Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me…looks like it does slightly more damage than his original Ultra?

Although when i first saw it I kinda went ‘wtf’.

As an overall punisher Ultra I us better, but Ultra II might do more damage and should be great against jump-ins.

Looks like it’ll be beast if you can get someone in the corner also.

It might be more comboable, we don’t know (I bet it is). It also looks like it does more damage. One of the hits might have whiffed at the beginning.

But it’s gonna take a lot for me to give up “I can ultra anything you do on reaction even at full screen.”

I’m thinking this is probably his combo ultra, and it definitely causes a lot more damage than his ultra 1. It wasn’t full charge, I’m sure some of the hits missed and even then it caused about 300 damage I think. FP Shoryu FADC Ultra might be possible. It would be cool for Seth to have an on demand, high damage option like that.


I guess the upside is that it doesn’t take as long…?

The whole setup was a cinema, the moment it got back to the action, the vortex was already out.

Judging from it…it MIGHT be comboable. It BETTER be comboable.

If he has time to do EX tanden after SRK FADC, he can definitely do that ultra. Can’t wait to try stuff like j.d.MK -> j.MP -> j.d.MKx3 -> whiff j.d.HK -> Ultra 2.

just popped in to say wut to that ultra

it was kinda cool i guess.

not that much damage though :frowning:

will seths new ultra be abel to be comboed in after a fadc srk?

No one knows yet.

I’m 90% sure it does, otherwise, you have no reason to use it over tanden stream.

Just from a visual standpoint it’s odd because if you look at the rest of his moves he has this aura of calm arrogance about him like he’s not even trying. the new ultra doesn’t really fit in that regard but I’m interested to see the final amount of damage it ends up getting.

his j.hp and teleport looked quicker to me. i should check in training mode…of course it could have just been the video…

Jumping fierce seemed to retract faster, but I’m really not sure, eyes often play tricks on us.

i’m about 80% sure now that j.hp recovered faster. there clearly wasn’t enough time to get c.HP’d on its recovery, which is something i was able to do in training mode as guile.

Seth’s new ultra is okay, but it could be a lot cooler.

Like if instead of a tornado, he shot out a beam that looked like the ball from his super.

What do you guys think about Seths arms retracting faster, buff or nerf?
I guess its situational. You used to be able to throw out those arms while neutral jumping when the enemy stands right beside you and the part of the arms closest to Seth’s body would hit the opponent as Seth comes down from the jump, since they don’t retract so quickly. I’m guessing this won’t be the case anymore? I use that aspect of j.HP a lot so for me it would be a huge nerf since I throw the arms out and use the fact that they’re extended while i’m falling to hit the opponent.

I think they should fix the hitbox of the arms. The hitbox (part of me that doesn’t do damage to my opponent, my own hitbox) seems to extend before the animation part of the arms has reached out. I always get random DP’d or Ultra-teleport-glitch’d by Ken on my “ghost” limbs thanks to that!

his ultra needs to do more damage, or have some sort of crazy hit property like his first one does to be useful

as it stands, i like being able to shut down an opponents options wiht his first ultra, over this one. Even with the weak damage that it does.