WTF @ Seth doing high damage. The devs must’ve confused him with arcade seth, who has received a lot of complaints and is in a whole new level in terms of strength.

The only way he could deal good damage was through fadc or ex tandem which required the use of two stocks. The use of the corner extended his combos and damage as well, but many characters could also use the corner to connect their ultras and easily wipe half of Seth’s health.

well when it’s like that it could even refer to story o_O

i don’t like lawyer talk in my video games.


Seth actually does good damage in vanilla. His mid-screen punisher does 282(?) damage without meter which is better than Abel’s or Sagat’s without meter. He just doesn’t do good damage off of a hit-confirm, even if he’s in a corner. But unlike other characters having meter doesn’t make his combo damage rocket up immensely. Also, his combo damage plateaus around 450 for practical combos that aren’t wasteful.

There was only one nerf I was concerned about. and that is nerfing his long arms. and they did that, it have less priority.

How could his arms possibly get any less priority, it already feels like everything beats it cleanly. (which probably is because they “draw” his hitbox before the actual animation begins, and that the arms are nothing but an extension of his own hitbox until the split second it hits the opponent).

Now in SSFIV it won’t control nearly as much space over time as it does in vanilla, so it’s use will be of less multi-purpose, i.e. Seth running away and aiming far j.HP, with the opponent closing in (opponent actually dodging the fists) and still getting hit as Seth falls down because the arms stay out long enough to hit with the lower parts of his arms. That has been saving me A LOT of times. I guess no more.

Looks like “Defensive Seth” will get some problems in ssfiv.

Oh come on he dies in 2 combos. LOL.

It should have gone two ways:

You either leave everything as is, letting defensive Seths still play their game just fine, or you buff up his health OR dmg output (and nerf defensive options) just a cinch to promote a more offensive Seth.

You did neither capcom. Fuck you. In the ass. With a broom.

lol lol Kanta Kun. Hilarious as always.

hmm DJ. You should learn Seth someday and play him against a good opponent.

Playing and maining Seth has definitely upped my defensive game in general in SFIV.
He is a very fun and challenging character to play as for me.

I overheard J.Wong in the WCW2 stream say, that Seth does have alot more options then other characters do.
Dive kick, Wall Dive, Tandem engine to punish whiffs and backdashes, Teleport(nerf), Long range pokes(nerf), full screen ultra, vaccuum super/ultra, etc…

Upper his damage a bit too much may make him a bit OP IMO. Nothing wrong with that though.

His stamina is bad but his options are OP.

Well, if he had gotten either more HP or damage he’d be in the same league as the Ryus, Akumas, Balrogs and Sagats. Which is where he belongs!

I would’ve preferred more offensive buffs for Seth. But perhaps, just perhaps… this will be what U2 brings.

No offence, really, but have you played any good seths?

No no know hell noe on the damage boost, thx

eventhubs info.

Wow ok so even though teleport already had bad recovery frame AND could be punished with every attack in the game, they are going to add more recovery frames??? W…T…F
So what about sonicboom–teleport mix-up? since teleport will have more recovery frames is that great mix-up game going to be gone?

Yeah u just block real good and pick a character that kills him in 2 combos like Sagat or Viper. :lol: Seth isn’t that big of a deal when you’ve played against more broke shit in other fighting games. For me Seth is just another character on the roster that happens to die when u touch him a few times. He definitely has good tools but that’s a good thing cuz that means he isn’t some gimped ass character like half of the cast.

Haha Jin, screw you man xD

But I definitely agree with what you’re saying. Comparing to the truly broken shit you see in many fighting games even on non-“boss” characters, Seth is just another character on the Select Menu. Even comparing to some other characters in this game.

Also, the fact that playing him aggressively actually requires a lot of skill (not nut-riding or self praising, but it’s true) should be good enough for him to not get any “revisions to his attack potential”.

He isn’t fucking braindead, and that infuriates people.

whys europe still so salty about seth?

probably not. Might be hard to link after the SB though.

If KD Tele OKI is out I’m gonna lose it

“Seth is retarded.” - Alioune, in IRC


lol i was playing alioune last night with seth. got 4 games off him w seth, he beat me like at least a 2:1 ratio of games though, then he ran the justin argument from last year "seth isnt a street fighter character"
usually when i play him he blows me the fuck up online, hes pretty skilled and can play well in lag whereas im a bit more sensitive to it. but i man up and get put on blast anyways. so im surprised/sad to hear that coming from someone of his calibur/sagat player :sad:

Seth don’t got time for SF.