without going too offtopic: That was truly an epic move :tup:

Oooohh yes. :lovin:

Can someone explain what Seth meant with that Seth is getting “cheaper”? My younger brother said it means “better” but doesnt it mean weaker/worse?

he means that he’ll get so much better he’ll be broken, and he’ll get banned

Although it was said in jest, along the lines of the reverse uppercut idea, T.Hawk is able to follow up his EX with another EX, maybe Seth can get the retarded upside down uppercut as a single EX gauge follow up for EX shoryu as an alternative to using 2 additional gauges for EX tandem combos?

i was also disapointed with seth they should have made him have his own moves and be memorable addition to the cast rather than another copycat last boss. or they could have used Urien from 3S who seems to bear a stricking resemblance.

I’m pretty sure they’re referring to CPU Seth. ie The End Boss.

I have to wonder how much time you spend actually playing the game as or against seth.

Let’s try to keep this thread for people that actually have some real experience playing as/against human Seth. Whiners that think he’s broken because Justin Wong said so half a year ago (for the record, he thinks he’s mid-tier now) aren’t welcome here.

Its amazing that people still call seth cheap, and asking for nerf, all because the CPU seth reacts within 1 frame, thus the “IF YO PLAY SETH PERFACTLY HE IZ INDESTRACTABLE” crap showed in…

He needs some frames to be adjusted (to buff him, not nerfing him) and he will be fine.

To back this up, if you just watch the video, they’re -explicitly referring to CPU Seth, the final boss of Street Fighter 4-.

People hated having to beat him over and over again to unlock characters so they’re all unlocked from the get-go. That’s it.

CPU Seth has no bearings whatsoever on Person Seth. Keep in mind that Boss Seth’s attributes are -drastically different than Person Seth’s-. He does more damage, he has more health, etc. That’s the point, the boss is supposed to be hard. You know what’s pretty hard? Fighting a seth with 1500 stamina who does ~30% more damage. That alone would make that fight a nightmare, and that’s about all you’re going to see, maybe some new moves.

i was more talking about my dissapointment with his fighting style not being a new idea, and his apearance. but gameplay wise he does have some of uriens moves like c.HP which launches for a juggle and seths FA looks like uriens chariot tackle. i dont care where in the teirs list he is or if hes broken or not its just that he isnt an original idea like bison.

in ssfvi i want his second costume to have his ‘whole suit’ then hed look badass and not so much like gill and urien

Just popped in to say that the whole getting a shoryu if you try to teleport too quickly after doing a special move thing really, really, really has to go. I don’t care if it’s fixed by making you teleport in place or not crossup or whatever. If the crossup mixup scares Capcom so much then they should fix the move, not literally stop the player from doing it by ignoring the command for the move and then letting them get an EX shoryuken, one of the most punishable moves in the goddamn game.

And as far as the teleport mixup goes, Dhalsim and Akuma have fireball setups that have to be blocked crossup. Why should Seth be any different?

i just hope he gets more copied moves, especially with all these new characters entering the ring

I’m down with having same health plus a copied move or two since everyone else is apparently getting an upgrade.

do someone else get 360 when they are engaging in a fireball war?

they should remove that short cut seriously

My Seth wish list.

a little faster boom

faster walking speed

When someone jumps in and I special fix the corner bounce off. At least knock them back so recovery is even.

A throw ultra

No nerfs.

No buffs that are so good that he gets banned.

You cant nerf seth, as he is already an advanced character which needs extreme knowledge of game knowledge. Nerfing him is like nerfing gen or viper. These character are “Difficult characters in an easy game.” Please Capcom dont make seth the next joke character, Dan is a joke character but still can be played…

Half the characters aren’t an original idea. If you think of movesets in terms of words instead of graphical representations you’ll find how unoriginal a large portion of them are.

The only thing that creates variety is the properties of each move. A sonic boom, a hadouken, a tiger shot, a rose ball, a Seth sonic boom, they are all different property wise, they are all the same in essence though, a projectile attack.

Command throw: Gief SPD, Abel TT, Honda whatever sit on your head, Seth SPD, all have different properties all essentially the same thing.

Anti airs… Horizontal body attacks… Fireball avoiding moves… All the same shit just with different properties for each character.

Your basically saying Seth is boring because he has a large majority of these things even though NONE of them are exact replicas of whatever they were “stolen” from property wise, which means they are all unique regardless of what the graphical representation reminds you of.

If Seth’s command throw bounced the guy off the backwall and Seth clotheslined him on the way back but left him in the exact same place he is now for the same set ups and same properties would it still be “boring” and stolen? If his sonic boom was a bolt of lightning or black crap from his stomach, still unoriginal? His lightning kicks are original as far as moves go, His shoryuken is a three hit move, would it make you happier if he did it with his feet like Cammy?

Abel is a new character and completely unoriginal. Command throw, Fei long rekkas, anti air (useless but still), Kens roll from Alpha, wheel kick like Sean or Ken from CvS2…

Like I said, almost all moves are rehashed, almost nothing is original.

Im not saying every character has to be avant garde. even though theres many characters with the shoto stance i still like them all especialy dan :D, but the idea of a boss with everyones moves has been done too manytimes and the fact that he has many similaritys to urien and gill yet they didnt tie that into seths story makes me feel like not as much thought went into him as they could have. If u think of akuma hes v similar to ryu becuse hes the brother of ryu’s master