Seth Combo Thread **Check first post for BnBs**

I just quoted my post from January stating that this is possible! 517 damage was his best combo in vanilla which used 3 ex meters and ultra1, please re-read my post.


Ultra 2 after EX tandem allows more hits since they are right next to you when its activated. EX shory to Ultra 2 seems like a waste to me.

I don’t know why i would need to re-read your post as I came to an understanding when I said “I don’t think you can get much more damage output” in response to “you have to be able to get more than 517”

I was also asking if he could do Ultra in SF4 Vanilla (after EX tandem with no C.F) just because I was curious.

You cannot combo ultra 1 after any tanden for some reason. You have to do a cr.hp.

Also adding EX Tandem -> cr.hp-> lp shoryu or -> xx hyakuretsu does increase the damage, if not by a huge amount. You shouldn’t just plain old ultra unless you’re worried about messing the combo up or something.

Thanks. They did change the timing because in Super this is now possible. (EX Tanden -> Ultra)

But here is something rather interesting.

C.FP -> EX tandem -> Ultra 1 Does 374 while
C.FP -> Ultra 1 does only 241

Someone solve that mystery

I think I misinterpreted what you were saying, though I was talking about an ultra1 combo where as you wanted an ultra2 combo as far as I can work out? And ultra2 does significantly more damage I’m lead to believe.

Also you need to wait a moment after c.hp to get full damage off of ultra1, it’s one of those many bugs Capcom have never bothered to fix.

Its k.

I don’t get why Seth can sonic boom Ultra 2 but not Ultra one =(

Ultra 1 is full screen, Ultra 2 is not. Seth could control the entire stage with Ultra 1 & Sonic Boom in SFIV, perhaps that was too cheap?

I didn’t find it cheap. I found it powerful. Over half the cast I believe had ways of avoiding it. Focusing through the sonic boom at the last second was available for characters that have no sure way(granted that’s not 100% safe).

So I just got super and tested… > s.hp xx ex srk x7 > ex tanden > c.hp > ultra2 does 525 damage… > xx legs > ultra2 does 520, so I guess 525 is his most damaging combo now.

On a side note seth doesn’t seem ‘as’ bad as everyone is saying imo, just his teleport REALLY sucks now.

I meant that perhaps it was too cheap in CAPCOMS eyes.

it sounds like they took out his unblockable ultra 1 from vanilla too

Not sure how much use everyone else has been getting out of xx sb, but what I’ve been playing about with today: xx sb xx FADC > > xx legs - 248 damage 380 stun

or if xx sb xx FADC is blocked you can either go in to a blockstring or hp spd.

I guess it’s maybe worth noting adding a in after a hit sb and before reduces the damage by 12 but adds 5 stun. Not really enough stuff to be at all useful though.

Also I saw someone mention about not being able to do “ > c.hp xx lp srk > stomps > whiff dive kick > super” combo now, so “ > c.hp xx lp srk x2 > stomps > dive kick > super” is a good substitute and does 415 damage, 573 stun - and should really be in the first post of this thread. Also just a note for anyone doing it - the combo itself builds just over a bar of meter so you can start it with 3 bars and finish on super (I’ve started looking at this for all super combos as it’s quite useful to know when you can actually do them in game). > cr.lp > > hp.SB > FADC > > whatever
works on dudley

i also did a chart some days ago since - cr.hp > lp.srk > stomps - doesnt work on some characters
regular and with tanden engine before it

also including cr.hp > > ex.srk/reset

If c.hp xx srk > stomps doesn’t work do 2 hits with the srk and then only do 2’s before the dive kick, damage and stun are basicly the same and this always works when the other bnb doesn’t (and visa versa).

ye i know, just cant keep all characters in my head :D/

is that combo ending in the corner? Because Ultra 2 doesn’t seem to work on some characters to well after C.FP

Yeah, it’s a corner combo, where as ultra1 version can be done anywhere obviously. tbh the only thing useful about ultra2 imo is you can do it after srk fadc, else ultra 1 pretty much wins out as you can land it almost every round on the majority of the cast and when you use ultra2 it’s normally in place of some other move that would of got you more than the damage difference between ultra 1 and 2 anyway.

I’m going to make a list of characters on who to use Ultra 2 against over Ultra 1.

So far the list stands:

atm I’m using ultra2 on guile, guy, makoto, dudley (sometimes) and dee jay (not sure if his sonic booms have guile recovery or not, need to test that), everyone else ultra1 seems pretty much guaranteed on - and as it’s basicly characters I’m not experienced with I find harder to catch with ultra1 I guess that may change as I play the game more also.

I think anyone that has recovery on a fireball = Ultra 1. Characters without fireballs + Guile Dj and Gouken (small recovery) = ultra 2