True, I’ll start doing that more. Just so used to teleporting, I need to break that habit.

I don’t think that you can get headstomps after a Cr.HP > J.MP combo, you can get a reset out of it though. Check out this thread Resets Thread for more information.

thanks man. I took a look at that thread, very helpful

I have noticed that Seth did not lose prioroty on his j.hp
Can someone else test it to?

any of you guys still use ultra 1. only character i still use it on is sagat.

You should use it on Blanka too because it punishes up ball/horizontal ball on block or hit. Suddenly EX horizontal ball through fireballs becomes a lot less appealing if he gets ultra’d for doing it.

I’m gonna use it vs Akuma, Seth, and Dhalsim to punish teleports, Seth’s j.hp, and Sim’s jump back hp.

His teleport is awful now. Using it to rushdown is practically impossible. It’s mad frustrating. The way Seth moves without a reliable teleport is not fun. I seriously can’t believe what they did to it.

On the other side of things, U2 is amazing. It catches close jump ins just as good as U1 does, and it combos everywhere.

I can’t get some stuff to work on certain characters. I put Cody as my training dummy, and I couldn’t do cr.HP, LP shoryuken, stomps. And, shoryuken FADC stomps was much more difficult. Anyone else notice this?

Still don’t have ssf4 here as it only came out yesterday and I ordered off of amazon, but as a general rule from sf4 which I guess still holds true: if you can’t c.hp xx lp.srk > stomps x3 >, then you can c.hp xx lp.srk x2 > stomps x2 > Which is about 5 more damage and 20 less stun, or something equally insignificant.

I’ve been using it mostly against Hakan, because of Oil Up’s and Slides. Or anyone that throws a fireball.

Still wondering if it should be used against T-Hawk, mostly because you don’t want to get close to Hawk with Seth.

Have you guys noticed how Seth takes FOREVER to stun his opponents now? I got a Honda cornered and mixed him up so bad, he ate combo after combo, consecutively and it took absolutely friggin’ ages before he got stunned. CRAPCOM definately nerfed his stun power as well. Lightning Legs now does 200 stun instead of 250 and jump back fierce/neutral jump fierce does 100 stun instead of 200. I dunno guys I played Seth alot in Super now and I think he is worse everywhere, CRAPCOM have nerfed him in key areas making him worse offensively and defensively. Seth in SSFIV just isn’t as fun to play (for me) and he has lost his intimidation factor (unlike Akuma & Dictator).

I’ve noticed it too. I feel like his new ultra is weak as hell compared to his pre-nerfed ultra 1. I can only count on my right hand how many people I’v stunned with Seth since the release date of super (tuesday).

Midscreen SPD? I’ll test it now.

Edit: Seth can do a new Unblockable :smiley:

Mid-screen SPD, you wait hardly any time at all, sonic boom fadc two dashes ->U2

With the timing for the sonic boom, it’s just like the timing for the old unblockable, waiting for their body to fully rest, sonic boom FADC.

Just got it three times in a row, feels good. Might actually have to use it, which is a bummer.stupid nerfs D:

(figured I’d post in here too)

And yeah, stunning people seems waaay slower in Super…it still happens often, but I have to do a combo or two more now

…17th ranked Seth in the World on SSF4 XBL leaderboards…lolll go me

I never posted here before but i get blood out for this character, he is dead right now.
This isn’t Seth, if you wanna see Seth came back on Vanilla.

…i got super today

…what teh FUCK is this shit!?

peace niggas i’m maining dan, subbing makoto.

Changes to Seth such as
Dive Kick =Slower
Teleport (slower recovery)=Nearly useless now
Jump back and NJ.F nerfed.
Ultra Trap = gone
EX SPD has less Range?

Even though I think Seth is kinda over nerfed I still plan on using him. I use him because he is the badassest badass =P.

Kikuichimonji-Do those Sweat looking EX Tandem set ups you put on your Youtube still work?


I know EXACTLY how you feel.

I dunno whether to laugh or cry, I loved your Seth in vanilla.

I hope our king and Seth playing prodigy OnlineTony (or anyone really) can figure out something new to do with our character now… but most of all I am praying to God that Capcom release a patch via DLC that restores Seth’s teleport, dive kick, EX SPD range and stun power. I can live without the Ultra trap & zoning tools if I can rush people down. Because as things stand right now Seth is crap in SUPER SFIV, he is suposed to be the boss of the game! Why is he so weak?

Because those who don’t use seth will bitch cry and moan moreso than anything else. Sucks too i was JUST getting used to seth in vanilla in the last few months all gone to waste now since hes shit

Everything that was even “good” about Seth seems to have been nerfed.
I could agree with a j.Fierce nerf, it was way too good and easy to spam.
But what they did to his teleport, dive kick, stun potential, and Tanden Stream is downright cruel. He doesn’t feel like Seth anymore, and it bothers me. Even with all the nerfs, he STILL has 750 stamina and low damage output.

“Don’t zone too much, we nerfed j.Fierce. But don’t think about rushing down because we nerfed his dive kick. Also, don’t try to run away or get in, because we nerfed his teleport. We also lowered his stun capability, so you have to work harder. But don’t get too crazy, because you still have 750 stamina. Actually, just stand there and lose. That’s better.”

The sad thing is I’ve seen 3 well known players in the last few days on streams state they think Seth is one of the best characters in super… when you have well known players spouting out garbage like that he’s never going to get buffed in a future update.

i didn’t know K put ex tanden setups on his U2B too, anyone have links? :smiley: