There’s far too much Shet in this game to entertain anymore, don’t we all agree?

"Seth: Everything is the same, except his Focus Attack takes longer to hit at Level 2 now, it’s not very good. Ultra 2 can combo anywhere you could combo stomps and does good damage."
From Mr. Wizard

I would assume that means SRK FADC > Ultra II will work.

I’m pretty pissed that they slowed down his level 2 focus attack. It’s his one good way of punishing long-range pokes like Blanka’s cr.hp or shoto sweeps.

Currently level 2 focus is 29 frames. That’s average. If they made it slower that means it’s worse than average :confused:

Yeah, I can’t possibly see any valid reason as to why the Level 2 focus should be slower.
I am, however, happy that Seth hasn’t been altered in any real horrible ways. Maybe they had no real idea of what to do with him. :rofl:

Gentlemen, I think Seth is a character who is flying under the radar because of all the tweaks to the top tier characters along with the new character additions that everyone is excited about. At this point, Seth looks untouched aside from this minor change to his focus attack. Also, keep in mind that Sagat (less damage, less stamina, cancel-ability on far st.LK gone), Ryu (less damage on SRK -> FADC -> ultra combo), and Akuma (far st.LP -> st.HK loop gone) have all been affected while Seth, again, remains mostly untouched. Furthermore, if his second ultra combo has the combo-ability as initial reports claim, we will have the opportunity to pull of combos such as:

SRK -> FADC -> U2 + mix ups

corner Lightening Legs -> U2 + mix ups (no meter wasted)

AA LP SRK -> U2 + mix ups (no meter wasted)

Not once but TWICE a round because of Seth’s poor stamina.

And take a look at some of the newer characters. One could certainly theorize that:

  • T.Hawk, Hakan (similar to Zangief perhaps but to a lesser extent) will be subjects to Seth’s zoning strategies

  • Ibuki, Juri, Makoto may have strong offensive options against Seth but will have poor stamina and perhaps poor reversal options (similar to C.Viper) making all three of them baits to Seth’s dizzy combos

I do not want to get ahead of myself. This is all theory afterall. But surely Seth has the potential to be one of the best characters in SSFIV as Keno initially stated.

Did people really focus that much with seth to begin with? Seems kinda risky with his low health…

Ultra 2 comboing off stuff for no meter seems like a fair trade to me! :stuck_out_tongue:

I focus all the damn time with Seth because it has ridiculous range. We’re talking almost half screen.

And yeah I don’t know if I’m even gonna use ultra 2 against characters with a fireball. I’m definitely keeping it for Blanka because it punishes his balls on hit. People like Rufus, Abel, or C Viper where the ultra trap doesn’t work very well will get ultra 2 though. But it better do damn good damage because I’m giving up a reset situation instead of just doing stomps.

T.Hawk has an uppercut that goes half the screen, good luck trying to nj with hp against that, he can probably nail you on reaction, his horizontal flying mvoe probably goes over st.fp as well…

Didn’t it also say all other characters’ level 2 focus was sped up? So even if it was not changed it’d be worse than average. Regardless, I was kind of expecting Seth to be nerfed in other ways, so in that regard he’s pretty well off.

It is risky, but as sabin pointed out earlier virtually everything seth does at mid range is risky. Focus is actually one of his better options.

Ultra 2 comboing off stuff for no meter is only a bonus for characters that were hard to tag with ultra 1. The problem with ultra 2 is that ultra 1 is so good and stomps are so good. I’ll list my reservations about ultra 2:
[]Ultra 1 takes no meter to land either so that’s not really a bonus when considering which to pick.
]From early videos it seems that you lose mixup after ultra with ultra 2 unless you do it in corner.
[]Ultra 1 is virtually never scaled, especially important if they fixed the spin cycle damage problem.
]Ultra 1 takes away a LOT of options. The ultra 2 seems like it would punish some things, but not as many.
[*]No stomps into divekick if you use it that way. You lose another mixup.
I just don’t see it, you lose the ultra mixup and 1 shot of divekick mixup. I’m not cool with dropping 2 damage opportunities in a round in favour of an ultra which may do a little more damage depending on scaling and how you use it. This looks like something I would use in matches where I rarely get to land Ultra 1, like Viper.

I also don’t see why seth should be higher in the rankings than he was in SFIV. The weaknesses are exactly the same. Bad health, bad (worse?) footsies, bad recovery on virtually everything. If people are expecting the new ultra to boost him up the tiers, I think that will only be good for 1 point on a couple of matchups.

UltraDavid said that you can’t use Ultra 1 with a SB on the field anymore, is that true?

Link from eventhubs.

Jesus talk about lazy. Seems like all they did was Rayman’d him and added flames. Why no suit alt? that woudlve been pimpin.

His new alt is not eye appealing…

But if Sonic boom affects the activation of ultra 1… then he would lose to one of his great traps in the game, and only useful in either wake up positions or against full screen gief/honda, and guys who have issues with zoning.

Come to think of it, Makoto, Ibuki, Dudley, Guy, Cody, you know, guys who says screw zoning and just die would ruin Seth greatly, especially Makoto’s instant fireball punishing ultra 2, which is sooooo fast it has potential of punishing seth’s on whiff (exagratting, but still its freaking fast). Also if you didnt know Makoto super is almost 1 frame in total, which makes Super to Ultra 2 the ultimate Sonic boom punisher on reaction. Seth needs help against these guys, or he will have a lot of bad matches.

I know it a wall of text, and theoratical based oponion, but based from what I saw, Seth needs something against them, or them having some disadvantage against Seth, like unsafe stuff for seth to utilize against them, otherwise Seth would be screwed…

… They screwed Gen, left Guile for dead, didnt add great stuff for Gouken… All is left for me is Seth…
Please SAVE HIM CAPCOM :frowning: .

i don’t really mind if seth’s top tier…at least you will feel like you lost to someone with an above average amount of skill.

If this is true Ultra 1 has lost a lot of its use.

You have to admit. Seth ultra trap was… just pure cheese.

It was easy to beat, just jump so that you land on the SB. That baits me everytime -.-’

The entire development of Seth is lazy. He is a really terrible character as far as that goes. On a side note, look at the thumb in that pic…crazy.

The trap is really what made it good though. It will still be really useful in some match ups but now characters can walk Seth down a whole lot easier. The person you were fighting would have to jump when there were no fireballs coming at them. Not to say that’s not possible but the chances of it happening are much less likely. I guess Seth will need to save that super.

Lets stop discuss the ultra I nerf, it was confirmed by Jinrai that it wasnt true. The player who told this was eather high, drunk or a stupid retard.

The only nerf seth has AFAIK is slower lv2 focus attack, but since I never use focus with seth(way to risky), he havent change to me. He will still be the man.