Season's Beatings 4 HDR Grand Finals: Daigo (Ryu) vs. DGV (Ryu)

Just so everyone knows, my personal footage has been uploaded at the video thread.

It is a 24 hour link. That’s it. No re ups. You need VLC to view the video. It is only up for a short time so I can still respect Fugee’s request to not have it uploaded to Youtube or any site while they are making the High Quality DVD to purchase. Consider this a tease and support the SBIV crew by buying the DVD and coming to next years event. There are a ton of HDR players that should have been there that were missed.

Incredible games! Now I don’t feel too bad when I lose to you DGV (whichever one of you I have played in the past).

I’m looking forward to future matches between you two Ryu experts in the future, after you’re more accustomed to your stick.

HOLY shit. This was the most incredibly exciting Ryu mirror I have watched in my life! Serious props to everyone involved. :tup:

I always knew that Cr.Roundhouse was a beast move but DAMN.

what a great fight! awesome combos by dgv! hope you guys have a rematch sometime

the infinite pump fakes were ridiculous!! loved every minute of this nail biter… major props to Iapetus for the great quality video, thanks!!

Ok, so I’d like to ask:
why use the neutral stand short at all? Why not just low short x2, then qcf, then low short, qcf, jab?

and why not:
low strong, low forward, super (I’m theorizing in my head here, but isn’t that also possible with the same technique, and does more damage, and more time to hit confirm?)

I’m actually trying to pick up ryu. I don’t have a problem with DPs on cabinet but for some reason on TE stick I have a hard time…

You can’t low short x3 into super due to being unable to cancel chain attacks, unless you use renda canceling (or chain canceling) in conjunction with kara canceling, which sometimes just doesn’t work with Ryu (super randomly doesn’t connect).

Low strong, low forward xx super is possible and some players use it, but the super also sometimes does not connect. If you’re looking for an easy low forward xx super, just do j.rh c.fwd xx super.

Cuz there’s a known glitch that affects only Ryu’s cr Short x 2, Super. 50% of the time this combo will not come out even when executed perfectly. This was a problem in Classic ST and it wasn’t fixed for Remix, and it’s documented in the Wiki.

I actually want to know if this is the reason DGV uses a st Short instead of cr Short x 2.

Cr Strong, cr Forward, Super only combos on big characters like Zangief and Hawk. It’s not practical, but cr Strong, Super is practical and VERY hit confirmable. Cr Strong is so awesome you don’t even have to cancel it into Super, you can link the Super upon hit confirming and it will still combo on everybody. Same with cr Strong, Ken’s Super.

Edit: Murderbydeath beat me to it.

Zass: Murderbydeath and Blitzfu pretty much summed it up. I thought about going for crossup rh --> cr medium punch --> standing fierce punch --> super…but that seemed just abit too risky.

Batt: It’s hard to say…I’ve only played STplayah like 8 shoto-shoto battles online in the last year…so I don’t really remember. Hopefully he can make it out to NCR.

My 2 cents…

You have an Egret II right? So do I. When you sit at that type of cab, the stick will be basically in line with your left thigh. When you play with a TE stick on your lap, the stick is much further to the right. For me, this makes DP’s when my character is facing left much harder. YMMV…

lol, you just described my evo 2009.

oooh, good point! Yes I do have an Egret II. I think you’re right!

At first I thought the problem was having the stick on the floor – on the floor, my wrist has a wierd angle to the stick, which makes DPs problematic (no problem for charge characters though.

So then I thought, okay for Ryu I’ll play with the stick on my lap, where the angle of the wrist is more similar to cab. But even with the stick on my lap I had problems.

I’ll have to try with the TE stick pushed back to the left, so it’s not centered on my lap, see if that helps.

I had the exact same thought, zass. :slight_smile: Can you blame me considering that the Hadouken and Shinkuu Hadouken have the same startup time and…well…cr.:mp:, cr.:mk: XX :hp: Hadouken connects on everyone (yep…I said it) from point-blank range (and also after a crossup)? :slight_smile: I would think that if the above is true, then cr.:mp:, cr.:mk: XX Shinkuu Hadouken would be my combo of choice all day long. (In fact, for me, if I have the wherewithall to actually try it, that’s pretty much the way I combo into supers with everybody that has a cr.:mp:, cr.:mk: link.)

I read ahead before responding to this message, so I also saw Dark Gaiden say that he thought about using cr.:mp:, cl.:hp: XX Shinkuu Hadouken. Man…all I can do is shudder at your level of confidence and skill. :slight_smile: If you think that’s too risky though, then you should try cr.:mp:, cr.:hp: XX Shinkuu Hadouken. I’m sure the cr.:hp: may miss on certain people, but I’m also certain that you’ll like the results when that combo hits. :slight_smile:

Was the SB4 DVD ever released? Been waiting to watch this match again for ages.

That match was awesome. Maybe my favorite Ryu mirror match ever.

These matches are not from SB, but they’re pretty wicked just the same.

DGV vs Daigo action. Enjoy.

Too awesome. The two consecutive time out victories were crazy.

Fudd: “I’m amazed at how much discipline it takes to play Ryu. Always staying in neutral and always trying to react.”

It is indeed tough. But I never really looked at it like that until you said it.

Staying in neutral = yes.

Trying to react from a neutral position = yes.

Yes, you are right.

One thing is for sure: Ryu is the fucking man. HADOKEN!! :rock:

I have to say that Seasons Beatings 4 was the best time I ever had at a tournament. Even though I was disappointed about how I did personally (no shame in losing to Damdai, of course, but I shouldn’t have lost the other match that put me out a few matches later) I had a great time in casuals and just hanging out and meeting all the great SF2 players that were there: the DGV brothers, Damdai, Daigo, RoyBisel, De Maverick, Immortalbmw, JoshtheFunkDoc, Alex6x6x6, Grog, etc. DGV was, as always, amazing to watch and play against.

It’s hard to believe that there could be such a huge and high quality turn out and such amazing matches played at that tournament in HDR and then a little over a year later the game is practically dead at tournies. It’s really a shame.

It seems like ST has taken over a majority of the playerbase, but I’m pretty sure if anybody bothered to run a side tourney at Majors, that the ST crowd would be willing to play HDR. But is there anybody who would organize it?

Agreed 100%. SB4, Evo '09 and several other regional and local tournies were amazing times for me when HDR was even just a small part of these tournaments, but that was in its prime. Now that it’s years later and its already small community dwindled/split, forget about it. It’s a damn shame.