SBR ST tourney: 1st Daigo, 2nd Frank Bisel, 3rd Sabin

haha, the ggpo apoc finally gets around to contact the real apoc to make a post here :slight_smile:

BTW, there are a lot of awesome photos from

Momo2 looks like a really cozy place, I like that atmosphere better than big, cold hotel ball rooms.

Daigo really seems to suffer from massive jet lag this time around.

With his extensive experiences going to oversea tournaments, I thought he already know how all the tricks to deal with jet lag.

Maybe the first full day of absence and sleeping in the hotel messed it up even more for him.

Roybisel’s demise :slight_smile:

And Justin + marn = lolz:

Totally an honor to face against Apoc on ggpo, knowing it was him when we talked about worlds finest comics and Tomo.

Yo Sabin hope u get ggpo to work on windows 7 its been a couple of years since we played dunno if u remember I was using old guile vs ur sim on ggpo. It will be cool to have another good sim player on ggpo which there arnt that many.

I just read this thread for the first time today. Thanks for props from whoever gave them to me. We did the best we could given the equipment that we had. The equip was supposed to be tested BEFORE the tournament but we kept running into problems.

For the coin flip – That was only used a couple of times in the Team Tournament and then in the Grand Finals between me + daigo. Basically the Namco H2H machine had Seimitsu LS-32s and the Astro City had JLFs. Once Arturo sent me to losers I played 2 more matches on the HAPP sticks (Showcase cabinet) Beating Fudd and James Chen. Once I had to play Justin Wong (who had just lost winners bracket match to Daigo) I moved over to the Seimitsu stick. Thankfully, I won that match and then waited for Sabin/Daigo, Mars/Ghaleon to finish, then I played Mars O Sagat vs Guile. I’m glad I won because I really wanted a rematch against Arturo.

So I was able to get the Seimitsu side and pull out a win with a couple of well timed jump rh…arturo could have probably beat them out with a low jab but thankfully he forgot about it and was probably pressing fwd. So onto the beast.

I sat there for what seemed like 3 hours waiting for Sp00ky to get the stream up, but it was really 20-30 mins…Eventually I got sick of waiting, I was already anxious enough as it was, and just told Fugee ‘fuck it let’s run this’. So you can blame me for you not seeing the Grand Finals. I guess from what I’m told only the last round of the last match was caught. Sp00ky let me and Ghaleon down when it came to ST. Marvel and SSF4 took priority over everything…that’s just the way it went down at SB:R.

Against Daigo I tried to play Rog V Rog and got blown up really bad…I basically wasted a full game trying to throw loop the master. Bad idea. Switched to O Sagat, lost match 2…but realized that I was onto something with my old school tiger knee tricks…

Match 3 I was able to pull it out, but I think I got a little bit too excited and start rushing things instead of just playing the match straight up.

After that, well I just got ran over. I lost confidence after I missed a few key meaty low fwd setups and got discouraged. I didn’t perform at my very best level but I gave it the old ‘college try’. Unfortunately, really none of us were able to play casuals with him at all outside of like 3-4 matches that damdai got to play.

Anyways, I had a wonderful time at SB:R…we realize it wasn’t perfect and there are a few things to improve. Hopefully, next year you guys will still come out and support us and our event. Til then, take care!

Cool stuf Roy …I haven’t been on ggpo for a while but would rather play vs you offline at CE and ST if you ever come down to north cali. I noticed you were able to tiger knee his whiffed head butt:). I am thinking of picking up Old Sagat to get the job done, so knowing that lowforward set up would be nice to know…hehe.

Shinobi Master aka American Ninja/striderhiryux on ggpo

Sup Sabin,
Just some advice to help you next time you play a good bison player comming from a former ST sim player myself (I learned how to play sim vs bison from watching Cole and Alex Wolfe back when they used to play it vs Jason Nelson’s Bison at SVGL many years ago when they had the ST machine) …next time do more Forward kick drills rather than Roundhouse drills to counter Bison’s siscor kicks and crushers because if you do you will be land close where you can throw out a close low forward kick into noogie (start the noogie loop or Fierce throw to send him toward the corner followed up with a quick high Fierce spiral to close distance if he softens the fierce throw or not). When you get him in the corner you want to do a couple of repeated forward kick drills aimed at Bison’s ankles then noogie, or fk drill again, and throw in occasional stand forward to prevent him from jumping out of the corner, also with Bison in corner mix in walk up deep close back low forward x 2 after he gets out of the noogie (sometimes this will dizzy him).

Also while doing Yoga Fires (especially after Bison player react to a fierce one) if Bison headstomps on reaction then you can counter by ducking last moment as he is approaching sims head this will cause Bison to miss and fly over you, then throw out a far stand Forward kick after your sim changes direction…credit of that tactic goes to the Danjiri sim from Japan who is the 2nd best sim under Gian (he is “chi” on ggpo). Also, use late short kick or forward kick slide to counter the Devils reverse (down and up + punch move) as it is about to hit you.

Anyway hope that helps, and hope to play you offline or on ggpo in the future.

American Ninja

We told Ghaleon that to stop at top 4 and ST was on our lists of priority to capture during the weekend. There was poor planning in sending matches up or people just played it out so we missed a lot of footage that we wanted. The thing was that to set it up it takes time to plug shit in and make sure the settings are correct, ghaleon was supposed to report us top 4 and then we’d set up. Instead it was during grand finals and arturo even insisted to wait but it didnt happen… if you guys want to stream next time calm the hype down and take a breather! WELL CAP THAT SHIT FOR YOU GUYS!

If anybody hasn’t noticed Fudd has all the videos up on his channel now. YouTube - Fuddulous’s Channel

It was Fugee that said to “just run it”, unfortunately. I saw that entire decision go down, there wasn’t enough time for Sp00ky to figure out the jrok given how Fugee wanted things to be run. Just a harsh reality.

There was plenty of time most of the time just if things had been lined up better it would of worked well. Just people have to communicate more with the stream person this time, I’m just saying its far from vics fault. The last thing he wants to stream is Super but he does it for the people.

Oh, definitely. I know it wasn’t Sp00ky’s fault. Juggling that many games and having a tournament director pressed for time just isn’t a good combo. Unfortunate situation is all.

What does he have against ST?

Super SFIV, ultracombo. Stop trolling.

I wasn’t trolling, I’m just an idiot.

Do you have a link with the detailed info? Does it only work on sim or can he psycho magic every character in the game?

From Nohoho’s blog:
super nohoho fighter ii x: Taira’s Trickery and Other Tales from Tougeki '07

I’ve tried messing around with them in practice and in matches vs. Dhalsim, and I definitely echo VirtuaFighterFour that the version done under Dictator’s portrait is much easier to sustain. The other one seems to shift in position more and you have to adjust you positioning with move sequence variations and variable hit timing to keep it going.

Also, it seems when the Dhalsim player let’s the string hit, I usually end up behind them and in the corner so I can’t just re-start the trap on them.

However, I disagree with VirtuaFighterFour regarding the difficulty of getting Dhalsim in the corner. Dictator’s strong juggle can both carry Dhalsim toward the corner and creates a knockdown. And even a blocked frontisde 5-hit with Scissor is very effective in pushing Dhalsim backward a good distance, which then just needs any number of successful mix-ups to allow he to set-up. It’s by no means easy, but Dictator has some good weapons to make it happen.

Here is a video of what appears to be Taira doing it to a Ryu:

My understanding is that any character with a reversal can use it to hit the Special move activation in the trap. But that could be wrong. In any case, a character with a reversal could probably just let it knock them down and then just reverse an attempt to restart it.

Here is a video of YuuVega trying a variation with crouching Strong underneath the Dhalsim portrait:

One thing I think is very important to anyone trying to incorporate this, is to pay special attention to how each trap is started. It’s one thing to keep the trap going, but it’s another to be able to set it up and start into it. For the one under Dictator’s portrait I currently try to start it on a knocked down, cornered Dhalsim with a jumping toward Jab. (though I think in the videos they use a jumping short)

I am by no means any kind of expert on this area, these are just my observations from messing around with it some.

Zass the trap vs Ryu/Ken isn’t really a trap. There is a gap between the first and second hits of the drill but there is a trick to DP it. After the first hit is blocked he passes though you and you have to DP backwards to hit him out of it. So after the first hit just Back D DB the jab to get out of it.

Zazza use to do this to me all the time till I figured out that it could be DP’d.

I think you mean zas not zass (and not zaz). They are all different people :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes Zas = Zaspacer
Zazza = Joe Zazza AKA Giga-MSX the best Dic in the US

As Geo has hit on, I am not Zass (aka Beasley) and obviously we all know I am not Zazza (aka Giga).

I am yet another confusing “Za” named person who plays Dictator. :confused:

In all fairness, I picked up Dictator long after either Zass or Zazza did, so if anything I should get the grief over name confusion.

I am “Zaspacer”, I play Dictator in ST/HDR (almost exclusively 360 these days), my website is, I used to play Guile in HF, I live in SD and know Milo/Painter/Romedy, and I actually met and talked briefly with you (Cigar Bob) during EVO '09.

Very good to know. :slight_smile:

I guess that Ryu in the video didn’t know.

thanks for the info Zas.