And what commands would you give his moveset without using charge?

qcf hcf k
qcf hcf p

I need more stamina with teh Seth. That is the one reason I use Seth less than my other characters ;_;

nigga what? fuck those commands. hit training mode.

more i play, less i think seth needs more stamina…at least in sf4. but i don’t know what will happen to everyone in ssf4 so i’m hesitant to say what he should get because i don’t know how he’ll fit in with the rest of the game.

the only buff i’d really like atm is teleport immediately after throwing a sonic boom.

Which is why I said it was a terrible idea. Just felt like tossing it out there.

Fit in the rest of the game?

fuck that noise.

Give him more health than gief.

I hate playing against a Seth. Hate the match up so bad.

I think he needs Lariat in the next game. Also his second ultra should do tiger upper FADC ultra. If the tiger upper is blocked it doesn’t eat the ultra meter. Also he needs to steal moves from other games as well and also get mechanics from other games. He needs tekken wall slams, as well as being able to summon little eddie from GG. If he’s losing he needs to be able to fly off screen as that bird from jojo’s bizarre adventure and spam projectiles. Probably should give him Gill’s angel wing super as well, and give him permanent super armor on all normals. Also I feel the addition of unfly combos might really help balance him out. Make his super air hyper viper beam and give him the ability to store super stocks. Also when he hits the other person, random power stones should pop out of the other guy, but only seth can pick them up. When he gets all the power stones he should be able to turn into G.Kaiser from tech romancer for about 70 seconds. Of course this might be a bit too powerful so we should probably drop his health to 740 to balance it out.

more likely seth gets a super fireball like metsu hadoken or sonic hurricane

Actually, Za Warudo would be a pretty cool ultra for Seth, on the Jojo’s note. :stuck_out_tongue:

Tanden engine should really be HCB+K (if it was HCB+P, it would overlap with SPD), and then hyakuretsukyaku would be QCF+K.

Actually that would be really fucking cool, lol.

Make it like his current super where it hits full screen. Just like a big flash of white light and if it hits them, TIME HAS STOPPED. Then he throws a bunch of sonic booms that just sit there right in their face, starts to throw a big ass punch, all the sonic booms hit the guy and then bam, stretchy arm to the balls. Should do 100%.


I like this. So much. Except naturally it would have to do lolseth damage. :sad:

Seth doesn’t need more health, you need to level up with him.

His second ultra must be some DBZ attacks and rush moves, hitting for a total of 938 hits on the opponent, lasting for 30 sec, is a grapple move with an acceptable range…

Why 200 damage? Time will be over by the time you land this move, which make it a dan taunt, hence he will THE GREATEST TAUNT ATTACK in the game, on par with dan.
/joke post

He needs some tweaks in his frames, like some invincibility in EX magic legs of 100 wtf kicks, a slightly increase ( SLLIIGGGHHHTT ) damage ( like 8 more damage in every move he has ), and increase health and stun guage by 50 ( 800 HP, 800 Stun Meter ).

Why? Seth said so. Every character is getting buffed (… even sa…gat… GULP) so IT is reasonable for seth to get some extra health and some damage. He is one of the most fun and great character, who use copied moves from many characters yet still be unique on his own, which is very creative from capcom prespective. So all I wish is for capcom to give him some slight tweaks for seth, and he shall be perfect. just dont make another ryu or sagat…

Sagat is getting nerfed in relation to other characters. Seth needs no more health/stamina. Playing a high risk/reward character is fun, if you increase his health you’d have to balance other things out (as he’s balanced fine right now). Also I don’t need people having any more reasons to send me hate mail over using seth, I get enough as it is.

Homogenizing characters is not the way to balance. If anything, Seth should get more reliable combos and normals. The fact that Gouken can literally kill Seth in one combo is the best argument as to why Seth isn’t broken.

If you don’t like high risk/low reward, don’t play Seth. Don’t ruin his flavor in the name of balance.

Why did you quote me, isn’t this basicly what I said?

God damnit I misread your post. I’ll shut the fuck up.

I would like to see SEth get a 50pt hit point buff and a shirt and I’ll be cool with him.
Mabey a comand throw super combo would be nice, since SPD do such little damage

Kikuichi is right about seth normals and combos, hit confirming is a pain, its either safe and sure low hitting combo and taking the hills for a lol damage (seth’s loss anyways). His footsies is crappy (even St.Hp is fail and must be used with cautious) and going for air normals is asking for SRK trade to ultra. If capcom is going to give seth a good set of normals and reliable combo option, i dont care about any health buffs, since he would be the ideal and the extreme version of high risk lol reward character we need. Since other characters are getting buffs (for now i am not sure about sagat… but regardless) i see no reason why seth shouldnt get any good tweaks for his sake. Anyway lets just hope for the best.