Seth-in-depth Match-up Thread

Watch out for his Bunshin throw, it grabs crouching Seth for 200 damage :frowning:

i dunno if this was posted yet. but after seeing justin wong show that rufus’ galatic tornado destroyed roses’ U2 orbs, i tried it with seths EX tandem engine and it seemed to have destroyed both orbs from halfscreen. i dont know if any of this changes if rose is blocking or anything but ill test it out more tomorrow.

Pretty sure it doesn’t grab crouching…I could be wrong though.

It does :frowning:

On larger/taller characters, it will.

Hakan is also part of the “I can’t crouch out of this shit” group.

So that’s why I was getting grabbed by that asshole.

Goddammit… I asked the guy, “Does Bushin Flip grab crouchers?” and he said “Of course.” I thought it was universal.

Regular and Instant Bushin are both pretty annoying.

IMO, the matchup is really hard for Seth. Bushin eats up a lot of Seth’s air-to-air options ( for instance). Gotta watch out throwing too many booms because of EX Shoulder, which then opens up Guy’s mixup game.

Also I find Instant Headstomp on knockdown on Guy doesn’t work too well because of EX Hurricane on wakeup with Guy trades in his favor. I would guess most Guy players would burn the bar to get Seth off them.

I’ve yet to figure out this matchup against a solid Guy player. One of my friends plays a really great Guy and it’s extremely frustrating.

According to J Wong Rufus is broken because he can stop Rose’s Ultra 2 from a distance:
Welcome to hell my fellow Seth players, J Wong just made it OK for everyone to call Seth broken apparently =P


EDIT: By the way, if Rose is blocking she keeps her orbs

lololol, awesome.

Justin says the dumbest shit sometimes though.

Guess what else beats out Rose’s Orbs from a distance? Fireballs… Anyone with a Fireball is broken.

People have forgotten j wong; “gouken and seth are broken” from vanilla? He might be a good player but any thing he says can pretty much be disregarded without a second thought I think.

Couldn’t Seth do headstomps on Gouken without getting hit by his parry in Vanilla? If so, Gouken’s parry hits headstomp now.

lmao, you can still head stomp and instant stomp Gouken and avoid parries. You are not timing it correctly.

That’s cool and all but its really easy to block TE which would just be a free combo for Rose since her Ultra Balls would hit Seth in his recovery. Unless you do a full screen TE that won’t pull her in all the way.

Does anyone have some Seth vs Dudley tips besides the MGB punishes? I’m having a hard time with this matchup.

I know, it was more about pointing out that if that makes Rufus broken, Seth is broken too, although Rufus can apparently take at least one orb away even when she’s blocking, but i think that’s very spacing and timing heavy so i have no idea if that would count as broken… J Wong seems to think so =P

Wow Seth vs Vega. Deffo U1 for this matchup, but it’s difficult to get his wall dives as they can cross up. I had to keep on command throwing his wake up and baiting EX Kick thing and punish. A harder matchup than I expected for Seth.

Pretty easy match up imo. Your j.sp beats his wall dive, which then leads to U2/mixups. Vega also has bad wake up options, so you can mix in SPD’s for free. U1 is pretty useless on this match up, stick to U2.

I stopped picking U2 for vega after I tried to counter his random ultra with mine… and he flew right through it and countered me. Actually come to think of it I’ve had that experience in most matchups now, only person I still use U2 on is guile.

I never pick U1 ever again lolol, Force myself to make openings happen instead of turtling and zoning lol. it’s helped me so far. plus the Flashy Flashy combos are cool too