Seth Combo Thread **Check first post for BnBs**

You can cross ryu up just the same using mp srk x2 as you can using lp srk x1 bnb, no dashing required, maybe your timing is a bit off on it?

I’ve no idea how you’re accidently cancelling in to super here either, but to be safe just use the :df::d::df::mp: srk shortcut, then there’s zero chance of doing your super by accident.

You can ignore that corner 4 bar… I took the 4 bar you have listed on the first page and did it using the corner bnb, just so you can have stats of how much damage/stun it does midscreen and in the corner, same with the 2 bar… but like I said I used the c.hp corner combo instead of the higher damage/stun one by mistake so really those figures are pretty worthless =).

edit: ah, this is where the character dependant timing comes in… with most characters (e.g. ryu sized hitbox) you don’t want to delay the mp.srk, cancel as soon as possible in to it from the c.hp, if you do it late you can’t crossup.

edit2: meh, so the 3 bar combo I gave works on every character (which the current one doesn’t), however if you do it midscreen with a 7 hit srk (not that hard to train) you get: 378 damage, 530 stun (using current bnb), so does less damage/stun than current 3 bar combo, though works on every character… however if you do it in the corner it will do more damage/stun than current 3 bar combo (454, 658). Reason being if you srk the other player right before they hit the ground the srk does more damage/stun… not quite sure why but it does.

yo just popping in to say any serious seth player should start doing close rh to low strong as a B&B, plinking makes it much easier and the increase in damage/stun is so worth it

I’m a bit ignorant on this, what exactly is plinking and how does one do so? I’ve seen it become rapidly mentioned on the boards but have yet to see a detailed description of it, some have stated it’s sort of like kara-canceling normals, but that’s it.

Updated a bit.

Just wanted to say good job Kikuichimonji for keeping this updated. Keep reppin that Seth!

Coming from a guy with a way better Seth than me, that’s nice to hear.

Hawkins, I cannot get Seth to cross up Ryu by walking underneath him after the 2x mp shoryu -> headstomps. If you say you can do it, make a video of it. Otherwise, it’s not worth the mixup loss.

I’ve been playing around with LP shoryu x2 for ever, nice to know this.

Btw, most useless combo ever:

c.HP xx HP Sonic boom (whiff) xx lvl 1 FA -> j.d.MK x3 -> j.d.HK

Also, not a combo, but could be useful (people probably know about this, but whatever):
instant j.d.MK (not combo) -> cross-up j.HK -> s.HP -> blah. I got it to work on another Seth, haven’t tried with anyone else.

I’ve had this work in a match before (although I definitely think xx cr.lp -> is a better idea than s.hp), and it works great in the corner, but midscreen your crossup will usually whiff.

Random note: You can combo to instant air headstomp.

Okay, messed around a bit more with him today, the sky is the limit with this guy, though some stuff that LOOKS like it should easily connect does not.

nj.HK -> st.HP xx EX. Sonic Boom xx EX. lvl2 Focus Attack -> cr.HP -> HK. Hyakkuretsu -> x3 ->

Does ~440 damage, 28 hits and costs 3 bars. Kind of tricky to land the lvl2 Focus though. (And I mean around 440 dmg because it depends on for how many extra frames you hold that lvl2 focus, the variation is not too big.)

That’s a corner combo, isn’t it? Also, you should never do cr.hp -> In the corner, do cr.hp -> Hyakuretsu, and elsewhere do cr.hp -> lp shoryu, and then follow up with

I think I figured out a way to get cr.hp -> full ultra consistently! You just have to do the ultra immediately after the cr.hp ends. Basically, you want to use it while the opponent is still being launched upwards. Tested on Ryu, Blanka, and E. Honda. This would be a legitimate use of the ultra mid-screen, especially versus characters you don’t wanna do reset shenanigans on (Zangief), although in the corner I’d rather save it. There seems to be a few ‘sweet spots’ where you get the full ultra, but my suggestion is just learn the timing to do it immediately, since there’s no wiggle room for error.

How many frames is the close HK > cr. MP link?

I thought I read somewhere that it was one, but I found I can pull it off pretty consistently, and I SUCK at links.

Oops sorry! I totally forgot to put the HK.Hyakkuretsu there, I used it, that’s the only way to get that ~440 dmg. Sorry, going to edit. Thanks for the heads up.

Yeah, it’s a 1-frame link.

I got kneehigh “instant” j.d.MK -> j.HK -> s.HP to combo, on Seth i think it was.

Also, my friend did j.d.MK -> j.MP by mistake in a match, so I figured out you can do EX tanden afterwards too, so it’s a way to ground them if you catch them in the air (as long as you hit them when they’re high with the j.d.MK and that you stay on the same side of them after the j.d.MK)

If you don’t wanna waste meter, you can do j.d.MK -> j.MP -> j.d.MK x2 -> j.d.HK

if you hit them high, but you go over him to the other side of him, you can do j.d.MK x2 -> whiff j.d.HK -> j.d.MK x2 -> j.d.HK

I hope you know what I mean D:

Can you elaborate on that?
Isn’t plinking a shortcut for double tapping, if I plink RH to HP I will get RH twice, wont I?

I’ve been working on stun combos for no reason other than I like to see that hit counter go very high, so I’ve worked out 2 combos, both very showoff-y and very limited in the characters you can do them on.

My first combo can only be done on another Seth:


Does full stun so the stun is 750+, with 511 damage and 54 hits (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)

My second combo is for the next level of stun, coming in at a whopping 900+ stun for the full combo (full thing does 930, just short of the next level of stun):


This one does 605 damage for 50 hits on characters with 900 stun, while Akuma gets stunned a bit earlier.

More on the way if it’s even possible.

You know, -> xx Hyakuretsu does more hits and damage than cr.hp -> Hyakuretsu. Also, when you get the stun, just do the corner combo again. Don’t do the ultra.

you know with more hits comes more scaling? And how do you suppose I do the corner combo again when the combo against Seth leaves me with 1 EX bar and the second leaves me with none? And as for doing the Hyakuretsu again, it’s a showoff combo, wasting the ultra is not an issue.

Actually, it’s the number of button inputs, not hits. The fact that Hyakuretsu does 17 hits doesn’t mean that the followup will scale any worse than any other input. EX Shoryu scales three times because of the triple SRK motion. And by ‘corner combo’ I meant -> xx mk Hyakuretsu -> stomps. It does better damage and more hits.

The -> does better damage than the cr.hp (yes, with scaling) and has more hits also.