lolol @ noob players. Interesting to see how U2 sucks them in though. Looks like it might replace the U1 fireball trap in some cases. Overall Seth is still looking like Seth. =)

Can Seth do Sonic Boom, FADC, Cr. HP in SSF4?
Either I have bad timing or this is not possible in vanilla SF4.

He can’t.But he can FA lvl2 xx dash xx cr.HP, although inconsistent mid screen.

This combo only works midscreen and only on shotos and a few other chars because the boom has to hit late:

Neutral -> s.hp xx lp sonic boom xx EX Focus Cancel xx Forward Dash -> cr.hp and whatever.

First - question: Was it actually confirmed that Seth (and everyone else?) can no longer ultra with a fireball on screen? I know Ryu can’t super but I don’t remember reading about ultra and the rest of the cast.

Secondly, if this is the case, then baiting w/ FADC ultra 2 obviously wouldn’t be possible either.

I think the fireball restriction only refers to projectile-based ultras (i.e. U1)

Can anyone with a good eye spot if Seth has suffered any damage reduction on his normals/specials etc? If he hasn’t and the rest of the cast has received small damage decreases on DPs etc, then that’s like a little buff to Seth as seen from an overall perspective!

Hmm I’ll try it out in SF4 later, but I wonder if he can do QCF+P, FADC, St. HP–>QCB+K–>Ultra 2 midscreen?

If I had known that they would have SSFIV on dragons lair that day, I would’ve been there D:

Probably not, Hyakuretsukyaku knocks people to the other side of the screen.

i’ve been saying ultra 2 would be best for seth ever since i learned he could DP fadc into it

seth’s huge universal weakness in sf4 was that he couldn’t keep anyone out forever except gief, because his s.fierce had so much recovery that ppl could just walk up after blocking and still gain distance on him

he also dealt very low damage in general and quite a few characters had air options that made his ultra useless for that purpose (ryu, akuma, rufus, viper, gouken, cammy, sim, dan)

ultra 2 addresses almost all of these problems in one way or another. now he won’t be nearly as screwed if someone gets in, as dp fadc U2 is a scary defensive option that will often force people to back off. it will add a lot of damage to his various B&B’s, and it will work as anti-air against the vast majority of chars mentioned above

i’m pretty sure ultra 1 will still be best vs. sagat, but past that i’m drawing a blank…

Yeah unless you’re playing a character that excels in fireball zoning I don’t see much reason for Ultra 1 anymore.

uh…unblockable might still be in, so i dunno why you guys are talking so much shit about ultra 1? lol
boom into ultra still combos (because boom disappears before ultra hits you.

so, i asked wiz to test unblockable setup, and he says it works (just that you have to be careful otherwise u might get super).
i know its not the most reliable source, but yeah, until i get to test this, not giving up on ultra 1 completely. unblockable is too good and im basically getting it with 85% accuracy.

my fears are coming true… :confused:

Sabin, when shall our eyes be delighted with unblockable ultra in a serious match or tourney or something?I will seriously shit my pants when I’ll se that.

That only works with the fierce sonic boom.
As for the unblockable? we will have to see when the game comes out.
Other wise I see no reason besides a zoning tool to not use ultra 2.

BTW I thought I remebered hearing from somewhere that you gave up seth arturo. This true?

its already been stated that they’re working on a fix for the unblockables.

nope, watching onlinetony beast the other week lit a fire under my ass. i cant stand someone else having a better seth than me, so i stepped that shit up. XD

well, if you were to watch teamsp00ky stream archives ( youd see that im already landing the unblockable in matches (though i dont land it much here.) i hope ultra 1 unblockable still works in super. :confused: ill be sad if the one time seth has some legitimate bullshit shit gets patched lol.

So it’s possible to do ultra1 even though you have a sonic boom on the screen in SSFIV? (which is required for the unblockable as far as I understand)

Ono said that they won’t do anything about it unless it becomes a big deal.

Does not compute.