Guys, cr.MK xx hadoken is now an actual combo. Watching JohnnyTurks stream.

Completely decided to never leave the Seth army too. It’s not like I could even if I wanted too…

cr.MK xx boom always worked.
cr.LK - cr.LP - st.LP - cr.MK xx Boom is a combo I do sometimes.

Unless, for some reason I’m not aware of, you can’t do just cr.MK xx Boom.

EDIT: I only do it with fierce boom, as I don’t believe jab and strong actually combo.

Boom doesn’t always combo from low MK. If this really is true, I wonder if it’s a legit blockstring now…there was a gap in between them in SF4.

Dear Capcom,

Seth is nerfed in his zoning game (stretchy arms, but it cant be used for AA now, still controls space), in some of his preasure game (dive kick, although very minute added start up frames) and mix up during wake up is a lot more trickier (teleport with added recovery). These nerfs may affect seth really hard or really small.

It depends on how you compensate these nerfs with actual good buffs, like better ground game, solid space control in both ground and air, REAL footsies that can be on the level of other characters.

He has health as much as a broken weak stick, I expect moveset matches Akuma in terms of threat in any position, with respectable damage (well he did low damage in SF4, having the same damage in chocolate SF4 may be a damage “buff”).

Thank you.

Man I wish I can send my contributes as well…

Okay, I’ll put it differently for you then, cr.MK now combos into sonic boom, FROM MAX RANGE.

Cr.hp xx HP srk ( 3 hits) xx ultra 2 does 359 can also combo ultra 2 even after the 2 hit version all the time, and after ex srk, it does 314-344 damage (depending on the number of hits you get), and also, very funny IMO, it seems the roof has a limit when you do that, as it wants to launch them higher up than the roof, but it cant.
Also, cr.hp xx srk stomps bnb still works, don’t know why it was thought otherwise.

I will test this later Josh if some one else does not.

Feels like Seth will be just as good or better if you play Seth rush down. I rush down sometimes but I mostly play lame runaway Seth.
Hopefully he got some stuff not found yet to justify the nerfs.

ok another day of super and played seth alot more this time.

soo cant teleport spd after lightning kicks if they tech up. you can teleport but if they tech they get a free shot, ummm also headstomps x3 seems slower when i did c.hp XX lp srk headstomps.

his new ultra2 is a must because u cannot sonic boom xx ultra 1 trap them so pretty much gotta hit it raw or off c.hp. his new ultra is pretty good tho does great chip, cant cross him up and can combo it off pretty much whatever.

you can still fireball xx super trap ppl tho, with seth. thats still in

umm cant think of much else atm but it seems since ppl do less dmg seth can take alot more hits even from sagat and allowing him to keep up some pressure and rtsd.

you cant do fireball trap with super with ryu,You can now only cancel hadouken into shinkuu.

Can someone with SSFIV check how much damage his SPD’s do? It would be interesting to see if they increased their damage as eventhubs had pointed out.

That’s excellent.
I was just testing in vanilla, and yes, a boom doesn’t combo at MAX range, while if you’re JUST inside max range, a fierce boom will connect. But if it actually does combo regardless of where you are now, I am quite happy.

That’s also good to hear.

So… after all the bitching I did… the Ruler of Evil went under the radar? I’m loving this :smiley:

some seth training [media=youtube]LA6PCOpQcKg[/media]

Some info:

  • Dive kick have slower startup
  • Jump long amrs have less stun(100), but standing amrs have same stun
  • Lightning kicks have 200 stun(-50)
  • Ultra II(no combo) does 37X damage(X is becuse I dont remeber the last number)
  • HP DP FADC Ultra II does 388 damage.
  • Ultra II have bad vacum and wiffs alot
  • Light legs to Ultra II is the best damage seth can do with ultra II
  • SPD is not stronger
  • Recovery on seths teleport is ridiculous long, but you can still FADC a light Sonic boom, teleport behind and combo, becuse sonic boom have great hit stun

not mutch more to say, hes long arms seems to have same priority

ok, seriously how do half of you already have the effing game? its not out for another week yet almost all the regular Seth players here have it already? weak.
I really wanted to jump-start my career in the fighting game community with helping out with seth since I missed the launch of Vanilla but Since almost all the new info and tricks, etc are already discovered it looks like I wont be able to help out with jack shit.

100 stun on J.HP???Man, that effin blows.So I guess now I’ll never get my opponent stunned while zonig…

Well you can download it already if you have a modded xbox360. Now would be a great time for capcom to say “let’s release this shit so people who actually want to BUY our games can play it too” but instead the pirates once again have the better part of the deal. I shall be modding my 360 soon because this shit always happens.

Certain retailers have been naughty and started selling the game prior to it’s official release date, it’s pretty common.

Duh? that’s what capcom wants. they didn’t give seth a billion options so you can turtle back and just use 3 of them.

Explain what capcom wants when they nerf divekick and teleport, two of the most important offensive options in my opinion. I’ve only just started using SB>FADC>teleport in my offensive game, and now it seems i can throw it in the bin. They don’t want you to zone, they don’t want you to attack, if you ask me all the wanted was to shut up the whiners who didn’t know how to play against Seth, and they did it by making him suck. Of course i’ve only played with him for 3 matches in Super so who knows what is yet to be discovered, and i’m not abandoning him right away, but it’s not looking good thats for sure.