As much as I hate Crapcom right now (and BELIEVE me I do), they obviously think that Seth is still good enough to warrant 750 vitality and stun. Maybe they’re right, maybe they’re wrong. But it’s up to us to find out for sure. I know I’m bitching like hell over his nerfs, but I’m gonna stick with the character and see what I can do with him in SSFIV and I hope you guys will as well…

You guys are seriously making me depressed. I JUST dropped Sakura. I thought “Why the fuck am I playing this bitch? it’s just not worth it when she’s just not solid enough, Imma roll fulltime with SIN”.

If it makes you feel any better Kanta-Kun I’m not QQ’ing over Seth. I don’t think Arturo or Jinrai is either.

From what I can see, dive kick is still better than Akuma’s and Gouken’s. it is still usable as a mix-up tool, even if it won’t stuff everything when air-to-air.
Teleport mix-up is still usable, even if you can’t do straight Hyakuretsu off it, I always went with cr.MP anyways, and I never use it after SPD, so thats fine.

He looks pretty much the same, besides minor tweaks. I guess the biggest nerf is on j.HP and U1. IMO, U2 makes up for that.

I’m most certainly not dropping him (baldy is on my stick already) I was just worried that he might be uber fail now. But if you guys can handle, anyone should be able to.

tbh…idc about how hes changed. :open_mouth:

only thing i really don’t like is how they increased divekick startup, which means a few of my favorite style combos (that rely on instant whiff dive kick after stomps) wont work anymore. as far as whether i’ll change mains, i dunno. if i find someone more fun to play that’s that. nothing personal. seth would understand. :lol:

lol all seth players will definitely cry when they get hit by dudley stand fierce/j. fierce. you guys see how much damage that does on seth? lolololol

Meh, at this point, after being hit by j.HK>EX SNAKE STRIKE for almost full health so many times over the course of one whole year, I don’t think I’ll care too much about Dudley’s fierce…

Yeah no shit smh

I’ve actually been hit with Gouken’s 100 percent combo in match…that one hurt my feelings, big time. :lol:

talk about deer in the fuckin headlights lol

I put so much work into Seth in SFIV that I’m in denial :slight_smile:

Though a lot of stuff I like about his playstyle is still there, I just have to figure out new ways to replace old things that were taken away (Teleport Mixups etc.). Going to stick with him for now because I don’t like any of the other characters (so far…) other than Abel. Might mess around with Juri for a bit.

As Jalapno mentioned in another Seth Thread, I like U2 because it changes what your opponent does at times. It could also be everyone just adapting to the fact that Seth has a FADC/Combo-able Ultra that can actually chip haha

nj. RH -> HP xx Heavy SB xx FADC -> Cl. RH -> Cr. mp xx legs -> ultra 2 - 48x

does less damage than

nj. HP -> HP xx Heavy SB xx FADC -> HP xx Heavy legs -> ultra 2 - 516

also, jump in roundhouse (neutral or diagonal) -> ultra 2 seems to be a viable way to land some good damage

just some things i noticed today

How is everyone moving around now that Teleport isn’t that great.

I find myself Sonic Boom xx Wall Dive 99% more now LOL

Nice Mid-Screen U2 combo I just did.

j.HK, c.HP xx lp sonic boom FADC, EX Engine, c.HP xx lp shoryu, U2 - 483dmg

Not practical…but it’s a nice flashy game ender :lol:

same lol. can’t believe they nerfed his teleport like this.

Haha glad to see I’m not the only one.

In Super, I notice I’m just teleporting backward now. The times I teleport forward is just out of habit from Vanilla.

I find myself getting punished sometimes for teleporting backwards on wakeup. seth wouldve been really solid if his teleport was not touched. wouldve been able to setup the UC 2 really nice.

Don’t teleport backwards as much. Backdash instead. Seth’s backdash is really good. You only want to teleport against say ambiguous jump-ins and places where people might OS your backdash.

I’m not a Seth player, but I have been both looking forward to, and fearing, the day Super came out, because of Seth (as in I’ll see more Seth players due to him being available in the arcades).

I love characters that have really unique movesets and/or design. Seth is definitely that.

Unfortunately, I’ve been only hearing about major nerfs to Seth. How is he holding up in Super so far?

@ ^^ I understand what you are trying to say… but his moveset is most stuff taken from other characters…lol.

He still seems really good in super from what I’ve felt… all of the good characters got nerfed basically… but that doesn’t mean they were nerfed enough to be bad. Dude is as fun as ever… and his ultra 2 is pretty awesome… the combo damage is so so but as an alone non-meter anti-air its pretty useful.

And yea… seth’s basckdash is as good as it ever was. Almost feels better but thats probably because I have this feeling that everything in the game felt more sluggish punch/kick wise.

I hear you windbreaka. All I know is I suck with Seth, he is a major work in progress, as I continue to glean stuff from this thread and others. I’m having trouble with his cr. HP, j. MP, headstomp x3, I can’t get the headstomp to land. I played an Akuma yesterday whom I should have beaten, got an early 2 rounds to 1 lead but blew the last two. I was doing a lot of SB, st. HP stuff with him, after watching a replay of a crazy zoning Sim. I will watch the replay of my Seth vs. Akuma match again to see all the bad spots.