Season's Beatings 4 HDR Grand Finals: Daigo (Ryu) vs. DGV (Ryu)


I thought that glitch only applied to cr.Short x 2 into Super and not cr.Short, st.Short, cr.Short into Super. Are you sure? I thought that’s why DGV wasn’t using cr.Short x 2.

DGV seemed fairly comfortable from watching his play (despite a flubbed juice kick here and there to escape Daigo’s corner trap), but if the setup he was using isn’t even his most preferred, then I can’t imagine how well he’d play with his favorite setup. Good stuff!

if DGV is looking for a round gate, in my opinion, american happ is the only way to do it. i’ve tried octo gates on sanwa and round gate on seimitsus…and they just dont work properly to me. i’ve been using a mas stick and if you are looking for a round feel…i think thats the only way to go. just my 2c

Who is Fugee and what was his request?

I second these questions.

Fugee and Ghaleon were the 2 guys that ran SB4. They requested that no match footage be uploaded as they are releasing a DVD.

Do they want me to yank the link in the first post? (I can edit it out)

I will not put the Wong vs. Diago matches on the SF4 section of


Could just be me delaying the input or something, but it’s happened a handful of times where the super comes out but doesn’t combo. It’s probably more likely that the screw up is on my end.

Daigo actually hadn’t been picking his classic brown Ryu the entire tournament. I don’t think he minded. He mostly picked classic ST black/yellow Ryu.

OMG… this is awesome, i fought against DGV at PSN about one month ago, guys, DGV is AMAZING!, i’ll never forget that in my life, two beasts fighting each other in that vid!, too much respect to DGV and Daigo.

zaspacer - Fugee asked me personally not to post any footage on youtube; he asked that of almost everyone I think. Since your link is the ustream and isn’t that good quality, I don’t think it would be a big deal, but you can’t hurt to ask him.

“I’ll let other people recount the details, but we’re definitely doing an SB Anthology DVD next year”

I dont know about any of you, but fuck waiting a year.

So the old timers just didn’t have access to stuff like this info and videos because of low tech.

Looks like us new timers won’t get it since someone has to make a few $$.

Thanks Mars. We need to get some more classic Ryu vs Guile matches going again.

Thanks guys. As for the whole picking Brown/Reddish oufit, that has always been my color since SSF2 days. I usually pick Turbo Ryu or as EA calls it “Bumble Bee” on ST/Remix because I never felt that I’ve earned the right to use my primary color on stick :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: As for why I chose it against Daigo? - I felt I had loaned out my color long enough lol

Haha…see you at the Denjin Ranbats son!


After 7 hours of playing back all the matches in my head and going over the footage with my bro, I can’t help but think…Man, I let that one get away!:smile:

Regarding Daigo’s Ryu compared to the others…

-Choi’s Ryu is precise and calculative (he’s more disciplined compared to Daigo)
-Afro’s Ryu can be described as perfect execution. The man constantly forces you into the high low guessing game and will ALWAYS land some super combo variation. Daigo’s dp ability reminds me of Afro.
-Valle’s Ryu is virtually identical to Choi’s but Alex’s Ryu has a wild streak to it (in a good way). He’ll land that juice kick that you wouldn’t expect.

As for the matches against Daigo…it can be pretty much summed up by saying that I landed on way too many fireballs. My inability on stick to clear fbs consistently and having to rely on the air hk to bail me out severely cost me. In addition, I highly over-analyzed his fireball game. I should have punished him for constantly throwing out so many fierce fbs in close. I was thinking he was on “Plan F” when in reality he was probably on “Plan B.” I guess that’s the inherent old school nature in me that will always look further into fireball patterns; even when in reality they may not even exist. It’s funny, on Saturday night my bro told me that if I was going to win it I would have to go through Daigo at some point.

As Iatepus mentioned earlier, I did play Daigo casually on Saturday before the tourney. We played 5 games total (1-4). I totally gave it away during that set by missing a basic super combo to end the battle and another super to kill him with chip damage. Those 2 mistakes cost me two battles easily.

Daigo’s Ryu is as money as everyone says it is. His footsie game it top notch as well as his pressure tactics. He completely took advantage of my mistakes and forced me into the corner quite often. Hence why I was forced to go for the juice kick to reset the spacing.

As for next time playing Daigo…hopefully my lateral mobility will have improved on stick and I will definitely punish those in close fierce fbs and sweeps/low mediums of his.

Thanks SweetJV…still have a long way to go.

Honestly, the best part of the tourney was meeting all the HDR guys…Grog, Alex6, Nomrah (indeed the best dressed man at the event), Damdai, ImmortalBmw, Maverick, Iatepus (aka the wisest 23yr old period!), Wsop (my fellow og),JoshtheFunk,MGear, PimpSirRichard, TerribleatHalo, Mad Possum(glad the wifey let you hang with the old men), and any others I’m forgetting.

Proceeds to go back into training mode


Yep, that’s how I do it. I used to hold down the last cr lk to avoid the fake FB, but now I just do it the regular way quickly to avoid that nuisance.

I’m not sure why some people are so surprised. I’ve always said this guy is one of the top dogs on Remix. Good stuff man, maybe I’ll come out to some of these Denjin Ranbats and play.

For sure, man. The actual tournament was more an afterthought for me; I was all about the casuals and just shooting the shit.

It was great hanging with you, your brother, Mav, Grog, Iapetus, Blicen and all the other HDR people, whether or not we formally met.

BTW, sorry for just disappearing on Sunday. The loud-ass Marvel crap was driving me CRAZY and I just HAD to get out of there for a while. I went to my car and ended up sleeping until like 9 p.m. in the parking lot, lol. Anyway, hope to see you all again soon!

It’s not surprise, it’s pride and love (partially homo!) :lovin:

I hope you do make it to the RanBats! It’d be really cool to meet ya, I’ve had a lot of fun playing ya online.

Anytime Man Anytime. Its always classic playing and watching you play dude:smile:. And Its funny cause i always wondered what it would be like to see you and daigo go at it, and you guys went down to the wire. Just Wow. Still remembering those classic matches on xbl when you were against Fifth n sum bud and Afro legends so awesome Allstar room right there. Godbless