Seth Combo Thread **Check first post for BnBs**

The Sonic Boom gives you 3 extra damage over just using EX Tandem, the spacing is intensive, and it’s lower stun.

I think I got almost all the numbers down. If anyone wants to proofread this, please do. Is it legible? Could it be formatted better for use? Are there too many goddamn words? I want your guys’ input. I don’t want to scare people away from Seth because they can’t figure out the combo page.

c.hp,, EX shoryu mashed slowly, EX tandem, c.hp ultra? lol

This may of been 3 months ago but I don;'t think I noticed it back then so just to reply - yeah, you have to dash, can’t just walk under him.

No. :mad:

If you want to make your opponents mad, use (all crouching):lpxx lkxx lp->mpxx lp tandem. It works like magic and opens some combo openings if they try to reversal stuff. lp to mp loses in block strings since it can be mashed out and the opponent can just jump away from tandem (being “throw” properties). use lp tandem since its start up is the fastest. it beats alot of reversals (although i dont know about the ultras) and its extremely useful to end it in a combo against happy rollers abels. Hell you can even mix it up after tandem for a spd tick attempt since there are stuck in block/hit stun.

Also its the new rage quitter for scrub alert 2, so if you want hatemails…

FA.lv3 > cr.HP > > hp.SRK xx FADC > > x3 > j.d.HK = 2 bars; 368 dmg; 300 dmg sans FA.

j.d.HK wiffs here, so you might be able to setup something after it, but i don’t think so.


cr.HP > > hp.SRK xx FADC > EX.Tanden > cr.HP xx lp.SRK > x3 > j.d.HK = 4 bars; 391 dmg and 610 stun.

The damage is a bit on the low-side for a 4 bar combo.

I don’t think there are any more useful combos to be found…

Not sure if its old news to you guys, but I messed up one of my combos and found something out.

Anyways, I was going for (close) s.fp xx sb but accidentally hit s.fp xx spd. The only thing is that my opponent hit focus right when I hit s.fp, and my SPD grabbed him right out of it. So I basically comboed into spd. Might be a neat trick if you anticipate focus? Don’t know how useful it is, but I enjoyed the sight of it nontheless.

Yeah, I’d rather just DP because it does just 30 less damage overall (since both the AA hit and the grounded first hit connect against focus) and you don’t risk getting counter-hit out of it or them backdashing the SPD. I think the damage might even be the same since getting hit out of focus counts as a counter-hit, but grabbing them out of it does not. It’s a cool little trick though.

I haven’t tried it with the second j.MP but without it you can make the dive kick whiff and catch them with EX tandem.

so it would be:

c.Fierce >> j.MP (1 hit) >> fp. SRK (1 hit) xx FADC >> j.d+mk x3 (staggered) >> j.d+HK (whiff) >> EX Tandem


people might know this by now but there’s also:

air to air j. d+mk >> j.MP (1 hit) [land] >> j.d+mk x3 >> j.d+hk (whiff) >> EX tandem


in corner:

fp.SRK xx FADC >> j.d+mk x3 >> j.d+hk (whiff) >> EX tandem


Good that you were able to take SOMETHING out of that mess of a combo.

haha, i had the video on my phone like a month ago but i was too lazy to transfer it to computer + upload it. :sweat:

i want to try with the 2nd but i’m not so sure I can make it work.


i can do it, but i dont have time to make a video right now ;(

also the timings kind of ghey.

thanks for sharing! :woot: it’s so nice to see something i haven’t seen before…

I dig combos. I’m loving the skill level you guys are exhibiting.
I personally want SEth to be my Tournament ready character. So i wont be messing to much with alot of these funner combos.
PErsonally if I have a full super meter, and I get a c:hp: im going straight for the super combo and 450dam with breaking a sweat.
I’m always trying to charge meter to get a super, but often times may only have 2 bits at a critical moment in the battle.
To that end, I do want to focus on learning the combos that use 1-2 bits of super meter.
(anyway; great story complete)

What do you guys consider to be the “practical” seth combos with 2 or more bits of super meter?

Everything on the front page is practical besides the ‘style points’ combos. I use all of the combos on the front page in match.


I def utilize the dp fadc headstomps,
and i understad the practicality of the air to air j:mp: shenanigans

I’ve read over all of this data, I will just continue to study/practice and give it sometime to absorb into my brain.

Thanks for the great resource doods

fa sho man. even the most difficult setups and combos are practical if you can do 'em. ;]

As I recently brought the issue of Practicality regarding Seth’s Combos. I would like to submit a few notes that I have taken regarding the topic:

:d::hp:xx:lp:SRK H.S. doesnt work if you cross up your opponent with a j:hk: (the H.S. will whiff)

:d::hp: j:mp: shenanigans won’t work if you cross your opp up with a j:hk: (j:mp: will whiff)

:d::hp:xx:lp:SRK H.S. does less damage than :d::hp: LightningLegs H.S. when in corner. Both have same reset possibilities. The only reason I mention this is that I hate doing the LL version since its not as stylish to me.:wink:

if you want to do :d::hp: j:mp: exSRk exTandemEngine shenanigans will land in the corner, even though EX T. E. wont work in the corner after :d::hp:

I think the above combo should be followed up with :hk:combo as oppossed to :d::hp:combo for many reason but mainly because the :hk: has faster startup time than :d::hp:, downside is you lose your ability to reset after H.S. by doing :hk:combo(unless you are magically in the corner) Let me know what you prefer and why

H.S. = Headstomps (dive kicks are assumed, since they never whiff in these situations)

These were tested on basic Shotos, no gouken yet.
I’m sure thes may all exist in seperate parts somewhere but I would like to begin compiling just such tidbits, so that people can not only see what combos Seth can do but also get an idea as to when and where to use them.


that’s all really common knowledge, maybe the first post should be updated…

also, ex srk ex tandem works in the corner for me. and if you’re catching with ex tandem after ex shoryuken, c.hp always hits. i would only do > xx legs in corner since you get the follow up/reset. that is to say, > xx legs > stomps > dive does more damage than c.hp legs etc

uuuugh headache. dont worry its unrelated.

yeah I think it is fairly common knowledge after you’ve been using seth for a while. but konwledge is power. and Words capture knowledge. so yeah lets update.

I wasnt getting my ex tE’s to catch in corner but didnt try to hard since I know there where other situations in which exTE wouldnt work in corner.

Regarding EXSRK EXTandemEngine to cHP. MY cHP is blocked alot unless my EXTandem Engine is timed perfectly. which is hard for me since the EXSRK is such a mash fest, ruins my timing… (Huh maybe im just late on my cHP)


What’s the combo practicality of LP Shoryu -> Head Stomps? Not the AA or FADC versions, just on a standing opponent. Mostly wondering if you can get the spacing off of something like cLP -> cMP xx LP SRK.

Also, is it universal or character specific?