From what’s been stated many times, nobody is getting nerfed (although I dunno what else to call changing frames of characters moves to make them less powerful). If anything Seth will just get less new moves compared to other characters, but WILL get a small amount of health boost. I am guessing his stun will stay the same.

I am just hoping they dont mess with jFP, although I get the feeling more moves will trade with it or flat out beat it.

If timed right most things already do X_X

Serious post: I’d actually like it if they took out j.HP and replaced it with something less dominating, and then gave him a little more health and a little more damage. That move just seems to be the main thing that makes seth as ridiculous as he is. Without it, he might be a respectable character.


long arms is seths best move, why should it be removed?

Cause it’s ridiculous. I think he has enough run away tools that he shouldn’t be able to cheese people out with that. When one move makes a character, they really need to rethink what they’re doing with said character. I’d like a fight with Seth where I feel I had a real match, not a chase scene. I feel he takes away from the game in his current state.

Then maybe they should take away away ryu’s srk, abel’s roll, blankas electricity etc. also?

j.fp doesn’t make seth, it’s just a valuable tool of his. And why is it ‘cheese’ if your opponent can’t block and/or doesn’t know how to punish someone throwing it out at will? It’s not the fault of the character.

It’s an integral part of his game plan, akin to taking away Tiger shots, or Tiger uppercut from Sagat, without them sure he’s still a character, but gaping flaws in the design without it are pretty scary. I could understand if his mix up were as fear inspiring as Gief and he had Akuma’s manueverability, but unless he were super buffed in other fields he needs to keep his neutral and back jump Fierce similar to how it is now.

I like Seth as he is except for being able to be stunned in a single hit. Make it so Gief’s headbutt does slightly less stun, or Seth can take a little more before being stunned and he’d be pretty much spot on. I just don’t think it’s right that any character can be one hit stunned under any circumstance.

Give Seth MORE in the Gief matchup?
Or rather, take something AWAY from Gief in that matchup?

Headbutt and well timed lariat and ex hand is the ONLY thing zangief can threaten seth with it, other than that it is a “just kill me already…” matchup in favor of seth…

EDIT: my post was replaying to Bebop, saying that zangief have very dangerous options to seth and can change the tide, but it takes timing to do. remove these options and seth vs zangief becomes retardedly 20:-10 in seth favor.

And counter-hit headbutt -> ultra is 85% of Seth’s health. Lariat versus jumping fierce is 20% of Seth’s health. EX Green Hand is 20% of Seth’s health.

If Zangief knows that rising headbutt owns j.hp, the matchup becomes a lot less free. It’s still hard for Zangief, but if Seth does almost anything stupid, Zangief gets large damage and a knockdown.

If Zangief knocks you down in the corner, put down the controller, because that’s GG. Crossup splash -> low/German Suplex mixups are brutal versus Seth. It is true that Seth gets away for basically free if he’s not in the corner, though.

I think the one-hit stun is perfectly fair though. Did you know that Zangief can combo into a stun with non-counter-hit headbutt -> cr.lp xx cr.lp -> far

The Gief matchup is fine as it is, this guy is right. The only reason Gief players should be whining about this matchup is the fact they don’t know it. It’s alot less frustrating than Sagat or blanka.

able to teleport right after sonic boom instead of having to wait for a while. and air teleport.

I think they should just get rid of Seth he is just a terrible character. How many times have they made a fighting game character that copies other characters moves? Make Bison the boss again, he just fits so well, not a wanna be Dr. Manhattan.

How many fighting game character they made that COPIES THE CHARACTER DESIGN ITSELF ( Shotos )? See? Each shoto is different than the other, yet they have the same moves. Seth is unique on his own, as he must be used by advanced players to perfectly utilize his not so great moves that resembles other character move set.

Just because he says “Sonic BOOM”, “SURE YOU CAN”, “MUHA HAHA” and spinning you upwards while pile drivering doesnt means its the same. So you want him to shoot apples from his hand? Upper cutting with his butt? Side stepping for teleports? using other wrestling moves as a command throw? Bison is unlike the shoto clone boss Akuma (although still akuma is unique on his own aswell). Bison has unique special move set of his own, yet when Akuma, the boss in ST (If I recalled correctly) uses the Shoto Moveset similarly and still be unique on his way. I respect that. In return I also respect seth’s uniqueness moveset and look at it from other perspective.

Besides Dr. Manhattan is a seth wannabe…

Yeah I knew that, it can also be done with a combo’d EX Green Hand I think. This only ever happens in cases of extreme online lag or when you’re dumb enough to stay close to Zangief for more than two seconds if you’re not in a combo yourself lol.

Seth fucked your mother?

note that he doesn’t have a penis…so relax

applies to seth as well

Invincible on the way down. :rofl:

That’s hilarious, even better than that, make it on EX so instead of falling like after a normal uppercut he does Dudley’s second impact downward DP!