Then make him unusable in online modes.

I’m only half joking.

Ha. You so funny. Offline doesn’t exist, right?

When was that confirmed? Sounds like a believable statement, but I must have missed that interview.

Give Seth his suit costume seen in the The Ties That Bind anime; it will certainly make him stand out more among the villains of SF.

It wasn’t, as far as I can recall anyway. In fact, there’s a screenshot suggesting quite the opposite:

I was trying to make Seth into the new Sagat, lol. Thanks for the tips though!

It was, I remember reading the interview, though I don’t have the time to go search through internet histroy for it… and that screenshot looks fake to me - juri’s second ultra is that colour, and just looks like the ‘Ultra II Combo’ text has been blackened out and covered with the word ‘TIME’.

If it’s fake it certainly got spread well across trustworthy sites. Though 4gamer are seemingly the only ones to comment on it.

Random, terrible idea I had for his second Ultra: Some crazy aerial combo involving a lot of teleporting and smacking the opponent back and forth.

Also, make his EX sonic boom hit four times for 600 stun. Have him be able to cancel attack recovery with Teleport.

I’m serious, make him broken as fuck.

Stretchy arms means that would look terribly stupid, unfortunately.

Or terribly awesome

The only buff i want from seth is more combos. I dont care if it does 100 dmg, i want another set of combos/resets, so the opponent feels dominated and weak against the master by the name of seth…till he SRK FADC Ultra…
also 50 extra hp wont hurt, 750 is stupidly and retardly low, 800 is acceptable (although it is still the lowest hp)

Why not go with like, suspenders, short sleeve button-up shirt, and slacks? classy mobster-style look. and maybe everything past the sleeves can stretch out without looking retarded

Ono said it a while ago. You’d have to dig up the interview though.

Less overlapping inputs would make sense. Whoever thought of the commands for his moveset is retarded.

this isn’t a dbz game…