HOLY CRAP! Mid-screen you can do Shoryuken FADC EX Tandem. It’s very tricky, and you have to input the Tandem Engine crossup, but this means that Seth can get a full combo off of his reversal FADC, albeit for full super meter! You can get the cr.hp to combo easily from the EX Tandem. I think the trick is that you have to take a step forwards (IE towards the original direction of your opponent) before the EX Tandem, but actually doing this is harder than it sounds.
Ok fucking around in training mode again and found a character specific combo. This combo works only on Sagat, Balrog(Boxer), Blanka, and Rufus. It’s a very advanced combo and requires full meter.
Cr.hp (2 hit) xx SRK, FADC, neutral j.d+mk x3, whiffed d+hk, Ex Tanden Engine, most damaging combo. To do this combo right you have to connect the headstomp combo (j.d+mk x3) from your opponents backside. Meaning when you netrual j.d+mk x3, you should be hitting your opponents back and your oppoent should be facing the opposite direction.Sort of like a cross over, but in the air. If you are hitting your opponents feet, then you are doing it wrong. Also, the Dive kick(d+hk) must miss your oppoent. Timing and spacing play a huge factor in this combo. If done right you should get over 400 damage.
cr.HP, EX cancel, light SRK, EX cancel, Air Down-MK x3, air down-HK
in corner= cr.HP, light SRK, EX cancel, air down-MK x3, air down-HK
Every time I used these combos online, I got mails saying WTF?! HOW U DO DAT?! lol
So what’s the advantage of this combo over just using EX Tandem twice? I forget the damage on that, but I’m pretty sure the stun would be more. Also, the combo’s scaled to 50% already by the time you hit the EX Tandem because of the headstomps, right? Does it do better damage than just doing the shoryu FADC EX Tandem?
I mean, it sounds really cool and flashy but I’m asking from a practicality standpoint.
You know that’s just flat out wasting meter, right? You can just cancel into the lp shoryu and get the headstomps without any meter whatsoever. Also, cr.hp -> hk Hyakuretsu or s.hk -> cr.hp xx Hyakuretsu can combo into j.d.mk x3 -> j.d.hk. I mean, that’s a bread and butter.
The practicality is just like any other of Seth’s long combos. For one you’ll take damage and build more meter with that character specific combo, then you would with 2 EX Tanden Engines. I’ll do more testing and come back with more info later.
Edit: Ok there is really no practicality unless the situation arises. You don’t even get more meter then EX Tanden Engine x2. Guess I found out there is also meter scaling along with damage scaling.
It’s really just to show off
Got a 3 bar combo, thats pretty flashy but still does better damage than other 3 bar combos i’ve read so far. (i apologise if this has been posted before or i’ve read over a 3 bar that does more, just had a quick read of this thread)
jumpin HK, c.HP, j.MP, EX Shoryuken (6 hits at least), EX tandem engine, c.HP, j.mp, HP shoryuken (all hits). Does 440 damage, 669 stun.
Doesn’t work in the corner as far as i can tell by the way.
Obviously you can do a different combo after EX tandem, so maybe there’s even more damage potential there.
EDIT: ok found that there’s a far better one, still uses 3 bars, but if done from half screen towards corner you get legs into stomps for free.
jumpin HK, c.HP, j.MP, EX Shoryuken (6 hits at least), EX tandem engine, c.HP, MK or HK lightning legs: 448 damage, 705 stun.
Like i mentioned, of you do this from half screen toward the corner you can follow up the legs with headstomps+divekick for a total of 471 damage, 735 stun, and of course you then have your reset options =)
Remeber j.MP into EX SRK doesn’t connect on some characters, but s.HP into EX SRK most certainly does on every character.
Yes totally missed that, untill i tried it on zangief yesterday and it failed…oh well it’s still a nice one for the chars it does work on, sorry i didn’t research longer.
Speaking of EX shory. I cant seem to get all hits every time so the EX tandem engine fails if I choose to do it. Any tips for getting enough hits to do it?
P.S. on a side note if you can crumple someone you can do Cr.FP -> sonic boom FADC to stomps for a little bit over 300 damage. I’m sure everyone knows ,but still pretty neat
It’s all about timing like with the various links that end with lp to mp, you can’t just hit shoryu,shoryu,shoryu. you need to wait for a bit between each shoryu and that way i get at least 6 hits most of the times. Still don’t have the timing down perfectly myself but try it in training mode and you’ll see that works.
I will try this, sounds sooo sooo flassshhhyyy!! if i could do this combo, i need no other combo. this will increase my ragequits ten folds. thanks man, you are a hero. you have my respect :china: .
EDIT: The combo I had here had already been found by Novastorm, damn… oh well, back to practice mode.
“New” combos right now are usually just different links (like c.lk c.lp st.lp c.mk vs c.lk st. lp c.mk) or reposts, like novas ()
Does someone want to figure out which one of these does better damage?
s.hp xx sonic boom xx EX Focus -> forward dash -> s.hk -> cr.mp xx mk Hyakuretsu -> j.d.mk x3 -> j.d.hk = 414 damage (447 with vertical jump Roundhouse to start, 440 damage with Level 3 Focus Attack to start)
s.hp xx Sonic Boom xx EX Focus -> FA2 -> s.hk -> cr.mp xx mk Hyakuretsu -> j.d.mk x3 -> j.d.hk = 386 damage
Also, if you could do
s.hp xx sonic boom xx EX Focus -> forward dash -> s.hp xx sonic boom xx EX Focus -> forward dash -> s.hk -> cr.mp xx mk Hyakuretsu -> j.d.mk x3 -> j.d.hk = 440 damage (483 damage with vertical jump Roundhouse to start)
that would be nice. My execution isn’t good enough to do these really, and I want Seth players to know the best way to punish a stun with meter.
I edited your post with the damage numbers.
Thanks Jinrai. Once I get the numbers for a few more combos to fill out my post, I’ll pretty much consider this a completed project, unless anyone has a problem.
Can I get a sticky?
I’m sure there are more creative combos out there, most likely ones that combine elements of smaller combos into larger ones. However, I agree that we’re pretty much tapped out for useful damaging combos.
Found an interesting flash combo, not really all that rewarding, but not that hard to pull (corner only):
cr.lk>st.lp>st.hp xx EX. Sonic Boom xx FADC >cr.lk>st.lp>st.hp xx Lightning Legs > j.d.mkx3 > j.d.HK
does 320 dmg and uses 3 bars.
Dunno if you’ve tried this, but j.d.MK -> j.MP -> EX tanden seems to be a good way to ground an airborne opponent for a free combo. Performed in 1:40 in this video: [media=youtube]kXebWdq-hZI[/media] (quality sux)
I’ve known about it for quite some time, but I decided to record it yesterday with some other stuff, so now it’s on YT for everyone to see.
EDIT: Noticed it was in the first post now, well, I’ll leave it at this anyway XD There’s still the quinuple bounce of epicness to see XD