Seth Combo Thread **Check first post for BnBs**

After playing as many matches as I have recently with Seth…I find that Ultra 2 is in general easier to land than Ultra 1…I mean, without the boom trap it’s useless in my eyes. =/

I feel the same way. I just need to work on better ways to land Ultra 2.

Ultra 1 is still good in fireball wars and as anti-air. What the hell is Sagat going to do if he can’t throw fireballs? Akuma can’t teleport or throw fireballs if you have Ultra 1. Seth can’t j.hp. Guile can’t Sonic Boom (yes, you can catch him). It’s still damn useful.

I don’t know if you can punish Zangief for lariats through sonic booms full screen anymore. I guess it depends on how far the fireball has to go before you can ultra.

Having a 300+ damage -air is really nice in some matchups. Balrog can’t do his max range j.hp shenanigans (where if he throws out nothing the DP whiffs but he can still make you block).


i like linking seths st. lp to cr Mk i kno its tough but i dont know why i keep risking it
and seths ultra 2 is great

I should elaborate, I almost ALWAYS use LK Hyaku when it comes to combos based on muscle memory, the rest of the time in say a Nj.HP -> cr. MK I generally follow-up by double tapping MK for the Hyaku for the cancel. I still feel more relaxed by using the LK because of the fact it comes out 2 frames faster than MK.

This is the Frame Data from SF4, I altered the damage/stun to match up with SSF4, but the frame data itself should still be the same.

                   Damage            Stun       Start-up    Active       Total                  On Block

Hyakuretsu LK 110 200 12 2 49 -24
Hyakuretsu MK 110 200 14 2 51 -24
Hyakuretsu HK 120 200 16 2 53 -24
Hyakuretsu Ex 120 250 16 2 53 -24

Honestly, a lot of people jump more from what I can tell. I play a lot of people, but I do know that whiffing cr. LP multiple times at Full-screen, or an SPD after you jump away full-screen typically makes your opponent think you’re about to throw a Sonic boom the next time you make a move, which incites the idea they should jump. I have hit a lot of people just by turtling.

Given, I’m still working with Ultra 2 and I can say I’m finding a LOT of success in terms of finding new play-styles to force my opponent to adjust. It does encourage more fireballs be thrown. Which gives you more opportunity to wall-jump in safely for a punish. :smiley:

Wow, you’re good at that. I never never hit confirm that way and I probably never will.

The reason s.lp -> is never used is that s.lp whiffs on crouchers and the only time you can guarantee they’re not crouching is in a combo where the s.lp just adds scaling.

Learning to use both Ultras is essential. The way this conversation is headed, it seems like you’re trying to figure out which ine is better overall :confused: There’s a reason why you have the option to pick any of the two.

U1 is still one of the best and is still ridiculously good as a punisher. It’s still great against Blanka for example, as it completely shuts down his ball game.

U2 let’s you rush in on characters without a lot of options, AKA Vega, and it’s very very easy to setup.

On that note, ex.srk> Tanden Typhoon does ass dmg, haha! I probably misstimed it, but I got really sad because I felt like I wasted it.

You didn’t misstime it, I’ve been using the shit out of it and always feel I’m being cheated out of a Ultra KO when it falls short of killing someone.

Flashiest Combo I’ve done into ultra have been:

FA -> LP Engine -> cr.LK -> cr.LP -> s.HP xx Ex Shoryuken -> Ex Engine -> cr.LK -> cr.LP -> s.HP xx Ex Shoryuken -> Ultra 2

Does about 370 total damage give or take, 4 bars. But god damn, you pretty just shit on the person because they aren’t able to do anything for about 30 seconds. :smiley:

Must… try it! Cannot… resist… THE FLASHINESS!!!

But isn’t it funny how you could have just Super’d and gotten more dmg out of it? I seriously don’t understand why we do this kind of shit sometimes xD

Out of all the characters in this game, it’s just like Seth says in one of his win quotes, “My power knows no limits” or something to that level.

We get to have the most fun and bitches be hatin’. Like those dumb sluts you know on FaceBook, “They only hatin’ cause they jealous”, where in reality they really are just gigantic cum dumpsters.

I’m so sigging that shit.

Been messing around with Seth and today while playing on-line I was able to pull off this combo and I thought to look here but I didn’t see it.
You need Full Meter + ultra metered up
Jump HK :uf:+:hk:,
Crouch LP :d:+:lp:,
Stand LK :lk:,
Crouch MP :d:+:mp:
EX Shoryuken (FULL) :dp:+:2p: :dp:+:mp:, :dp:+:mp:
EX Tanden Engine :qcb:+:2p:
Crouch LP :d:+:lp:,
Stand LK :lk:,
Crouch MP :d:+:mp:
EX Shoryuken (FULL) :dp:+:2p: :dp:+:mp:, :dp:+:mp:
Tanden Typhoon :qcb::qcb:+:3p:

It may not whack a whole lot but sheesh my god it looks beasty and Full of meat !! lol

not sure if this is common knowledge but ex lightning legs in the corner leads to U2.

All legs lead to U2.

Yeah I should probably update this thread. Sorry people.

Looks a little bit more in-depth than the flashy combo I jotted down.

No worries man, we all got things that occupy our time outside this game.

Shit, I know one of my endeavors is to finish this Seth Handbook for everyone. I even plan on getting a couple copies made up and shit so I have a hardcopy for myself, and another for the community in the NorthWest because people are always hitting me up for information. Once I’m done, I’ll post a link to the book online. It will be mostly a SF4 book as that’s where most of the information came from, but I will have a Super SF4 section dedicated to the changes/additions, match-ups that have significantly changed, and how you might have to tweak your play-style vs. certain opponents entirely.

Not sure it’s useful but might as well list here before I forget as maybe someone will want to play around with it: > c.hp xx lp.srk x2 > stomps x2 > (whiff) > ultra2 combos for 391 damage.

fp. Srk fadc j.sp u2 does 360 on Ryu. The Fp Srk can’t be right next to someone.

Is anyone seriously using U2 in any match-up?

I find it so unreliable and inconsistent… sometimes it does good dmg, other you rely on it to do that dmg and it does like… 100 and recovers after the oponent. I mean, what the fuck?

Then you’re timing it wrong. Go into training mode and work on the timing. I’m assuming you’re talking about EX Srk > U2?

And U2 is decent, but I only use it in matchups that arnt reliant on U1(Blanka, Sagat, etc)