What jalapNo said =). After the first hit wait as long as possible before inputting the second hit, then quickly enter the third hit after this. That way you should almost always be getting 6 or 7 hits. It’s good practice to do this with your normal srk’s also as in most instances this makes the second or third hit less likely to whiff and means you’ll land sooner before your opponent. One note about ex srk in case you don’t know (I know I was mashing like a mad man for months before I figures this out); To get out all the hits in ex srk you only need to enter the dp motion twice and hit :p: 3 times like this: :dp::p::p: > :dp::p: > :p:.
From first post:
I’ve been told this since day one of playing Seth so I’ve always taken it as being true… however I just tested it, while c.hp xx ex tanden might not work, c.hp > ex tanden DOES work in the corner. Really, has no one discovered this yet? I find that quite hard to believe :/.
Eh, it does less damage anyways. Good find though. I’ll put it in eventually.
But more stun.
I seriously looked at that post for 5 minutes trying to find what the difference between both was. I get it now.
lol, no good at where’s wally then I take it? =)
So in testing a bit more turns out it’s character specific :tdown:.
This will always work on:
Then on mid thickness hitboxes, e.g. sagat, vega, bison etc. it works if either they’re very slightly out of the corner, or you’re slightly out of the corner when doing c.hp.
It doesn’t work at all on small hit box characters.
So imo it’s good to memorise you can do this against the 4 characters it will always work on, and not bother with the others since to get it consistent against other characters (that it will even work on) it would probably be as a stun punisher, though c.hp > ex tanden is only really useful in combos going for high stun.
does anyone use this reset?
cr. hp > j.fp (reset opponent) spd when they land
it tends to catch people off guard and is a nice addition to the bag of seth tricks
I use it very very rarely. It’s easy for the opp to reversal out of it or neutral jump, so I refrain from doing stuff like that when I can simply do cr.hp xx lp.srk>Stomps+dive and still get a mixup opportunity.
On Sagat you can combo jump-in headstomp -> j.hk -> cr.lp/s.hp. This gives you a ghetto Chun double fierce mixup.
I am having a lot of trouble doing dive kick into SPD. I heard it is great, but if I try to do the movement starting from the down position (after the dive kick while in the air) it never comes out. What is the easiest way to perform this ‘combo’ of sorts, dive kick into SPD?
Does anyone use blockstring like this:
cr.lk xx cr.lp ->** cr.mp~lp** xx Hyakuretsu (lk version)
to be sure to hit with cr.mp?
I know it’s pretty simple combo, but I miss it a lot of times, and sometimes an unsafe Hyakuretsu comes out
Using p-link I’ve no problem, but sometimes the damage is less (if cr.lp comes out)
Well you don’t have to hold down anymore after you press HK, so you have plenty of time to start from back to upforward or forward to upback. I always do jump, down+HK, back to upforward+P. You have to wait anyway because you can’t grab someone out of hit- or blockstun.
just found out about the unblockable. holy crap. finally, a reason to hit training mode again!
Bump. Need #'s for Tanden Typhoon combos. Don’t have access to the game yet.
Anyone have a catchy new name for the thread?
Just got super today. All these combos into ultra are hard as hell compared to Ryu’s DP FADC ultra/EX tatsu -> ultra. Hopefully they’ll get easier with practice.
I thought I would add this as i have not seen it yet (will add video later). Seth can actually use three EX stocks to get his Ultra to about 476 damage. Goes something like this:
Jump In RH, ST.Mp, Ex Shory, EX Tandem Engine, Ultra 2.
With just the EX shory to EX Tandem then Ultra 2 I think it does about 451 Damage.
s.hp and adding c.hp after tanden make a big difference. I still don’t have super, so haven’t been able to test yet but I’m sure there must be some way to get more than 517 damage by comboing in to ultra2 some how after the tanden.
I dont think you could do much else to increase the damage.
However, if someone still has a vanilla copy…see if Seth can do ultra one after EX tanden.
S.I.N. Edit:
I will start trying this out. I would normally just do the a combo into EX SRK then UC2 after that but the damage is bad with that depending on how I time it.