Seth Combo Thread **Check first post for BnBs**

you can -> -> j.d.mkx3 (won’t hit) -> ex tanden as well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ohoho, I’ll have to try that, I guess damage scaling makes it suck, but it sounds cool XD

It’s harder to do but it does look pretty damn cool. Yeah the scaling makes any damage after turn to shit, but that’s what resets are for right? :wink:

Yes ofc :3


cr.hp xx lp shoryuken -> x3 -> 282 Damage, 455 Stun

What does j.d. mean?

jump, down

It’s Seth’s headstomps (down+mk) and divekick (down+HK) in the air…

EDIT: example here: [media=youtube]owt5BigN8Jk#t=0m15s[/media]

So, can anyone find a combo longer than:

Level 3 Focus > Tandem Engine > cr.LK, LP, HP xx Sonic boom xx Level 2 Focus > Tandem Engine > cr.LK, LP, HP xx Sonic boom xx Level 2 Focus > Tandem Engine > cr. HP, Ultra.

I timed it to be somewhere between 20 and 22 seconds.

The damage is HORRIBLE though. 375. And you use full Super and Ultra. It would just be to fuck around with your opponent in a casual game or whatever.

Assuming you have full super but no ultra, you can just take out the cr. HP > Ultra, and put in cr.LK, LP, HP xx Lightning Legs > Headstomps > Dive Kick. That would take a while too.

Edit For Kiku:**

On the 4 bar combo that you have listed as corner only, you can use Standing Close HP over cr.HP, and you gain a TON of range to execute the full combo. It will take you to the wall from almost half stage. The combo would be:

Focus Level 3 > HP xx HP Shoryuken xx FADC Forward > EX Tandem Engine > HK, cr.MP xx MK Lightning Legs , Headstomps , Dive Kick.

Thanks. But like I said before, you shouldn’t focus probably. You lose damage because of scaling. You should do instead.

If anyone wants to figure out any numbers for me, that would be great, because I’m lazy.

C.HP > stomps > HK whiff > LP super

Has this already been discovered?

Did you check the first page?

Since cr.hp xx lp.sonic boom ~ EX tandem engine will stop the combo by the time they reach you and your opponent will be mind f***ed,is SPD your best option after this?

I know, focus kills your scaling like hell, guess I should have just put Focus Level 3/j.HK/nj.HK.

Did you need the damage for it?

It’s better just to do cr.hp xx EX Tandem for the guaranteed damage and the reset. It does more damage anyway.

I need numbers on anything that doesn’t have numbers on the front page.

yo, you can c.lp st.lp xx sb xx fa2 -> tanden -> c.lp st.lp xx sb xx fa2 -> tanden -> c.hp -> ultra or hk -> st. lp -> -> legs -> stomps in corner, is that longer than the one you posted? also how did you time it?

I skimmed it looking at all the combos ending in super. Didn’t see the one I posted anywhere.

Shouldn’t you assume that if you can lp srk -> stomps -> whiff dive -> super you could also stomps -> whiff dive -> super?

c’mon now.

Whatever. I was just checking and missed it when I skimmed. My fault.

Ah, that one’s so much harder than mine, but I assume that it’s longer.

Not sure if this has been found before, but you can crouching hard punch and cancel the second hit into a light punch sonic boom, which will juggle the opponent, and still get off an EX Tandem Engine.

The only problem is the opponent seems to be too far away to actually get pulled all the way to you.

I found that if you start NEAR the corner, you can have the opponent get stopped by the wall, and pull off:

Jump in/Focus > cr.HP xx LP Sonic Boom, EX Tandem > cr.HP xx LP Sonic Boom, EX Tandem > HK, cr.MP, MK Lightning Legs > Headstomps, Dive Kick.

That looks to be Seth’s most damaging combo in the game, unless the sonic booms scale the combo hard enough to not be worth it. The only problem is that the spacing is pretty specific (So when the Sonic Boom hits your opponent, they should be right at the wall,) and the timing is preeeeetty strict.

Can anyone find a use for this midscreen?

You have to FADC the sonic boom to be able to combo after it randering the combo you posted imposible.If you do cr.hp xx lp sonic boom ~ EX tandem engine the combo will end JUST before they reach you.Then its a 50/50 game.I suggest 360 because they wont know what happened:))They will be like awww that does work…WHAT?!IT worked?:))