Seth Combo Thread **Check first post for BnBs**

This basically only works versus a grounded opponent if they’re at really specific spacing so that the shoryu hits late. However, cr.hp (2 hits) xx lp shoryuken -> headstomps works, is universal, and is Seth’s best punisher mid-screen.

I’ve never tried to do cr.lp -> xx lp srk. However, I think the lp srk whiffs.

Yeah, the lp-srk whiffs. and I didn’t find any link that gives you the right spacing. And it’s character specific in the sense that you need different spacing for different characters.

Combo practicality (regarding follow-ups) seems to be the same as anything that leads to Stomps.

I’ve gotten the SRK to connect following cLP -> cMP from point blank on Akuma-sized characters and a bit farther on the likes of Sagat. And I was more referring to combo practicality to lead into it since that’s more of an issue. It just would be interesting to have something like cLP -> cMP xx LP SRK -> Stomps, Dive Kick midscreen for no meter.

Edit: [media=youtube]vPpil8tU0kI"[/media]

Well, but it’s not really practical in any way. How often do you get at exact point blank to land cr.lp > xx lpSRK and pray that it hits? Seth can’t really afford to whiff a SRK right in front of his opponent.

It’s better to wait for your opportunity and land a cr.HP combo. Not just because it’s easier, but also because it does more damage/stun and counts less for the dmg scaling.

…The idea being to find a setup (not necessarily cLP -> cMP but whatever) that would put you in the spacing where it wouldn’t be a prayer, where you would know you were going to connect the followup.

If no setup grants that then it’s not practical, yeah. But for now it’s not fully tested so it’s something I’m looking into.

And just for clarification of my last post now that I’m looking at it, I meant that I got the SRK to hit after the combo, not the SRK -> Stomps.


Some combos I found.

Was trying to work out the highest stun corner combo today. Best I could come up with (can’t think of any way to get it higher):

neutral > s.hp xx qcf.hp xx FA lv.2 > qcb.lp > s.hp xx qcf.hp xx FA lv.2 > qcb.lp > > > > jump > x3 >

Uses 4 bars and gives 430 damage, 761 stun - 420 damage, 761 stun if you start with - 455 damage, 810 stun if first hit’s a counter - 436 damage, 810 stun if it’s a counter off a (so trying to predict someone fb’ing I guess)…

With damage scaling if you manage to stun your opponent with that you won’t be doing much more damage after though, but I have been trying to work out what the highest damage follow up will be - will keep people posted when I work it out =).

note: tandems obviously just to built meter, they have no other function in the combo.

Doesn’t it do more damage and stun because of scaling if you just FADC and do s.hp? And then you can still end it with -> xx legs -> stomps.

Good point, I was stupid putting the focus attacks in, and also I’m now pretty sure seth’s hard trials 4 and 5 have zero use :/.

Extrapolated figures using FADC instead:

Neutral start = Damage: 478/Stun: 878

Angled start = 468/878

Counter neutral start = 503/928

Counter angled start = 493/928

edit: crap, this combos already under stun punishers :/.

Technically mid-screen the FA2 is better because it does a bit more damage and gives you the reset, but it’s not entirely consistent off of a xx sonic boom like a FADC is because of the spacing after the pushback of the sonic boom (The focus attack can whiff).

Yeah, I was playing about with this combo online today - in a position to do it 3 times, FA whiffed twice (slightly out of corner) :/. Need to try it more I guess, but if the FA is really that inconsistent I’m not sure I’d ever want to use it.

Seths best stun combo is J.HK -> (c.HP xx EX tanden)x2 -> c.HP -> hyakuretsukyaku -> j.d.MK x3 -> j.d.HK

200+200+160+140+150+25+20+15+20= 930, 980 with counterhit. I just calculated this, but I know it’s true, because I remove a j.d.MK and use it as an insta-stun on Guile.

Cheers. Doesn’t work right in the corner but I was intending to try that.

With > instead of the final c.hp you get 941 stun. 991 with counter hit, and 471 damage against Ryu. Wonder if there’s anyway to get 8 more stun somewhere :/.

Neutral -> s.hp xx lp sonic boom xx EX Focus xx Forward Dash -> s.hp xx lp sonic boom xx EX Focus xx Forward dash -> cr.hp -> ultra: 496 Damage, 710 Stun.

The sonic boom fadc cr.hp works only mid-screen and only at certain ranges. Done on Ryu.

We should be doing neutral -> s.hp xx lp sonic boom -> cr.hp xx lp shoryu -> stomps. 419 Damage, 720 Stun. You lose 15 stun for 24 Damage. The FADC combo is considerably harder though.

Note: The is needed at the beginning for spacing reasons.

Edit: It’s really not all that hard. Also, it is character specific.

Is Seth’s instand overhead Headstomp --> whiff Divekick a legit shenanigan or is it easily Reversal shoryu punishable?

Is Seth’s Headstomp --> Divekick combo (on standing opponent) even safe?

Just wondering…

Waste of ultra imo (which is why I never tried this combo before), but pasting for interest as I didn’t know Seth had a > 500 damage combo: > s.hp xx ex.srk (7 hits) > ex tanden > c.hp > ultra - 517 damage 628 stun. fyi it’s 505/622 if you only get off 6 hits on the srk.

I guess if you’re trying to finish someone off it might be an alright combo midscreen (starting with either an angled or, though in the corner you can bnb instead of ultra for more stun and I think 22 less damage, which the reset more than makes up for (especialy considering how easy Seth’s ultra is to get off by itself).

It’s a shenanigan that’s not too safe. I abused the absolute hell out of it up here in the NW by using Ex SPD to follow-up any poke someone would throw out. People so far have shown me to combat it by: Fastest standing poke (Example: Bison’s s.HK), Mashed out SRK, or jump. Of course this all depends at what point the headstomp hits and how fast you are able to perform the whiffed dive kick.

Additional Information regarding Headstomps: It has the negative edge property, meaning if you press and hold MK it will perform a headstomp, then upon releasing MK it will perform another headstomp if holding down.

Not sure if this is thread to ask, but in the combo video posted in the misc videos thread ([media=youtube]bdRMqKu73KE[/media]) he uses EX tandem to pull people out of the air after srks. I’ve tried doing this and it doesn’t seem to work. Am I missing something or is there a specific timing for this?

P.S. Jared respond to me on AIM =[

It has to be an EX SRK and it has to hit at least 6 times if you hit them when they were on the ground.

Sorry man, today was cleaning day at the Freedom Bunker so I was running back and forth in the apartment.

^^ This. I’ve found the most consistent way to land the Ex SRK to Ex Tanden is to have a small delay between the First and Second hits of the Ex SRK, then you’re free to mash to your hearts content. The Ex Tanden you have to wait a small bit after you leave the screen and execute to ensure you aren’t in recovery when you try to execute it.