Seth vs Guile is 5-5.

IDK about this games Seth vs Guile tho. But it seems to be even in the previous game.

No need to be so down on Seth.
Seth still has some decent tools and his new Ultra seem to have better utility in certain match-ups.

One example is that it definitely helps more in the Viper match-up although it is still in her favor IMO.

He is nerfed but still good. Kinda like Sagat/Ryu I suppose.

Weird, I feel like Seth wins vs Viper…

Seth can win if he knocks her down. The thing is, Viper knocks Seth down a lot easier and her mixups lead easily to half life at least on Seth. Seth can’t try to zone her with Sonic Booms because of her super jump, he has trouble anti-airing her because of Burning Kick, he can’t jump at her at all because of hp Thunder Knuckle, Viper’s super jump beats Seth’s j.hp clean most of the time, ultra 1 is impossible to land on her because of Burning Kick, and Viper stuns Seth in two combos easily.

So yeah that matchup is unfair but winnable.

I finaly got xbox live today. I played some games with seth and I noticed that hes arms didnt lose priority, they wiff(miss target) easy, have less active frames and are simply terrible. The teleport nerf make it easy to option select.
Really the long arm nerf is a major nerf IMO. I am dropping him in SSF4, but I will still play SF4!

Just do them later than you usually would. Problem solved.

How is it a major nerf? If you were throwing them out before without thinking and without knowing when they would hit I imagine you get reversaled a lot.

i have problems whiffing when the fists are touching, though. probably a result of so few active frames. but i do like you can’t react to it over your head and c.fierce or dp ultra em, that shit happened a lot.

I thought using the long active frames of j.HP would hit the opponents back and beat Shoryu’s clean in Vanilla…

Quoted for truth.

Also maybe it’s just me, but his ground game seems to be eating people up. I’m basically only having problems with people like Abel and Cody who can get in. Even Ibuki hasn’t been giving me much trouble.

seth gets blown the fuck up by guile now especially with his u2 in play
also peple need to be discussing seth vs the new bison, i believe bison puts him on extreme blast now

Yes, Bison can be irritating with that new ultra and fixed EX PC. If he sees st.fp start-up Pyscho punisher, if you throw a boom he has all day to punish with PP for 50%+ damage and the hit box on it is massive.


Good God…

Oh my goodness… the rape.

This should be posted in the Seth match vids and misc thread I think… but still, wow. I’m speachless.

lol. His Seth atm is looking at lot less formulaic than every other decent Seth I know, there were a couple of points in the video where I’s just thinking to myself “and then he goes in to this combo” but he doesn’t and instead does some reset etc. I’m not expecting - maybe the problem is people online often not respecting combos and just mashing on dpmfp though and that’s why the majority of people play in a really similar way?

Goddamn…I thought I was aggressive when I played…holy shit.

Like hawkins said, you can’t really go for this cr.HP> lp reset > dive kick against randoms online, they’ll just be mashing out like crazy out of it.

I’ll start using that though, liking the way it looks and you can condition them to block it high then start going low on it. Poongko is cool.

They should make up for the teleport nerf with less recovery on Sonic boom.
the reson it had bad recovery on SF4 was becuse so it shouldnt be easy to fireball teleport behind for a free combo.
Now that the teleport have bad recovery, the sonic boom should recover faster, but no, capcom didnt do it

I’ve only seen Poongko play Seth in online matches – does he ever use him in actual tournaments?

Old but [media=youtube]xKtZU_PEy60[/media] - this is what got him to the gamestop finals, but then Seth was locked at them.