So what do people use their EX bar for? I’m always sitting on bar and I know I must be doing something wrong.

EX legs - fantastic against certain moves such as Juri’s dive kick
chip damage Super to finish matches or close rounds

Can you give tell me more when EX Legs is useful(expect going thru fireballs)

it’s good against people who think it’s safe to do random stupid pokes mid-screen.

Wow, that explains alot, thanks. That’s really stupid that that is the case but it’s really good to know.

I also use it against Adon’s wall kicks. Basically, you can use it as anti-air at certain distances.

I still don’t enjoy the fact that I can spend 20-60+ seconds mixing-up / zoning an opponent only to make one mistake and lose 70% of my stamina bar against the hard hitting characters. I will never accept the teleport nerf Capcom, WRRRRRRY!

Yeah I’ve basically adjusted to every nerf but the teleport still bugs me.

I haven’t adjusted to the dive kick nerf. 4 frames. 4 friggin frames.

Ther’s a dive kick nerf?

Yes, 12-frame start-up instead of 8 frames. : (

I dunno if this is common knowledge but while messing around in training mode, I found you can follow up a lp tanden engine with ultra2. Could be really handy to use against people who like spamming crouch tech during a block string.

Could you please elaborate what you mean? As in does it connect on hit, or is this another chip damage set-up?

I’m guessing he means you can throw out U2 to hit fully off a LP Tandem Engine. Pretty much being able to throw it out before the other player is able to recover/block after it.

I remember doing this once or twice during the first week the game was out but at the time I thought one of my friends just forgot to block after Tandem recovered or pressed a button or something.

It’s a full hit ultra. I love the startup on ultra2 xD

I tested this yesterday, you can use LP tandem from about 1 full block away (in training room) and U2 will connect. 1.1 might work if your timing is good, but i’ve not got it to connect at 1.1 or above (but my timing sucks)

I don’t understand what is so special about using tandem into U2 other than a chip set-up. I would rather use cr.fp or st.fp and continue into a combo. You could use U1 the same way in SF4… both ultras have the same start-up.

The Sonic Boom Salsa:

LP Sonic -> FADC -> DP+PPP -> (Buffer 2x QCB during teleport) Hit confirmed Sonic Boom xx Ultra 2.

Also, The Tanden Tango:

cr.HP xx LP Sonic -> FADC -> Ultra 2 ~ Similar to Stairway to Heaven (Headstomps+Reset instead of Ultra 2).

lol, gotto love those combo’s names

I have names for everything really.

My personal identification with colors are:

Color 1 Original: Silver Surfer / Onyx Rider
Color 2 Original: African Hotness
Color 3 Alternate: Lou Ferrigno
Color 4 Original: Dr. Manhattan / Cyan-ide
Color 5 Original: Doodoo Gold
Color 6 Original: Grey’s Anatomy
Color 7 Alternate: Iceman aka Igloo
Color 8 Original: Papa Midnight
Color 9 Alternate: Sunflower Samurai
Color 10 Original: Oil slick
Color 11 Original: Greased-up Deaf Guy
Color 12 Alternate: Dirty Rapist

lmao @ Lou Ferrigno - ORIGINAL HULK SMASH!!!

What kind of Papa Midnight?? did you mean like Djmon Hansuo (the actor) from his character ‘Midnight’ from the movie ‘Constantine’?