IKR, Seth is a sleeper hit.

U2 looks really good and looks near unescapable up close for chip kills after watch Sabin doing it.
Sagat in corner and low life. With right positioning U2 is death for him. Not even EX TU can save him.

Also it looks to be a good AA.

Check out TeamSpooky stream for some Pro Seth play.

What the fuck where they thinking nerfing the divekick? One of Seth’s best offensive tools just flushed down the drain like that. Incredibly detrimental to offensive styles.
And nerfing the tele?

God damn it, Capcom.

As has been posted, Sonic Boom xx FADC > Teleport is not gone.

Seth’s teleport recovery was abnormally fast. Did I like it? Fuck yeah! Was it extremely necessary? Not really unless you were abusing the mix-up after Ultra. What this does is just make it so that for the mix-up you actually need the 2 bars. It sucks for me because I’d sometimes neutral teleport when someone poked and just SPD them after, but hey, you can’t have everything.

I know they just wanted to shut up whiners, but you’re not looking at the whole picture, the same as I was before: Dive kick is still there, it might be 1 or 2 frames slower on start-up (or is it more?), but it’s still a viable mixup option. As long as they don’t add recovery to it, it should be fine. AND they added Ultra 2. I think it’s great to get 460 dmg off one cr.HP, don’t you?

I haven’t played him, but I don’t think it’s OMFG THE END OF THE WORLD anymore… And even if it is, do the impossible, see the invisible, row row fight the power. another ssf4 seth training vid, more to do with the ultra

Dunno about that, i tend not to use cr.HP because it’s awful. I’m not saying it’s the end of the world either, and i’ve only played him for 3 matches like i said, but so far i have the impression they nerfed more than the 2nd ultra can make up for. Also any frames added to his divekick is more time for your opponent to react, simple as that.

Thanks for showing us Seth! Looks like you can land some pretty decent damage (450-480) if you U2 in the corner.

After another day of playing I got to say I am feeling a lot better about Seth. I was super butt hurt over the arms but U2 is really good.
Also seems like everyone else putting less damage out has made Seth a little better as well.

There are also some things that feel slightly different I cant wait to see the frame data to see if I am right.

Most characters got damage scale, but seth didnt, all his normals and move do same damage, so it is better for him.
But I still like his Ultra I better than Ultra II. Becuse I am a zooner.
Really, if I use Ultra II, Ryu or sagat can spam fireball all day long.

Thanks for the vid. I like those 2 Ultra setups. I’ll definitely have to play around with it when I get the game.

I noticed sabin vs a hakan player still tried sonic boom teleport mixup after a knockdown, and he was getting punished, hard, even when the sonic boom you no longer can combo after it, but you will also get punsihed.Good shit.(/sarcasm)

It only works if you FADC. If you FADC the sonic boom, you have enought time to hit c.hp to.

What is seth’s theme? [media=youtube]7ScJohLqchM]This or [url=[/media] or something else?

Weren’t you on stream? Your guess was right, it’s Laboratory stage 2.

Nope, I haven’t watched a stream in quite some time, because I don’t care about looking at gameplay anymore. Maybe I heard it in a stream though, but didn’t think about it. Now i’m only interested in combos, trials and music until I get the game myself. Thanks for answering though.

So is it confirmed that you can’t Ultra I while a Sonic Boom is on screen?

Yea its confirmed, OnlineTony made a vid showing it. You can still do the super trap though (which I’m happy about).

I thought that they nerfed the damage on some of his heavy and medium normal moves, someone said they nerfed the damage on the Legs special move as well.

First impressions from playing Seth in SSF4

Yeah it was obvious that Seth’s j.hp has been nerfed. The active frames have been decreased dramatically. The move still has the same hitbox I believe but now I have to do it later in the jump to hit with it. And the dive kick is slower now, which is huge because it used to be a great air-to-air but now it loses when it would win in SF4. Dive kick pressure still seems good though. Still useful for setting up a fake crossup on the opponent’s wakeup. Seth’s SPD damage is up I believe. It felt like more damage. His combos do the same amount of damage as well, compared to other characters’ who got damage nerfs. AA DP is still good and easy to do, Seth does not have to worry about trading with his DP. Seth’s Sonic Boom has been buffed. xx sonic boom combos from far away similar to Ryu’s xx hadouken. This means that Seth can now easily hit-confirm FADC combos into knockdowns. Seth also has literally like 20 setups into ultra.

I couldn’t get Seth’s hp dp FADC ultra to work because the opponent is directly above you after you dash which messes up your inputs. It didn’t help that I think they took out some shortcuts for ultra and the motion is double qcb. Now that I’ve thought about it maybe I have enough time to let them fall a bit and then ultra.

The j.hp nerf is bad but not unworkable. Just means that Seth doesn’t get free far-range frame advantage anymore. The move is still really good. It’s just not spammable anymore.

Again I only played the game for an hour so take what I say with a grain of salt.

Could anyone check if super after hyakuretsu in the corner still whiffs?

I heard rumors about Seth gaining +100 hp. So he’s at 850 hp like Akuma now? Can someone confirm/deny?

SSFIV Seth trials: [media=youtube]JeCmB3lvi18[/media]