I heard the exact same thing. but it has been proven wrong. I asked someone to Raging Demon Seth and Akuma and they said it took out more health bar on Seth.

I did a podcast for my clan DMG. My half starts at 70:15. I talk about seth at 72:22.
Some notes on what I said.

I was being sarcastic on the whole “most broke character in the game” :stuck_out_tongue:
About the wall jump: I realize I didnt say what it was really used for: defensive use. The wall jump is great for running away and zoning but its horrible for offensive use.
Im not hating on you tony. Infact im glad you lead our seth army and im hoping youll stick with seth in Super… I just think you get away with stuff you shouldnt because people are afraid of seth.

All credit goes to and

boom fadc teleport cr hp bnb was workin for me when i played super.

hp dp fadc ultra 2 is a little tricky because of the way the opponent is right above you, kinda like sagat and his TU fadc roundhouse or ultra. but the ultra would autocorrect sometimes and do it the opoosite way you inputed it and still hit the opponent.

stretchy arms nerf is noticeable. and dive kick is slow but not bad either. ive been having alot of luck with j.d+mk juggle. it seems to have alot of priority.

slower dive kick = free counter move/ultra IF your opponent has good reactions or youre being to repetitive. spd feels like more damage as well.

i havent hit traning mode yet so i dont know numbers but overall he feels solid still. especially with srk fadc ultra 2

edit: also, cl. st. roundhouse, cr. mp feels more lenient. maybe two frames now idk but im definitely having more consistency with it in super.

It does. The guy who was posting training videos of Seth tried it.

I think the same guy said that Akuma got a +100 hp too. So maybe that’s why? I dunno.

I noticed that the cr.lp -> link felt easier. If both links are easier maybe is 4 frames now? Or maybe it’s an engine change that makes it so that you can buffer normals. Or maybe it’s just a placebo effect.

There’s an easy way to test this. Try -> and see if it combos.

spds are the same damage

Everyone’s on that placebo.

I doubt akuma and Seth got a health raise, they’d both be top tier for sure if that happened. Johnnyturk was able to land Seth’ st.RH to on his 5th try or so, and I don’t think he had ever played Seth, so it might be true that it’s more lenient.

And no super juggle, Boooooo

Edit: BTW, Idk if I said this already, but the super still has that 1hit problem when trying to catch jump ins, balls, headbutts, sometimes even point blank backdashes. Just hits them once and they fall.

Man, I was hoping that they would fix that.

Also there is a post in the Super SF IV forums where a guy tested most of the characters to see how much health they all had. Seth is still at 750 and akuma still at 850.

Thanks for the vid. Some of those setups are awesome/hilarious.

I haven’t done too much testing with Seth as I’ve been distracted with Hakan. If you guys would like me to test something in particular or if I’ve already tested I can shed some light on all the speculation.

This has been a S.I.N.dustry public broadcast.

got a chance to test him at a friends house last night, and is it just me or does his hard punch srk trade a lot more now? baiting people to jump towards over my sonic boom, and then trading with hp.srk was getting on my nerves, trade = not good for seth 99% of the time :frowning:
infact a lot of the time they went for a jumpin and i tried too AA with HP.srk it traded, i duno maybe I was just unlucky. anyone else experience this?

Yeah trade vs Seth isn’t very good considering his health, but hey, at least he can trade dp ultra now.Herp derp!

cr. lk > cr. mp does not link as far as i can tell.

but other characters lost health. the numbers might be the same, but i can tell that spd in super does more damge to sagat thatn it does in vanilla

I just got done going through all of Juri’s, Seth’s, Blanka’s trials. Got questions, I’ve got answers.


Plus I looked at all the combos you can do into Ultra, and the best one seems to be his bread n butter of: -> cr.lp -> cr.lp -> xx LK Bullet Kick -> Ultra 2 Does around 413 damage in the corner.

The average of all the set-ups I did for Ultra 2 (Seemed like about 10-12) came at about 345. Meaning the lowest you’re going to find is about 290 and the best you’ll find is about 415’ish in terms of comboing into Ultra 2.

Yea comboing into ultra for < 300 damage isnt cool. Hopefully it can be fixed with timing. Rufus can do 300 from j.rh ex snake strike and thats even nerfed from vanilla.

Wait, didn’t cr.HP xx lp.SRK > Tanden Typhoon do 460 dmg in that one video on youtube?

Maybe he only tested hit confirms to Ultra.

with Bison’s new tweaks and Seth’s nerfs, Bison gives Seth real hell now :confused: fuck man

Sabin how worse is the recovery for teleport now?