I like his ultra. If what is said to be true about the varieties of landing it, it will be my first choose against non-fb spammer or turtle

Boom-teleport seems bugged. Sometimes I get ex-SRK instead of teleport after I throw a boom, even though I use the 3P or 3K button. I hope they fix this in SSFIV.

It’s still nothing that stands outside of the domain of things that the other character could do to you without ultra. Anyone can do a comeback if playing well, that’s not what I’m referring to. I’m referring to the fact that they have ultras that deal enough damage to have the ultra itself being considered a comeback. They have a “one-button” comeback, while Seth doesn’t. Some characters even have 1-combo stuns on Seth.

I honestly believe Seth does not need any HUGE changes. He has a new Ultra. The Thing with Seth is he is the “New Akuma” High risk High rewards. He takes a crap load of damage, but also has some of the best moves. Let’s see… best projectiles, best anti air shoryu ( you get head stomp for free if you trade), a beast load of normals as well. If they tone down those a little in terms of priority, especially his normals, I can see him getting a boost in health. Otherwise, he should stay the same. He is like 1 person said, 1 move from being broken, but also 1 stat from being garbage.

Developers said, we will hate seth more than ever O.O
I think, he’ll be a lil bit overpowered after all.

I stopped when you said best fireball. I can only imagine the wealth of misinformation that followed.

I’m pretty sure they meant that Seth will be an even tougher boss fight, not so much the actual character for player use.

I can only imagine how broken Seth would be if his booms had the same recovery as Guile’s. Best zoning tools and best shoryuken put together would make a very annoying god tier in this game.

we dont know that yet!

I think they should switch back to Seth’s old arms. Having them stay out covers much more area while you’re moving through the air. A nice and REAL buff would’ve been if the arms automatically retracted as a reaction of successfully hitting the opponent. Not retracting even if you don’t hit, that just makes things more difficult for Seth imo.
Keep them as they are (nerfed), but allow us to do them while jumping forward as well. Like Dhalsim can.

This isn’t a bug, you are doing srk too early. Timing it is a skill.

Also Seth’s arms haven’t been nerfed. If his arms stayed out until you hit, you’d find yourself getting srk ultrad a whole lot more! Also his arms staying out longer on hit allows you to get under or pass over fireballs you normally wouldn’t be able to.

And it sounded a to me a lot like the dev ment CPU Seth when he said we’d grow to hate him a lot more in SSF4.

They were referring to CPU Seth as the final boss…why would anyone assume otherwise? Being beaten online by some guy mashing something you can’t overcome or react to due to lag has nothing to do with how good or bad a character is.

They’re beefing CPU Seth up because even in arcade mode he was a joke, Gill from 3S was at least kinda difficult at times. The final boss of the game shouldn’t be someone you casually off with fireball spam or constant jump ins… They’ll give him more health, better AI, and more damage. That’s what they mean when they say we’ll hate him–his CPU version already has ~1200 stamina as it stands, wouldn’t be surprised if they upped it to 1500.

Of course it’s a bug. The motions for SRK and teleport are exactly the same, except ex-SRK uses 2P instead of 3P. How else would you explain me getting ex-SRK when I use the 3P button? That should be impossible.

I’m referring to jumping HP, not standing HP. As it is now you have this invisible hitbox extending out almost as soon as you press the button while in the air, which can easily get you SRK’d or ultra’d even though the animation itself of his arms hasn’t reached the area the opponent hits. The same goes for Dhalsims limbs. This should be fixed. It’s just wrong that they can hit Seth even though no part of him is there (yet).

Not retracting the arms while in the air is about controlling more space over time, rather than quickly retracting the arms which only controls a relatively small area over a brief time-frame. A real world example would be: Seth jumps backwards and does j.HP. Akuma does his teleport to close in, right in front of Seth. With the arms not retracting as fast (as they are in SF4) Akuma gets hit by the part of the arms thats closest to Seths body as Seth is moving back to the ground. However, with quickly retracting arms Seth completely misses Akuma and is a sitting duck in the air until he lands, which could lead to all sorts of trouble. Like eating a Raging demon.

So I think retracting the arms faster is a quite big nerf. Most of the times I get caught by SRK are on the startup of the arms anyway, so I don’t really see how retracting the arms faster would help in that case. The only case it would help is if they retract quicker after successfully hitting the opponent. Since some characters can get hit by Seth’s j.HP and still recover quick enough mash out a SRK into ultra on Seth before the arms have retracted.

I actually got struck by this awesome idea now! They should make the time j.HP stays out be controllable by how long you hold the button down for! That way, since everything is situational, you could always choose the best option!

I… I agree. i really saw them as a buff, but you have converted me.

I am having a hard time understanding why people are so against faster recovery on the arms. Sure you will not be able to control space but it is very dangerous to use them like that.
One example is once Ryu has super He can punish arms on block with super.

I played NYC Henry at the kit tournament last weekend and his honda destroyed me. I never played a honda that controlled the seth match up. I will admit I don’t have lots of honda knowledge becasue it seemed like such an easy fight in the past only requiring arms and boom. I am not saying fast arms would have won me the fight but I am just saying I can see how better recovery is a buff. He hit my arms so many times it made me really change the way I think about using them.

So you think walk forward sonic boom and jump pack sonic boom/srk are bugs also? Inputs overlap, that’s just street fighter. Learn to get round it! If you understand the engine then everything that comes out makes sence, if a srk comes out when you want teleport it’s your own fault.

Hawkins, your logic seems to not apply to other characters which have a teleport and fireball as well. IE Akuma it’s a specific weakness which was given to Seth which seems vastly unwaranted and is not caused by the same thing at all.

SRK has higher input priority than a hadouken, Teleport has higher input priority than SRK but it specifically functions differently when a boom has been recently thrown. Even with Hadouken FADC teleport with Akuma it does not run into this issue and the command priorities are the same. There’s a specific Seth only property which causes this, intentional or not it’s not necessary for him to be balanced for play.

HawkinsT that is a bug ffs! And your exemple was terrible.

I really hope they fix the problems/bugs with Ultra 1. Sometimes, the “centrifuge” part of the ultra, when he spins the opponent within his belly, doesn’t do ANY damage at all. These are just a few examples that come to mind:

  1. You combo into the ultra from crouching fierce punch, sometimes the centrifuge does NO damage here.

  2. You do an ultra when the opponent has jumped over one of your booms, as a result he gets pushed into the boom and takes damage from the boom. Here we get no damage from the centrifugal part again.

To boot, you get damage reduction in all of the above cases. So the final hit of the ultra almost does no damage at all.

You need to time your ultra a bit later after juggling it from cr.FP if you want the full damage potential, similar to how Abel needs to time his ultra after hitting the cr.FP launcher.
