His jump may be high but his is a very nice jump-in. Also, I was responding to you saying “you can throw booms the entire match.” That’s about the opposite of my experience. I don’t want to throw fireballs because of the slide. I don’t think you can rely on fireballs mid-screen at all. Closer maybe but then you are risking a jump-in combo into ultra from a good Blanka player.

Oh and all of my posts are made under the assumption that you’re playing in a lag-free environment because tournaments are really what matters when it comes to learning matchups.

Also now I’m realizing that this is the wrong thread for this discussion. Should be in the matchup thread.

Gotcha. There aren’t many tournaments near me, and I would probably never have the time to go to one. Most of my friends are Tekken players so the scrubs online are all I have, unfortunately.

I guess you just have to see how the blanka player is reacting. I’ve used him a ton so I guess I’m used to the strategy and punishes. If the guy is timing it right, I’m more careful with my SB spacing.

Dude… just stay in the corner. if he rainbow balls, you focus>Combo him, if he hori-balls, you ultra/st.HP him, if he slides, you hit confirm into hyakuretsu him and he’s back at fullscreen. If he jumps, you Ultra him.

Rushing him down has proven itself to me to not be the most efficient way of killing him. If I’m rushing a Blanka it’s usually because he’s a noob and let’s me do that to him.

So true… I love being aggressive, but with Blanka you just got to play a solid lame game. You cannot jump on that green lightning rod at all, ever.

I guess we’re the only two wondering about this amidst all the complaining about the teleport of an already highly-mobile char, but i played my first super seth tonight and just got destroyed because of EX legs ripping through all kinds of shit. I don’t remember it ever going through junk as easily as it seemed to. In fact, i don’t remember it going through much of anything at all, but apparently now it’s a viable reversal?

Also, did the hitbox on c.fp get buffed?

EX Legs feels the same, don’t know what you guys are talking about. We complain about Seth’s teleport and dive kick because it was a big part of his mix up.

I’m sure that’s it.

Ooomph, Burn.

No shit…EX Legs is nearly exactly the same, it always ripped through everything, nearly completely invincible, if I remember…I don’t use it at all unless it’s to go through a midscreen fireball though…

Never cared about teleport going up against seth in vanilla, and dive didn’t look that bad off to me. Because it was still perfectly usable to, you know, dizzy me twice in the corner for a wrong guess. And i didn’t ask if it felt the same. I asked for confirmation if it is different. Because if it’s not, dude i played last night apparently got over the changes and got on with new tactics that didn’t rely on fullscreen fps and booms into a super clever TP 360 that never did enough damage to make anyone care about getting hit by it.

What, another case of forum butthurt? If you’re going to :crybaby: about something or other in a thread completely unrelated to whatever it is you’re :crybaby: about, could you be a doll and put some effort into a zing i could conceivably care about? Insinuating that i suck at a videogame isn’t quite getting my fur up.

Do you want a producer to tell you it’s the same? It’s the same Stun, same Damage, and same invincibility. Ex Legs always went through projectiles, ultras, pokes, etc.

Go get raped by some more Ex legs.

My brother plays Balrog, so EX legs was often the go-to counter, but I always had problems hitting it 100% when he was rushing me down, even off his downward/dash combo. Now I can’t miss. I know it was always strong, and if I’m wrong I’m wrong, but can anyone confirm the frames on it, or if it has faster start up (I’ve never been well informed on “technical stuff” like this, so just curious)?

Start up feels the same, not sure if the current frame data for it is correct, but what you guys are insisting is Seth’s Ex Legs has more invincibility frames, and or faster start up, but here it says it’s the same start up and active.

Is it just me or has jump forward fierce also has its active frames reduced drastically? I can’t try vanilla right now, so does somebody else feel this way?

J.fp(non stretchy arms) feels the same. It didn’t have a lot of active frames in Vanilla which made it a good whiff move.

I can’t test atm but in this combo vid I seen a guy whiff J.LP instead of divekick to get the super to come out. Maybe its still possible in Super? [media=youtube]gijk4nyuwvY#t=5m52s[/media]

Just do a x2 srk instead of x1, then 3 stomps and divekick at the end whiffs automatically, setting you up for super.

I’m an idiot :slight_smile:

Shortly after I posted that, I was able to do the Super Dive Kick Juggle setup.

i wasnt talking about the super combo…


the ex tanden ones

Seth’s U2 Chip kills are pretty nasty and can sometimes be easy to set-up for.
In alot of cases, there is simply nothing the opponent can do about it from what I see.

Very cheap chip damage kills. Very fitting for the boss of the game.

I still liking the challenge of playing Seth. I still use him.