Seth Combo Thread **Check first post for BnBs**

So you ultra2 gief? Gouken’s fireballs have a long recovery time also, and most the cast have standard moves that are easily punishable by ultra1.

I don’t check these forums at all. But this Seth player did full Ex Srk to me, and ex tanden>Ultra 2. Does 165 stun and 451 damage when I tested it.

At full ultra it does 406 damage off a close 7 hit srk (best damage possible) compare to 391 if you just go in to c.hp srk stomps bnb, which will also do more stun, don’t think the use of ultra is worth it.

In other news though, something I just worked out: against Hakan you can hp.srk x3 after c.hp and if you get the timing right on the srk can then ex tanden after that, which if you compare to ex tanden after c.hp;

c.hp xx ex tanden > c.hp > lp.srk > stomps = 329 610
c.hp xx hp.srk x3 > ex tanden > c.hp xx lp.srk > stomps = 365 552

is better. Will have to test this on some of the other new characters I guess, as they all some to have weird hitboxes. It seems unreliable unless you do the c.hp close though so I guess maybe as a stun punisher it’s good, but not for a follow up to a

Weird…I use Ultra two against everyone because I land it almost every round…any particular reason why you guys are mainly sticking with U1 even with the nerfs?

Ultra1 does more damage and is easier to land against most chracters.

Ultra 1 does more damage than Ultra 2? The fuck… goes back to training mode

Well shit…I wasn’t aware of that…I’ll still probably use 2 more though…just because of the practicality of it and how easy it is to combo into in a simple way…

Unless they buffed it (Haven’t checked), Ultra 1 does less damage than Ultra 2.

No, ultra1 does more damage than a fully landed ultra2. Plus you normaly land ultra1 on its own and ultra2 off a combo where you have damage scaling (and you could of followed up with something else anyway for just slightly less damage). Ultra 2 seems useful for catching a few characters easily and it does a tiny amount of chip damage… but other than that I’m not really feeling it.

In Vanilla Tanden stream does 340, but tanden typhoon does somewhere between 370-390 (don’t remember), So is U1 buffed? Either way, landing it of a juggle makes it have less hits like you said anyways.

ultra2 does 300 damage, ultra1 still does 340.

While you’re bringing up numbers why don’t you do us all a favor:

Check Ultra 1’s Damage at Minimum Ultra
Check Ultra 2’s Damage at Minimum Ultra

Then again at Max Ultra.

Be sure to have both training dummies at point blank range and standing.

This will prove the number crunch, also, will determine if giving up the utility of keeping ANY character at bay with Ultra 1 really worth the ability to combo into Ultra 2.

P.S. Keep in mind how vulnerable you are on whiff with Ultra 2 compared to Ultra 1. You also have the ability to use the free combo after Ultra 1 as we did back in Vanilla.


P.P.S. I do enjoy the ability to chip people to death without repurcussion of a counter-ultra.

Are you sure about this?

There is no free combo after ultra 1 anymore. Unless I tested it wrong it’s impossible to combo off of the crossup sonic boom setup. And it’s unsafe on block too.

I really think you can’t undervalue hyakuretsu -> U2 and DP FADC U2. It’s a powerful tool. It’s not as good as U1 in SF4 but I think you’d be silly to take U1 on someone like Rufus or Cammy.

Hmm, okay, things are weird with ultra2 - against hakan the most damage you will ever get (which is point blank standing) is 300, against ryu it’s 372. In any combo or from a jump in you instantly loose a lot of damage though. So right now as a rule I’m using ultra1 on most characters and ultra2 on a few it’s really easy to catch with (e.g. bison). I’m not finding dp fadc utra2 reliable either (except at point blank or in the corner) as depending on distance the direction you have to dqcf seems to change which has led to me guessing wrong several times and getting nothing.

Kikuichimonji: ultra1… lp sb > :dp: PPP > c.lp combos easily, and combos with tighter timing.

The timings are tighter as HawkinsT pointed out, but I still can land it. You can’t hesitate/delay the sonic boom after your Ultra 1 recovery at all and immediately teleport.

Also, if you’re really feeling frisky aka you’ve conditioned your opponent to blocking the sonic boom trap, you can try this:

Ultra 1 -> LP Sonic Boom -> KKK Teleport (In front of them) -> cr.MK xx LK Hyakuretsu

This reaches them just barely, I’ve done it on a few characters such as Honda, Bison, Ryu.

I do not recommend doing this against Zangief for obvious reasons (LURRRRRRIAT!)

Either way, I promised myself whenever playing casual/practice, to use Ultra 2. I already know the in’s & out’s of Ultra 1, so it’s time to figure out where I will substitute Ultra 2 in its stead. I don’t denounce Ultra 2 in any fashion but the sheer punishment factor (Given, you shouldn’t be activating your Ultra without it a guaranteed Victory).

Just my opinion, it doesn’t have to mean shit to anyone, I just figured the Pro’s & Con’s were a good way to look at the utility of the Ultras. I know I can’t get enough of:

LP TE -> s.HK -> cr.MP xx LK Hyakuretsu -> Ultra 2 (corner).

I will also now add a “Ultra Guide” to the Handbook I’m writing (I’ve been slacking) that would be recommended per match-up. I will give good points that would make sense to everyone: “Akuma: Ultra 1 (Tanden Stream). This can punish teleports, ALL fireballs, Demon…” You get the idea. :smiley:

Why would you use lk.Hyakuretsu after though? combos into mk.Hyakuretsu, and in Super the three Hyakuretsus have different dmg outputs.

hk legs does 120, mk and lk both do 110. mk is better though as you get more push back.

edit: Oh look, all 3 used to do 120 in vanilla, and just when I thought maybe something about Seth hadn’t been nerfed!

Indeed, and at that point it’s simply splitting hairs. I’ve been forcing myself to form good habits, by good habits I mean use LK Hyakuretsu after everything due to different moves having different Frame Advantage/Disadvantage. I’d prefer to have the guaranteed damage rather than the minute push further based on that small chance I fuck up and lose 40% of my life by being -24 on a blocked Hyakuretsu…

EDIT: They nerfed his damage by -10 on LK/MK Hyaku, and nerfed his stun by -50 on LK/MK/HK. Only Ex Hyakuretsu is how his legs used to be in Vanilla. Now, it gives me another reason to save bar to Ex Hyakuretsu through fireballs…

Good habits would be using the right legs always, since it’s no harder to cancel in to hk legs than lk legs:

hk legs after hp and c.hp
mk legs after everything else
lk legs after >

lol, and here I thought they buffed HK instead of nerfing the other ones… I should have learned by now.

And I always use the mk.hyakuretsu for the pushback hoping to get closer to the corner. I thought everyone did that too :confused:

Both of them are -24 on block, no?