has the spd’s input been delayed right after teleport? i buffered spd during the teleport, but there seems to be a big delay between the 2 or something… it also whiffs.

Now that Seth is unlocked from the start of the game and playable in the arcade version of SSFIV, we should see alot more of him and alot less complaining about players who use him.

Teleport has more recovery frames now so you really don’t want to be doing that much. And a SPD after a teleport is really asking for 60% of your health bar to be taken away. IMO.

It’s a shame because that’s how I used to open rounds against any gouken in vanilla (and < 3000bp akumas)… they all play exactly the same online and all fall for teleport spd without fail.

The divekick and teleport nerfs really hamper my offensive playstyle with Seth. I dunno what to do now. Hopefully they can bring those two things back witch a game patch one day…

Yeah I thought like this at the start too. But CAPCOM didn’t want us Seth players relying too heavily on a few aspects of his game, so they toned them down abit, so to be really good with Seth we can’t focus too much on the few things we were doing before, we must now become better overall players and take more advantage of the other things Seth can do.

Actually i played against a guile who did U2 to chip kill me, i used U2 at the same time and it beat him out. Seth ducks under it.

Pffft, lol. Like that’s gonna happen.

I’m starting to think the Ono team considers the creation of Seth as a character a mistake, so they give him a “shorter” (not exactly short) end of the stick.

Just what I needed to be inspired to play Seth again.

Apologies if this has already been covered in one of the FAQ’s, but is it just me or does Seth’s EX Legs have better priority now? I feel like I’m able to counter with it better, but then maybe that’s just timing.

Goddamn, anyone else still having trouble with the Blanka matchup?

Specifically, how so?

Can he use any attacks against Seth? I just st.HP and u1 the eff out of him.

I’ve always had trouble with Blanka. Cross ups aren’t even an option with that damn electricity (?), and against a good Blanka player, it’s just as difficult to fight him effectively inside as is it to keep him away. So much of the matchup feels like it comes down to how fast I can react and/or stay outside, but my Seth is scrubby, so whatever.

D: I’m either playing really scrubby blankas or you guys are doing this completely wrong.

Everything he does against Seth is unsafe, just don’t go and try to rush him, block and punish accordingly. With u1 you can even react easily to hori-balls and punish.

Probably just doing it wrong. Some of the things I typically do, or am used to doing, like corner pressure, and crossups just flat out don’t work on Blanka. Then when he gets inside, I go into scrub mode and start jumping back like that green bastard is carrying herpes. Is laming him out really the only answer?

Blanka is easy. Anti-air him with hp DP. Punish horizontal ball with ultra 1/s.hp (both even on hit). Punish up ball with reversal mk legs or ultra (both even on hit). Don’t try to rush him down too hard on wakeup if he has ultra, not worth the risk. Don’t throw Sonic Booms when he is close or has charge at far (unless you have ultra to punish EX Ball w/ ultra on hit). Don’t jump if he has down charge, up ball is free anywhere on the screen. If he turtles get close to him and do a xx tanden to get a mixup going. Blanka’s normal AA is really good but if the player isn’t on point you can jump in on him without charge.

Maybe it’s because I used to main Blanka, but he isn’t a character that should be causing Seth any trouble what-so-ever.

His entire offensive game is mix-up. The more the match up is played, the worse it gets for blk. Gief, for example, used to be an easy 7-3 win for him, and now it’s probably 4-6 against a good, patient opponent.

Blanka balls are punished by lightning legs, st. fierce, super and U1, even if the balls hits you. His one good wake up reversal (EX up ball) can be punished on block or hit. Stand about one character length away and block high; the only thing he can do safely is EX rainbow roll to get out of there. You don’t need to cross him up either; electricity is EASILY punished if you make sure that you’re hitting him with the very end of Seth’s foot/arm.

You can throw booms the entire match. He can’t jump over them at you or it’s a free srk. If he tries his fierce punch low slide and you block it, he’s wide open for reversal. You can literally block low the entire match, jab him out of his blk balls and punish his slide. Even his EX ball, that goes through projectiles is hard to time on reaction as long as you’re not predictable.

If you get a really aggressive Blanka player, he’ll probably rush you down with j. fierce, which beats seth’s j. fierce clean, so don’t jump back with it out of habbit. Just stand there and block or reversal dp him. He’ll give up that strategy pretty quick.

Oh, and any time he goes into EX rainbow roll, you can bet the house he’s going for a cross up on the other side, never the front. If you can’t time it, just FADC out of it and punish.

The match is really a hard for blanka. Don’t waste your time rushing him down. He’s got no chance against the zoning heavy weights like Seth, sim, guile or sagat.

Blanka can slide underneath sonic booms really easily because they’re so high and punish them at half screen. EX Horizontal Ball punishes Sonic Boom at full screen on reaction.

I find myself stunning blanka players like every round I play vs them now.

I know SB is punished by EX horizontal ball on reaction, but I find the majority of people online aren’t quick enough to do this at full screen. If I have life to spare, I’m throwing it anyway to set up ultra.

His slide is one of his most predictable moves because his jump is so bad in this game. If he’s walking towards you with no charge and he’s out of jump in range, you can pretty much anticipate the slide. I hardly throw a boom from half screen anyway.