I ALWAYS use lvl.2 Focus, great for punishing sweeps with crumple.

I thought the focus was pretty slow already? I always get thrown or DP’d out of it even though he’s gone through a lot of the “tackle”-animation (he’s basically inside of the opponent already).

You sure they sped up the FAs of all the others and actually slowed down Seth’s or was his just left intact and thus perceived as “slow” for just that reason?

Proof? link?

If it is nerfed, it is completely useless outside of sagat fire ball war.


If the focus Has indeed been slowed down, that means no more Hp.Boom xx lvl2 EXFocus. Harder time baiting people into counter hit lvl1s or lvl2s.
HOPEFULLY It only seemed slower in comparison to the others, since it wasn’t bad at all before. Wasn’t fei long level, but not bad.

Also, anyone hoping Ultra 2 is something fitting for us rush down Seths? I sure hope so. I hope it does a lot of dmg so the scaling doesn’t rape it.

With how much faster focus attacks are in Super, it seems kind of necessary for Seth’s FA to be nerfed, in my opinion. It seems like it’d scale TOO well. It’s probably still pretty good anyway.

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

If you’re going for that, you’re better off just going directly into another cl.HPxxBoom FADC unless you need that little extra bit of meter. You’ll do less damage and stun with the focus attacks actually connecting.

But maybe I want to do: “s.HP xx SB xx lv.2 EX FA -> c.HP -> HK Legs -> U2” or something like that.

His actual FA isn’t slower, the “charge” time is slower, when they said FA is faster for others in the cast, they mean in the sense of the charging up time, the time it takes to get from FA lvl 1 to FA lvl 2 not the actual speed of the attack itself when it comes out.

Yeah FA’s mid combo are just useless…

That means that a level 2 FA takes longer, which is what I was saying.

IF you don’t mind me saying I have much respect for you Seth players. At first I thought you guys were suicidal nut jobs. But after playing some matches out of bordum I see the pain staking work you put into him. I would like to learn Seth but he’s so fragil. I might give him a chance in SSFIV.

Keep up the good work.

Are you kidding. Seth is not nearly as fragile as you might think. Okay yeah if you guess wrong twice you’re dead, but do you have any idea how hard it is for most other characters to put Seth into a position where he can eat a combo or ultra? Most damage Seth takes are trades and pre-emptive strikes that reset him out of what he was doing. Play any REALLY good Seth who knows he’s not just another Dhalsim and that low health can seem like a minimal tradeoff for the kinds of mixups and setups this bastard is capable of.

Literally every second of every fight against Seth is at least a 33/33/33 guessing game.

I lol’d

Umm well all I was saying was he’s hard to play with, when I say fragil I don’t mean he’s weak but rather he requires a delicate touch, someone like me who don’t play seth could’nt pick him up and pwn in the next few matches. Having said that I love a challange and would like to start learning Seth and I might do so when SSFIV comes out.


Koreans have nice taste in combos.

Tanden Typhoon has like, 3 frame startup? Wow.

So, this is the glory of the Tanden Engine, eh? Interesting.