Alright ill give it a whirl in training to get it right and then try it online. What about the link from c.lp to s.hp? How would u plink that link? Lol
cr:lp: + s.:mp:+:hp: if I’m not mistaken
I don’t P-Link with Seth at all. Though when I randomly play Ryu, I do it here and there.
asianxcore, nope. It should look like on the input display
Which means instead of being " s:mp: + :hp: " it’s the other way around. You press HP before MP.
I don’t bother plinking with Seth unless I am performing st.rh > as if I cr.lp comes out it works either way. Plinking with Seth is not necessary as most of his combos have quite a few frames of input. cr.lp to st.fp is 3 frames ffs.
See i feel like zenicide. Honestly the extra work messes up my longer strings of fc combos n stuff. But that rh to mp doesnt sound bad at all. Maybe i just need time to adjust
It used to bother me, but not anymore. It’s natural now.
I dont do it from cr.lp>st.HP, it gets confusing to me that way. But anything involving MP, I p-link. Which includes jab-jab-jab-jab-far.MP xx FADC> SPD
You saw me suck captainbuttocks? I am ass at this game.
Oh yeah, Capcom apparently removed Seth J.FP stretch arms at the location test for the arcade version. Yay? lol
Thanks for the correction Kanta.
I don’t P-Link, I should have left the answers to you guys
I think this game is gonna lose a bunch of fans if these nerfs go thru. Wtf with the j.hp!!! This game is becoming more retard friendly by the day… mashed out dps and now catering to idiots that cant focus hit a j hp!!! I dont use it to run but its a huge loss cuz i use it up close to surprise spd!
Whats seth gonna do against gief? Try and link while he mashes ultra 1 and grabs? Tandem so u can get punished by grab? Jump in so he can press easymode ppp? And then after all that he gets the match for all the damage he can do.
Lol Seth is gonna head straight to the bottom of the tier list with this one. A character with no health, bad normals, bad walk speed, and bad recovery on projectiles? A character with those traits NEEDS a zoning tool.
What I’m gonna say right now is totally worthy as a first post.
WTF CAPCOM!!! Stop nerfing Seth God dammit!!!
Seth ultra 1 will now be useless. Thats… just… stupid.
How is everyone playing the Bison/Seth matchup in Super.
It feels so different now and I bodied by Bison players like no other.
I’m still glad neutral j.rh still beats out Headstomp whiff shenannigans and empty jumps against Bison, but I’m having trouble with everything else haha
Pretend you’re Ryu. Throw fireballs, anti-air him. When you get a knockdown do safe jumps or an OS if you’re feeling frisky. Then go to town and stun the bastard.
When they have U2 rely more on a poking game while waiting for a chance to tanden engine/jump in. Poke with,, j.hp, sonic boom (just don’t get caught…).
Thanks for the tips. I’ll have to remember to play the matchup that way. Most of the time I do, but more often than not I get cornered/’ed to death or get hit with a random ass EX Headstomp.
I’ve been throwing in Jab Tandens on Bison’s Wakeup for opponents who like to EX Psycho Crusher on wakeup. Nice way to get them to burn some bar, since the EX Psycho Crusher goes through Seth.
Also do you use U1 or U2 in that matchup? U1 pretty much shutdowns any and all Bison movement forward/Devil’s Reverse BS, but U2 definitely helps the rushdown mentality.
So has the OP gone MIA? There’s In Depth tips against… Gen… and …?? How about some strategy against characters that “destroy” Seth, that we’ll run into more frequently? Like Guile and Honda?
Fucking shabby.
vs guile: counter-turtle
vs honda: zone
for further advice see frame data.
tbh I don’t think there’s much point breaking down matchups in depth atm, everything’s going to change with ae anyway.
Yea should prob wait to make a new thread about new strategies incase the character playstyle changes dramatically
I use U1 vs dictator. Punishes EX Psycho on block and like you said punishes Devil’s reverse.
If you do a meaty hp SRK correctly on Dic’s wakeup it will beat EX Stomp and it will hit him up so high that you can combo directly into stomps. Obviously you want to FADC the DP if you can.
When Dictator gets a scissor kick trap going just block for a while. Once you block a he’s minus and pushed out.