The final hit does around 150 damage. And I think it’s perfectly fair that if someone jumps over your slow boom that they don’t get hit for full damage because the setup is just so damn hard to get out of that if it did the full 300 + 60 from the boom it would be overpowered. They still take like 210 damage and you get the teleport mixup.

I think thats why they gave Gief the air ultra now, the Siberian Blizzard Throw. But im not a big Gief playes so what do I know.

The seth-Zangief match up balancing is no brainer, zangief must go through lots of stuff just to get close, and still have problems when he reaches seth. I guess his Air Ultra will “catches” Seth extended arms, but loses the Headbutt stun to Ultra 1.

Zangief can either threaten and basically remove one of seth’s tools, or have the ultra which threaten him when he gets close. Either way Zangief will still have to pass through Seth’s Ultra 1, or beware of his Ultra 2 if it combos from Light SRK. Still theortical Seth will have the upper hand through most of the match.

The boom glitch in the ultra makes it more balanced to stop spamming Sonic boom to ultra set up. It is very lethal especially considering when you FADC the boom. The opponent will die of chip damage from booms, making it unfair. Still you will reset the match with full distance away, with 200+ damage inflicted and a free sonic boom teleport/wall jump/wall jump cross up mix ups. For seth that is too good to not be considered to your thoughts.

But I agree that when comboing from Cr.hp, it must deal full damage, but then again Ultra 1 is not for combos, Ultra 2 is, so hope Cr.hp to Ultra 2 works, as well as SRK like ryu, wtf 100 lightning kicks in corner and the three headstomps in the air.

I can see it now: J.HK -> Cr.HP -> J.Mp -> EX SRK -> EX tanden -> Cl.HK -> XX Med 100 WTF L kicks -> Ultra 2(Corner needed).
Stun = 9000+
Style Points = 9000+
Length of combo = Movie size combo

it would be overpowered at all. almost every character in this game have a ultra that does more damage than 400. seths ultra is weak, and combo it should make the damage scale so damn huge!

As Chris555 mentioned at #2, that damage scale is stupid and ridiculus

But those character who do 400+ damage must be close or must be hitting you, what Kikuichimonji ment was the sonic boom/ Ultra set up is very powerful, doing little damage is a way to compensate it. You can punish:

fireball (Except Guile, unless you read minds…)
Anything that passes through projectile; Tatsu, lariat, any Ex rush punch, anything that leaves you open for 10 frames.

Basically it removes options and do respectable damage. Doing more damage is asking too much.

However Seth must have the option to combo fully his Ultra 1, without the “I R SAFE IN YO BELLY TILL I KISS THE WALL” crap. The belly damage must happen, and damage scalling will do the rest.

Full Ultra after c.HP works if you delay it? And I get a lot of full ultra after it launches them into the boom, but that is completely random…

Any word on whether they fixed the teleport/EX shoryu problem or if they addressed it at all?

Lol Abel is one of Seth’s worst match up - don’t complain.

Actually none of his stuff is “best,” he just has a lot of versatility. His sonic boom has terrible recovery and a terrible EX version. His srk has much worse priority than other srks, and basically all shotos can land big damage from a trade srk. His spd cant even be compared to Zangief’s. These aren’t complaints nor should they be changed, but the fact that you consider them the best moves in the game is laughable. Hopefully you meant best ‘moveset.’

Last time I checked, Seths HP SRK had rediculous invincibility frames.

seth actually has the best srk in the game, 1~7 through lp-hp and a whooping 1~22 for ex version. only akuma comes close followed by ryu.

I thought he LP version had crappy invincibility though? I always get snuffed when I use it.

Wait, what? The invincibility runs through the whole start-up? Are you positive about this? For all versions?

I do know Seth’s current EX SRK beats out Rufus’ EX Messiah. That in itself kills a big part of Ruf’s up-close game. So yeah, there’s a reason why Seth’s SRKs have insanely long recovery.

no move in the game can beat Seths EXP SRK that I know

Why seth’s ultra doesnt do full hits has been discussed on the SF4 juggle thread.The spinning part of the ultra is considered a throw with no juggle, while the last hit has juggle(i guess infinite or some shit but it doesnt matter) and if the ultra hits them while jumping over a sonic boom the ultra catches them airborne, and when they hit the sonic boom, because of them being considered in the air it adds to the juggle counter, and the spinning part doesnt have juggle so it doesnt hit.Thats why ulta-push into sonic boom still does full damage, because if it hits them on the ground sonic boom doesnt add to the juggle counter because of them being on the ground.Think of it as rufus j.HK super on rose and intrerupting the second hit with soul spark.Nothing will hit them except ultra or super because although they are clearly on the ground, they are considered airborne and in juggle state, and since his normals dont have infinite juggle, they will pass right through.

I’m not sure what you said is right mike as this problem also happens if you ultra too soon after c.hp - if you wait a small ammount his ultra does full damage, yet juggle state after c.hp stays the same until the opponent hits the ground. Seth has another similar bug with ex tanden that I really hope is fixed in super also; If you ex tanden someone out of some moves (e.g. tatsu) or if you ex tanden while somoene’s in the air such that ex tanden catches them when they land it puts your opponent in a juggle state such that you can only hit them once after, and any subsequent move will whiff - however using normal tatsu this doesn’t happen.

Did you even read my post in that thread Mike? It explains why c.HP misses as well. Ran some tests yesterday, and managed to connect full ultra when the sonic boom hit before the ultra or it hit the opponent if they we’re really close to you when they we’re hit by the ultra, and then immediately got hit by the boom. This means that’s it’s not a juggle problem, it’s a hitbox problem.

My theory for those that haven’t seen it:

Re seths SRKs, the wiki here is the only site I know with invul frame data. It has 7 frames invul, 5 frame start up for mp & hp srk, which is really good. Similar to Ken mp which was one of the better anti-air srks I was aware of. Quite good for a non-EX move. The wiki also has no invul frames at all down for lp srk, which makes it truly crappy, you probably shouldn’t use it much if ever. It has 22 frames for EX dp, which is crazy. That’s every single active frame btw, he doesn’t gain an active hit box until he hits the apex and starts to fall down in recovery. So yeah, really good.

I did read your comment, but considering it is a cutscene ultra, hitbox misplacement seem very unlikely.For not hiting fully after cr.hp might be the same problem.The ultra hits both on the ground and in the air.My theory is:If you do ultra too fast after cr.hp, they will get hit by the part of the ultra that hits in the air and because them being in float state a juggle counter is started, and the hits dont juggle.If you wait a bit i think the lower part of the ultra hits, which might make them stand and not be considered a juggle.
I am NOT saying this is completely true, but it the best explanatian i can come with, using facts posted by Anotak, who searched through SF4’s code lines.
Regarding EX tandem bug:Regular tandem is considered a grab, so if it connects, it will put them in that state no matter how it connected.However Ex tantem is not considered a grab, as abel can roll through it, and you can actually trade with it, so it is actually considered a “hit” which doesnt create a juggle state, but the opponent is still considered airborne, therefore the next move you do will put them in a wierd juggle state.
This is the difference betwen regular tandem and EX tandem, as to why if you grab someone out of the air and you cant combo after but you can after EX srk Ex tandem which also gets them out of the air i dont have any theory.