art i think this was before then? i assumed he was referring to ssf4 seth

maybe it was you tho

Damn, you can’t do U1 with fireball on the screen? I guess full screen fireball traps were a little too hardcore for Capcom afterall. They did the same to Ryu. I would’ve preferred they nerf the j.HP a little harder instead because that move really is braindead.

Well it was to be expected is all I can say. In a lot of peoples eyes Seth is already too good in SFIV. I’m surpised it hasn’t been worse. Most likely at this point any kind of teleport tricks he had before are now gone. Now more Oki after Ultra 1, now more teleport after combos to keep pressure, most likely all of that is now gone. Also Ultra 1’s and his supers sonic boom trap is gone as well. Jump HP lost priorty for some reason, I don’t get that one, and his damage is down.

It could be worse though, I expected them to completely trash him with all of bitching from high level players. Even Killian himself said he doesn’t like Seth. Just be glad that Ultra 2 is good. Damage reduction all around helps Seth a bit too so eehh. Time will tell.

Talked to Ricky, he said low fierce jab dp into stomps then divekick doesn’t work midscreen anymore.
Teleport mixups don’t work either unless you use 2 bars to fadc it due to the increased recovery. :confused:

combined with a j. Fp nerf (which is not braindead), this shit is wack.

[media=youtube]BJIkDu7K7Kk#t=4m13s"[/media] the guy fucks up the combo but it totally looks like it will still combo. Look at how close Guy is to Seth after the cr.hp -> lp shoryu. I bet whoever decided the combo didn’t work was doing it off of a crossup or something and it didn’t work that one time.

But if this is true I might be dropping Seth.

Well the only time you don’t FADC it is after ultra 1, and who the hell is going to be using ultra 1 now? :looney:

As far as I can tell they weakened the ‘hit priority’ of j.hp by making it have fewer active frames (Seth actually retracts his arms now). So that just means that rising j.hp isn’t a good AA anymore. It wasn’t a good AA in vanilla anyway because they can counter-hit you out of it for a ton of damage. I doubt people are going to able to jump into a rising j.hp to beat it. And that’s really all that matters to me.

All these nerfs to Seth are making Gief look a lot better. More chance of getting knocked out of j. FP by Lariat, and Gief will have better ground pressure on wakeup due to more recovery on Seth’s teleport. Gief’s Air Ultra will be helpful as well.

Any thoughts on how this match up might change from a Seth players perspective?

Sounds like they nerfed the shit out of Seth. Dissapointing as he was really starting to come into his own as a character from what I could tell. He was definitely one of the more intriguing characters to watch especially with pros like Sabin or Online Tony. I hope he’s still an effective character and that he’s been given enough buffs in other areas to make up for the nerfs.

I felt like Seth was the one character in the game that took away from the fun. Because when you played against Seth you didn’t get to play as your character. No one watched your mix ups or strats. It was all about Seth and his cool combos and mix ups and SPDs… The match up against Seth involved guessing to do whatever damage you could to him and hope he died before he combo’d you to death. That is why Rufus was his worst match up. Lots of health and lots of random heavy damaging moves.

To anyone that might know, is Seth’s teleport nerfed like Bison’s? Or is it still better than Bison’s teleport? I hope to god it’s not like Bison’s teleport, Church.

You play Gief. You have no reason to talk about sucking fun away. :lol: You literally reduce my character to long ranged zoning with seismos and meticulously placed normals. I’d rather fight Seth than Gief any day especially considering Viper beats Seth basically as bad or worse than Rufus does. At least Seth can somewhat turtle against Rufus.

I understand your point just on a frustation basis though because Seth basically renders most of Gief’s offensive ineffective and is probably even more taxing for him to fight than Sagat.

I can honestly say that Ryu is the only character in this game I have absolutely zero fun fighting.

I agree, Gief is the one who sucks the fun away from like 99% of the cast LOL no one likes fighting vs Gief and his gay ass 35% damage throws and bullshit larriat. And Ryu is the close second on taking the fun outta the game with all his safe ass options.

I cant wait to OS gh on Seth’s wakeup to follow his teleport and actually have frame adv. to punish :smiley:

if this is true, I don’t know if I’ll keep playing him. They’re taking out all the fun of the mix-ups, the only reason why I play this character. I’m raging right now, but I can’t find the words to put down.

I hope Ricky was just fucking with you and trying to instill fear, because this is the worse shit I’ve heard yet about Super…

Well, looks like the whiners got what they wanted. Hopefuly Seth will just be a slightly lower mid tier now though, but still playable (and the rumour about his midscreen bnb being removed is false). This nerf really is a joke though when you look at what capcom have done with sagat… I’ll reserve final judgement until I actualy get my hands on ssf4 in a couple of weeks though.

This is easily the most hilarious thing I’ve read in a while you massive diva :smiley:

I talked privately with Seth Killian in person last year at Evo. I told him there that I’m using Seth in SSF4 even if he becomes the worst character in the game. I stand by that statement today.

Hit the lab when SSF4 comes out. Innovate new tricks, setups and strategies. Adapt what worked in vanilla and find a way to make it work in Super. Resign from the army if you want, but I’ll always stick to Seth as long as I play an SF4 game.

Fuck yeah! Jinrai da boss!

I wanna see new technologies Jinrai.

Coming from a Gief player, that’s absolutely hilarious. Most mixups and strats work on Seth. They don’t on Gief. Gief makes SF4 the game the most incredibly boring fighting game in history.

That’s cool man, but will he get anything new to make up for losses? I mean, besides Ultra 2 combos. If anything, he’ll lose things.

I hope I’m just being a pessimistic jackfuck and that Im completely wrong.