first paragraph: Just push the button a little later from now on. If it won’t hit, then they’re probably too close for you to be doing that anyway and you should have gotten DPed, or dashed under, or AAed or something. try n.j.HK

second paragraph: it’s possible that there’s some stray hitbox, but i’m pretty sure our eyes just can’t keep up with the speed of the animation. note that since the arms disappear when hit you don’t exactly get to see the frame at which they make contact…

i agree. i might pick U2 over U1 against…uh…shit…elf maybe? rufus? someone who is always up on my nuts so i can SRK fadc and get big damage off my lucky guess. it’s gotta be high damage for me to consider it over U1 seriously though. U1 is just too useful. of course, once i get my hands on the game i’ll know for sure but for now, i dunno.

If U2 juggles, I will only use U1 against Sagat And Ryu, to keep them from spamming fireballs. An ultra that you can SRK FADC will realy help my rushdown game.

If it can hit the opponent in juggle state, like SRK 1 hit or after the three head stomps, and does enough damage to boot, and if seth gets slight health boost, then I will rush down with SETH. Otherwise I’ll turtle with ma lil old ultra I.

But his ultra animation is akward, he seems like “meh I’ll let ma belly do the talking:rolleyes:”, unlike his “GET IN MA BELLY:rock:” Ultra.
Seth like…his belly… :wtf:?

Posted this on another thread yesterday: I was asking Arturo/Sabin some stuff yesterday on the frame-advantage stream about Seth’s new Ultra. he said that in any situation where you’d combo into stomps you can now use ultra.

I asked him specifically about corner Hyakuretsu > ultra 2 and he said that works too.

His ultra looks pretty badass.

It’s fun to rush down as Seth, as long as you CAN play it safe if you start to get countered.

Here is a combo with hes second ultra.

Opponent Jump:
j.f. mp–>3x headstomp–>missed divekick–>ultra II

Here’s another combo:

s.HP xx EX SRK x3 -> EX tanden -> s.HP xx EX SRK x3 -> Ultra 2.

Maybe it’s just me, but doesn’t his j.HP look a lot more horizontal?

Nope, They are the same. The screen might be stretched, making it look like that.

Hyakuretsu ultra 2 works in the corner?How’s that?Hyakuretsu super doest work and super has inifinite juggle and 6 frame startup.Or at least i couldn’t make it work.If hyakuretsu super DOES actually work,please take my apologies.

Doesn’t work, we discussed this above. I think the Super is out of range.

That’s what Sabin said. I wasn’t there to test it, so I can’t tell you anything. he could also have played an earlier build, it might have been removed. Everything can still change, though i don’t see why this would.

Maybe the super not workin is for the same strange reason EX tandem doesnt work in the corner?

Probably a hitbox issue, the opponent is likely too close.

Well as long as it can combo from stomps, SRK or/and 100 lighting WTF kicks and has some damage to boost, then seth will have two solid and almost balanced set of ultras.

Ultra 2 looked to do about the same amount of damage as ultra 1, and as ultra 1 is so easy to get by itself I think ultra 2 would need a damage boost to be worth while, else if you’re just comboing in to it it’s going to do even less than ultra 1 when you take damage scaling in to account.

looks more powerful to me, that was a 75% ultra.

What Seth needs is a comeback ultra and some more stamina (100-150 hp). Not another ultra that’s easy to land and does no damage. Every other character in the cast can basically land ONE ultra on Seth and it’ll be enough to either kill Seth off completely or leave him with less than 2% life left. While Seth basically has no comeback possibilities.

This is not true. One ultra combo usually leaves Seth at around 40% life. Seth also has good comeback potential if he has his ultra. If you land his ultra and land the boom teleport mixup afterwards that’s at least half life.

And if you land the mix-up after that, they are basically dead.