I play Seth and I don’t think he is creative or original as a character.
When I first saw him I thought Capcom got a little lazy.

However that does not mean I feel he should be changed just for just to be original.
His multiple tools allow for the person playing him to play the game they want to.

I seem many rogs, sagats and Ryu that all played the same way but I have never seen two Seth players play alike. I am not saying that I think Seth players are better.
Just saying some people like to play with the options he gives.

It is the player that makes the character.

It would have been cool if u could choose moves from the whole cast and his stats automaticly change depending on what moves you choose to balance him out. but that would take SO much time and could make him OP due to there being so many characters in the next game,but it would be sooo sweet if it were possible :smiley:

Do you have any idea how awesome an upside down headstomp into the air would be for an AA? :bgrin:

wow, this thread is dying, or dead so to speak off…

Anyways seth needs to be good on everything, thats why he has crap as his life (Health points)…

He needs better footsies, if i want air footsies, melty blood or guilty gear series (blazblue also) is there for me. He can not keep close ground preasure for a long period of time, and keeping on the preasure is dangerous for a low life character, atleast there is some benefit for going the dangerous road… why does capcom wants us to jump all day? Tandem needs to be slightly faster, full fire ball invincibility would be nice too, and make Ex almost instant, more active frames and can “Catch” people from larger air distance (vertically), so it can justify the 2 bar cost. Being fully invincible is great, but that is asking too much…

Revive this thread… please?

I think he also need a anti air normal

S.HP is quite good, isn’t it? What they NEED to do though is to remove the weaker AA hitbox from that move that you can’t cancel.

He should be faster, grow his hair out a bit, start the fight wearing a suit, lose the teleport, dp, piledriver, and gain chariot tackle… i mean a dashing charge move and AEGIS REFLECTOR… uhm I mean a super that works just like his current super but moves across the screen a bit and tracks the opponent. Oh it should be purple too, and he could change his name to Jurien or something. THEN it would be worth playing this game.

Can I just say that you AV makes me lol.

I was thinking the same thing. This is what I’m hoping they’ll do in super:

It’s been pretty heavily suggested that he’s going to have some serious changes. Most of the SF4 endings involve the Seths getting killed. My guess is that Super begins to bridge the gap towards SF3 and the involvement of the Illuminati. If Juri is a member of SIN, I’m expecting the rumored Hakan to be an Illuminati member, if only because he’s a turkish oil wrestler and the Illuminati has a history of employing half-naked musclemen(Gill/Urien) that use wrestling moves. My prediction is that the Illuminati recovers Seth’s body/data and rebuilds/trains him in accordance to what will eventually become the G-Project. I’m expecting his playstyle to move slightly towards Necro or Urien. Maybe lightning or a knee dive?

Gill’s 2nd Impact ending:

‘When the sun sets on the Soliton Mountain, the black moon will break into seven pieces and fall on the people “Ultania”. Nothing can prevent this… Death and destruction will violate the land. Misery and suffering will assault the people… Then, after 130 days of nothingness, a boy who controls the elements will come to save the people.’

SSFIV New Fighter’s trailer:

“When the sun rises, the warriors will begin the journey anew”

Seth is a dude that turns black when he uses the taijitu moon in his belly. He breaks into a bunch of pieces at the end of SFIV, allowing Shadowloo to regain control of BLECE.

The sun setting and rising is the beginning of the new era in SSF4, where Shadowloo and the Illuminati battle for dominance(130 days of nothingness). This explains why Guy is showing up, to fight the returning evil in the world. Bit of a stretch, and plot doesn’t matter, but hey. At least it would mean Urien coming back in Turbo.

God’s Beard:

None of this will happen in SSFIV.

but… :frowning:

[SF4 spoiler]
All the Seths you kill in the storyline are the copies of Seth that don’t really have personalities. You see Seth in his own ending kill one of his fellow robots.

This shit’s too complicated. I’m just gonna play now.

I’m still hoping for 2 versions of seth, with different stolen movesets. Either that, or they’ll have to add some of the new characters moves to Seth.

I still recall the dev interview that stated if you hated Seth in SFIV, you’re gonna REALLY hate him in SSFIV. Wanted to know aboot that…

You know that would be incredibly interesting.

hes got a dp for that :smile:

i think he needs improvement with his standing mk and hk. they have the potential to be as useful as bisons pokes and would really help in the footsie game… a shoto crouching forward would be nice too

That was in reference to the boss fight. Granted, that may translate into him as a character, but I seriously doubt it. He will be balanced, just as he’s balanced now.

One of the biggest beefs with SF4 was how outrageously easy arcade mode was: Seth just wasn’t that challenging. Even with ~1200 stamina and higher damage output, he’s not that big a threat under AI.

Keep in mind, that’s what makes him beastly in arcade mode, he has -significantly- higher health, I’m kind of hoping they up it a bit more and make him far, far more ridiculous. Arcade mode was very boring this time around compared to 3S and hell, even SF2’s arcade mode was harder than this game (actually, and perhaps I’m just terrible at SF2 as I am, but it was a lot harder than 3S’s as well).

HD Remix CPU Akuma was the biggest son of a bitch ever. Never have I fought a boss in an SF game that gave me that much trouble.

I just spammed Sagats s.HK for the win. Exploits, exploits…

I dunno man. Gill is a such an annoying bastard.

I dunno. I ain’t impressed with his nakedness and spinning tummy, but I still like his moves. 3D games giving a boss a bunch of other characters moves using their animations ain’t exactly new, but I still love his move set. Triple SRK + teleport SPD are fucking amazing to watch (I love landing ex SRK x3). I wish he had more moves that teleported in them. His new ultra better feature that, or at least be some sort of Spiral style ultra.

OOC, what sorta moves would u guys like to see added to his moveset? How about from the new characters?

I’d love to see Guy/Elf runs, super jumps, hundred hand slap style attack, and a few others, given to a second Seth