Looks like Daigo is tuff once your cornered. Would like to see a casual set between these two like 30 rounds.
Looks like Daigo is tuff once your cornered. Would like to see a casual set between these two like 30 rounds.
I’ve already mentioned this in other thread(s), but good shit Dark Gaiden! You’re Ryu and stick play has come so far! VERY nice showing! :lovin:
Props to my GGPO nemesis, DGV. Good shit =] Thanks to that cat, I very rarely lose to andybodys Ryu heh. Now Daigo knows what it feels like to be on the business end of the xup combo of doom :sad:
wow, Daigo vs DGV : it sounded epic, and it really was ! :wow:
Thx for the link … hope there will be a better version soon :lovin:
I thought HDR is not released in Japan yet? Is there anyway we can get these guys share the “PS3” experience with us? They might be able to make more noise to Capcom’s ears.
Well, it seems that Daigo hasn’t used that color since VST. Anytime he uses Ryu in HDR, it’s default white. That’s how it was at Evo, and now at SB.
Both are also known for picking Kobra Kai.
hey DGV. if you get around to it, i think me and everyone else would love to hear your analysis of the match.
According to the Season Beatings thread, there was a total of 57 players HDR.
HDR had a better turnout than some of the games there!
BlazBlue had about 67, marvel had 48, and SF4 had 250 (Not surprising).
Good shit for everyone that represented HDR.
ok im lost to is DGV Justin
DGV inspires me to learn ryu
Can someone (DGV? Anyone?) break down step by step how to do that cross up into super combo?
lol, no DGV is not Justin. DGV picked brown Ryu which is the color Daigo usually picks. Whether or not that was a pre-fight mind game on purpose or not, you’ll have to ask DGV himself, but my guess is yes it was intentional. :wgrin:
I’ll guess!!!
I have one educated guess. Remember that Ryu’s best cross-up is j.:hk:…and that’s the one used in the video. So…after the cross-up j.:hk: hits…
My guess: :d:+:lk:, neutral+:lk:, :qcf:, :d:+:lk:, :df::r:+:p:
Since :qcf:+:lk: will give you Ryu’s Fake Hadouken, this is the only way, AFAIK, that you can input a cr.:lk:, st.:lk:, cr.:lk: XX Shinkuu Hadouken SC combo and get all of the moves to come out.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he held down :lk: on the last cr.:lk: to avoid any chance of Negative Edging into a Fake Hadouken, too. I don’t think it would be entirely necessary, though.
Well, DGV…am I right?
The fact that you can see it, then describe it, then theorize as to how its done, when you haven’t done it is impressive sir. OJ, you continue to blow me away at every turn. Now when is THAT going into the FAQ? lol
Ummm…it’ll be there. Just gotta finish the revision. sigh So much work to do…
I can do that combo, maybe 1 or 2 out of every 5 tries in training mode. Its just silly :<
The only person on xbox live I have met who can do it consistently is snake eyez
That combo is magnificent.
Sorry for my ignorance - is DGV a player from Japan or from the US?
I’m no DGV, but yes, this is how I do the combo as well. You have to hold lk down at the end or you will negative edge a fake hadoken without fail. Even if you input the combo properly, there’s still a chance that the super will not combo off the last which is incredibly aggravating.
You can also do xx super against every character in the corner without needing to cross up. Midscreen, as I recall, the lk x 3 xx super doesn’t work against regular sized characters since the last pushes them just far enough to allow them to block.
Hey, since DGV is GDLK and his favorite FG is SSF2… Can we get peeps to start playing ZSNES online again?
Also, I have a better version of the fight on my camera. I am NOT posting it on youtube due to Fugee’s request, but I am willing to send it to people who ask for it.
Also, DGV said he is still trying to find his way around stick. He was using octo-gate with happ bat top on sanwa stick at the tourney, but decided later he is gonna start using square gate. Honestly, we need some mofo with wiring skills to get this guy a modded snes pad.