That still doesn’t explain the inconsistencies with the sonic booms. Juggle limits are absolute, hitbox issues are dependant on spacing. And cinematic ultras have hitboxes as well. In fact, they have to have hitboxes to have a juggle potential. And if it was like you said, then any AA ultra would whiff the stomach hits. I can’t find anything that prove my thesis wrong, and until you find something that does, then it might very well be true.

EDIT: Looks like you’re right actually, Because on furher testing, I can always make the full ultra connect after SBing over a sweeped opponent. And never when they are in the air.And if I do, it’s when they’re really low. So the inconcistensy is probably coming from that it has a high and a low hitbox, just as you say. Still, c.HP to ultra is weird. It always hits fully in the corner. So I still think that the hitbox is the problem in that situation, only that it’s sideways, not vertical. because if you do a normal c.HP to ultra, they kinda falls into the hitbox, which might screw that stuff up. And in the corner, it might auto-correct.

EDIT2: I can disconfirm the 2 hit-boxes theory, as I tried Ultra -> sonic boom on Dhalsim when he was in 2nd state crumple, and the stomach hits whiffed.

[media=youtube]2TmWVGdbKvQ[/media] here is some proof.If you hit them on the ground with ultra wich pushes them into sonic boom=> full hits.If you hit AA ultra wich pushes them into sonic boom=> one hit ultra.Its not random.Maybe you did Ultra, THOUGHT it hit them in the air, but actually trip guarded, and got full hits.

EDIT:Sorry didnt see your edit.You can make it 1 hit version in the corner if you AA cr.hp and do it very quick.It seems that it hits kind of meaty when it does only one hit after cr.hp, though.

Yes, and that meaty probably causes a hitbox glitch of some sort. Because it just can’t be a juggle limit thing. And yes, my tests proved the same thing. The times I managed to get full hits in real matches, the opponent must have done something in the air when they jumped the SB, and I hit them during the 2 frame landing lagg.

I don’t think that air hitbox theory can be totaly correct, see:


Anti air ultras give full hits if the opponent hasn’t been hit by something else first.

Right, but he said that because of them being in a float/juggle state from the cr.hp…

Just jumping does not constitute being in a float/juggle state, so with his theory the anti-air Ultra would hit for all hits.

Seth can combo into stomps after a lp SRK and if it’s activated early enough lp SRK has enough priority to AA anyone. Priority =/= invincibility frames. If you don’t use Seth’s lp shoryu as AA as a way to get his reset offense going then you’re being dumb. There are some jump-ins at some angles that beat the lp SRK, but you learn that through experience.

You can also cancel the second hit of cr.fierce into lp srk into stomps.

So a thought I just had which would imo be really nice; make seth’s dive kick have cammy’s cannon strike motion so it can be activate from anywhere in the jump, not just near the peak. It would add a significant amount to Seth’s overall game I think. But meh, it will never happen :(.

Seth’s rushdown game would really step up if he could do that, hitting low enough would easily allow him to combo into Lightning Legs.

Also Check this out.

Keno thinks Seth is now the best character in the game, in his opinion. He can combo his 2nd Ultra after Lightning Legs in the corner and it apparently has properties that suck opponents in. Sounds promising. To be honest I don’t care if Seth is top tier or not, as long as he doesn’t get worse/nerfed.

That is pretty Sweet. Although some still have the Seth is cheap thing going on unfortunately. He’s one of my main.

I didn’t expect to main him but I think he is or rather was mostly a balanced character. I say was since SSFIV Seth, we don’t know if he is broken. He most likely is not though.

I’ll be honest… I am one of those that believe Seth is a little too good. The fact that he is essentially balanced by the random KO factor kinda hints at this. That d+RH dive kick rapes.

let the seth madness begin my fellows…soon we will see hordes of seth…our job has become complete


Yeah seth is too good and is not banned only because of shitty health and damage, but you know, that’s alright. He isn’t that easy to play and sometimes playing broken shit can be fun especially when it’s not something like ST Akuma. I’m not sure if he needed any more tools or that his legs needed to vacuum, but at least if you want to have his seemingly better combo ultra 2 you can’t bully people and punish fullscreen with ultra 1

Why does Seth exist? I have never seen a more lazy character design in a fighting game aside from Juni and Juli.

They stole his look and feel from Gill and Urien in SF3, and then threw in some recycled moves from the cast of SF4. He brings nothing new to the table, and his fighting style is an amalgamation of the most annoying tactics the other characters had to offer.

He should have been a boss and nothing more. He should not be playable. Remove Seth from SSF4!!

One thing Keno also said about Seth is that he feels he’ll be a popular pick in JP if they play SSFIV. With Seth’s health…it only takes one mistake to fuck EVERYTHING up with him. I don’t think the Japanese players will pick him so often knowing that.

You’re just mad because his j.d.MK is 34865349659 times better than Chuns.

Everything about Seth screams lazy

Shitty model with no character, literally blank muscle design that prolly is stock in whatever program they use to animate
Move set that is swapped from other characters
Balance obvious unfairness in having some of the best moves from the cast by an even lazier ideology that taking health away makes him less playable. When you are basically stating this character is too good/annoying.
Even his name they just jacked from s-kill who admittedly doesnt even like the character…go figure :confused:

Wouldn’t mind seeing Seth’s jump-back Fierce being the same as his Jump-in Fierce. It would make the Gief matchup a little less one-sided.

Seth’s too good in vanilla SFIV, if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for against him he’ll hit you for a ridiculous combo.

im stoked about seths new ultra in the corner after the lightning kicks imagine

cross up fierce kick, to l.p, standing hp, boom cancel, s.hp to boom cancel, s.hp into hk lighting legs BAAM!! seths new ultra