Scotland gifts world with haggis, golf. World finally repays debt with Ebola

The cynic in me wonders if the “new experimental drug” they used was a different one from what they gave to the others.

Live stream of another possible Ebola patient that made contact with Ebola victim currently being transported to a hospital in Dallas:

Is Alex Jones capitalizing on fear mongering and selling PPE’s yet? He capitalized and profited off selling iodine pills by scaring people during the Fukushima reactor incident.

Of course they weren’t going to let that mofo live…If they would have cured him, then best believe the Africans will willfully land on Plymouth Rock!

I like how every news report is saying not to worry about Ebola spreading in the US…Just like a damn movie!

If this shit makes it up to canada and our stupid governments both us and canadian are too dumb to contain it quickly i know ill be staying indoors. Its a good thing im hella fucking good at being inside and not talking/ hating people. I will hide in my house until everything calms the fuck down. Ill pass on shitting my self to death. I really hope this virus dont spread. Gonna be so annoying if it does.

youre not out of the fire yet dallas.

Why you got to post that man^^^ … @"The Furious One"‌ i believe it was a different one. I came across an article saying. They ran out of the first drug, and they used another drug. Ill try to find the article on that…

As underhanded as that shit sounds, I believe it. If we were holding a cure for a ravenous disease, and another country was suffering, if that country found out, we would look like huge dickheads to the entire world until the cure is passed out for free. They’ve been talking up a vaccine, but that only does so much for those already infected.

[posting the oh god, oh man video again]

Cant have a cure without clinical trials for efficacy. Cant have clinical trials by passing ish out willynilly without controlled monitoring. Cant have controlled monitoring in countries without such capabilities. Gotta bring ebola to stop ebola. Sun Tzu. Catch 22. hashtaghastag

Should not have ate that donut inside the ebola apartment.

can i freak out now?

See these fools playing russian roulette with people’s lives.

I found this tid bit

Guy is screwed

Article i read on the drugs used.

Damn i musta called it, the UK is sending a cruiser, helicopters and lots of friendly battlefield medics to Sierra Leone. We all know this is gonna end badly lol.

Also funny fucking thing in history on the news earlier today, the Spanish nurse who got taken in for Ebola, well her dog has to get destroyed cause it was in contact with her. Cue all the Spanish hippys protesting like fuck and the police charging em with batons n shit, massive brawl over Lassie.

hope everyone remembered to save their game before continuing further

didn’t american military folk say sending in the military would do you know good?

I know the west is trying so hard to save face in Africa, so that Africa chooses the west over the capatilistic communist horde, but come on. There are absolutely no safe guards to prevent spread, and military hospitals deal with diffrent type of hospice. It’s not designed for that shit.

Guess you gotta keep that flow going.

Also, hubingcapstop is right.

If we did have a cure under trail, and we gave it to them, but found out it caused dicks to bend, or people got diabetic. YOu bet your ass there be a shit storm. Clinical trials are there for a reason, however, those clinical trails have way to much red tape, and many people die unnecesarlly or with no fighting chance.

It’s skewed in one way for a reason, and it’s not about profits, but the loss of profit through lawsuits.

Just drop bombs and get it over with

Stop spreading misinformation, you scrubs. Ebola doesn’t have a “cure”, it’s the same shit with cancer.

You do what you can, and pray you’ll live.

And you probably won’t.

I forgot to stock up on Red Herbs.

They useless without green herbs.