I am not on his lap scrub.and I am older than you so don’t call kid…when u punk on my brother then I will stick up for him cause thats what brothers do…and for your information I got 4th place losing to Choi at tough north cali tournament “offline” where “Choi was there” and he got 1st and DGV got 2nd so how is that false credit? Not to mention I’ve done well vs the good players on ggpo where the gamespeed is insanely way too fast to react to a lot of stuff dude to frameskips and corrupted emulated game compared to true offline arcade. Mars plays on xbox live and ps3 where it is more popular than ggpo thats why he is more popular than I am. I am just unknown to the HDR xbox community cause I don’t have xbox…nuff said
I think your the one trying to hard always trying to flame me when i make a post everytime.
Btw nvm looked on page one he was on Japanese sticks thanks for answering such a simple question corrosion you really didnt have to go out of your way to trash talk and make things so damn difficult when I havent said anything wrong.
Between guys like Rocky L Rose and the Battosai brothers, I’m gonna have a lot of entertainment for years to come.
Don’t be those players. Just play the game. I have like 4 more match videos to upload, I’ll let you all know when there’s some REAL SUPER TURBO to come see.
i havent played st for 2 years (last time i played serious was when st was at evo.) wheres my excuses? can i get someone to make a laundry list for me? lololol
also that screen cap is fucking hilarious
heres a story: i find out i have to play daigo
i call cole using james chens phone
but the strats are all for ryu not for boxer dictator
so hence my mindfuck. lol. esp when he picked dictator. when he picked rog im like alright imma blow that shit up.
roybisel also played extremely on point that weekend. only reason i beat him in winners was because the diagonals on the showcase cabinet were fucked up and he only plays on us sticks. i considered myself extremely lucky.
damdai is free
also umm…yeah id like to play st more but ggpo and windows 7 dont work very well, id have to downgrade to xp. thinking of buying a st board.
edit one more thing bison vs sim is counterpick in st? been out of the loop…i consider it a counterpick in HDR but never considered it a counterpick in ST
Someone needs to write a Windows 7 guide for GGPO.
YuuVega said that Dhalsim is one of Dictator’s three worst matches. Taira, who usually massacres every Dhalsim but Gian, said that it’s 4-6 at best for Dictator. It’s definitely in Dhalsim’s favor in ST, you can zone Dictator out rather easily, or you can throw loop him to death.
VF4: Yeah exactly. I thought the same. Which is why im like ? when people said daigo counterpicked when i never really thought it was a counterpick in the first place.
damdaigo: No HDR bullshit for you. I like me over you 10-8 holla at me in 2 weeks buddy
Not sure about 7, but I’ve tried to run it on Vista and it seems choppy and off to me. If I boot into XP (same computer) it seems smoother. I’d love to know if there’s something I can do to get it to run as well on Vista, cause dual booting is a hassle.
but if dictator can get sim pinned in the corner, he can keep sim virtually trapped in block stun for the remainder of the round. taira did this at SBO’07, i think you can read a proper description of it on nohoho’s blog if you do a search under “psycho magic”
Zazza and Taira are the only two people I’ve ever seen do psycho magic more than twice in a row in an actual match. YuuVega fails it every time and at this point rarely even tries for it. It’s as hard as Hawk’s throw loop in my opinion. The big thing is “if”, yeah sure if Dictator can get Dhalsim in the corner he can perform a perfect block string full of difficult links, but that rarely happens. It’s same idea that Zangief or Hawk can get Dhalsim in the corner and throw him over and over for the win…but that rarely happens in actual matches despite being a sound theory on paper.
There’s two different psycho magic block strings on Dhalsim. The 1P side specific one is very hard but the 2P side block string is almost impossible to use in a real match unless you’ve put in hours upon hours of practice. Dictator versus Dhalsim is 3-7, certainly winnable, but Dhalsim has so many things going for him that psycho magic is barely a factor. 99% of the time it’s Dictator being cornered and pounded with flame traps and throws.
right click your GGPO application, select properties, then select the Compatibility tab. Check off the “Disable Desktop Composition” then apply and OK.
Now you can keep your aero theme, but when you launch GGPO, aero will be disabled.
Yea obviously the people saying he “counter picked” are not sim players because the match is probably on par with the boxer matchup. If he would have picked chun or blanka or claw i could see people saying he “counter picked” but who knows what his actual reason was for picking dic.
i didn’t say it was easy and nor did i say the matchup was in dictator’s favour. you’ll notice that daigo did have sabin in the corner a couple of times during that fight
Much Respect to all who entered! I apologize for not making it but, we’ll all run into one another soon enough:) Hit me up on GGPO!
Extra props to Frank and Sabin. Frank for holdin’ down the ol skool and Sabin for workin’ Sim wherever:) Much love fellas. Peace!
Super Props to Chris and Frank for makin’ it all happen. Not enough thanks possible!