SBR ST tourney: 1st Daigo, 2nd Frank Bisel, 3rd Sabin

My ST tourney thoughts.

ST’s up front location in the venue was good and bad. It was right in front of the main display monitors so it got so crowded that it was hard to get any good casuals/warm-up matches, but at the same time it had great exposure as not to be hidden in some dark corner. Personally if they decide to do ST year next I hope they dedicate a side area (bowling alley area?) were it would be more comfortable to play.

Equipment issues… There were a few issues, For instance Justin Wong lost his first game on the left side of the showcase cabinet, he then complained about the Happ stick being broken and switched to a hrap that was using the converters and proceeded to dismantle his opponent to win the match. The main linked candy cabs had several issues and used 2 different types of sticks. The Candy Astro on the right used a Sanwa JLF and the linked Namco Candy used a stick that I couldn’t identify. The jamma to PS2 converters were on the Astro cab and the Showcase not the Namco. A coin flip was used to to determine which player got to use the Astro cab, this is a variable that should not have to happen in a $50 buy-in ST tourney. I personally do not believe any of these issues changed the possible outcome of the tourney so its all good but improvements need to be made. Next year I think it would be a good idea to move ST to a pure Supergun setup. Players can use what ever stick they want and play on CRT TV setups. I do like using cabs but not in the manner they had setup. No more coin flips, lol.

The singles ST tourney was exciting. Lots of upsets and great victories. Sabin getting counter picked by Diago’s Dictator was pretty crazy as I don’t remember him using Dictator before. Frank pulling out clutch victories Vs Wong and Sabin to make it to the grand finals. Frank “going for broke” in the grand finals against Daigo was nice to see. Very aggressive play. I was disapointed about not getting it up on the live stream but it happens.

Overall it was great fun and I hope we get to do it all over again next year!

Steve/Roy/anyone who attended the event,

Can you also post the team tourney results? also would be interesting to know more about the bracket besides top 4.

I think if US players are really not able to play on standard japanese ST parts (LS32 + sanwa buttons), the only good option is supergun, instead of banning CPS2 altogether.

If I were there and I need to coin flip and play on the happ, I might just threw the set away :frowning:

BTW, although this is not ST related, overall SBR is super hype (marvel, ssf4, etc).

If you didn’t watch the stream or didn’t like ssf4, at least you should spend 1 min to check this out. Action starts at 2:00 mark.

Daigo still keeps his poker face after that happened - I think CB is right that he is fishing for that as you can see the whiffed cr. HP. That nigga is mad evil.

We should try to see if this shit works in ST XDDDD


[quote=“papasi, post:22, topic:112664”]

Steve/Roy/anyone who attended the event,

Can you also post the team tourney results? also would be interesting to know more about the bracket besides top 4. /QUOTE]

Papasi I posted the ST 3v3 team results in the Season’s Beatings results thread. I think page 5.
Damdai, Frank and Mars got 1st
SteveTren,Kajoq and Keits got 2nd
Team Canada, Willdestroyer,JimmyBones and Thelo got 3rd.

As for the results out of the top 4 in singles I have no clue. They were all on paper.

Found some pics here. Supergun not bad at all.

The karaoke rooms are all opened for casuals with TV supplied? Nice.

Season’s Beatings Redemption: Oct. 15-17th?2010 - PICS - The Brog You Loves

damdai rocking ken

kajoq’s supergun setup

<roybisel> stevetren
<roybisel> in the black
<Jimmy Bones> we were all in the same room
<roybisel> kajoq with the cup of food
<roybisel> fudd is in khaki pants
<roybisel> bottom of screen is mightymar





Ghaleon/Justin Wong
James Chen/Damdai
FlashG, Immortal, Krost, Steve Tren
PimpSirRichard, Corrosive, Jimmy Bones, Willdestroya,
JED07 - DQ, Ghetto DQ
h4mm3r tim3
sanford kelly

<roybisel> jimmy v sanford 1st round
<roybisel> jimmy wins
<roybisel> fudd v hammer time fudd win
<roybisel> krost v thelo krost wins
<roybisel> kajoq v corrosive 1st round corrosive wins
<roybisel> jchen v ds199x 1st round jchen wins
<roybisel> jchen v damdai 2nd round jchen wins
<roybisel> fudd v daigo 2nd round daigo wins
<roybisel> frank v krost 2nd round frank wins
<roybisel> sabin v stevetren 2nd round sabin wins
<roybisel> frank v sabin 3rd round sabin wins
<roybisel> ghaleon v corrosive 2nd round ghaleon wins
<roybisel> ghaleon v jchen 3rd round ghaleon wins
<roybisel> ghaleon v sabin 4th round sabin wins
<roybisel> bottom bracket was like brent v justin 3rd round justin wins
<roybisel> daigo v mars 3rd round daigo wins
<roybisel> daigo v justin 4th round daigo wins
<roybisel> sabin v daigo daigo wins after being down 1-2 and switching to dictator against sabins sim
<roybisel> me v arturo in losers finals was really good
<Jimmy Bones> Marsgatti sent me to losers
<roybisel> Marsgatti ran into me in the 4th place match

Just incase no one’s noticed yet, there are a few videos on youtube

grand finals

daigo vs arturo

daigo vs justin

Thanks, MrGospel. The streaming had not exactly shown that, and I hadn’t it on YT. Lots of thanks to the uploader!

I really enjoyed those matches and if you have a dvd of it I will gladly buy it! Thank-you Roy and the rest of ST players for keeping this shit alive for over 16 years now. Glad not everyone was blindsided by that marvel shit lol

i cant believe i lost that lol



These are all, at best, Alabamaman style snippets of tournament sets or casuals from me. I wouldn’t expect much else, but Fudd and ZeroDotJander seem to have the bulk of the footage. Consider these previews, I suppose.

good job sabin. I hate sf4, but if I were to start playing, I think I would pick up sim. I was inspired by your matches against daigo from evo and now SBO.

[media=youtube]ooKrUe_aiAg"[/media] is the other side of the head-to-head

More videos to come, just keep an eye out. [URL=“”]Here’s the playlist I’ll be putting all the footage on]([/media)

They were great matches though :nunchuck:

Your face when he counterpicked was amazing though :wgrin:

Edit: Real clever, Battosai.

Man im so pissed they didnt want me to play Daigo a bit longer…

How was it clever that i asked if Daigo was on american sticks vs mars? I noticed Daigo messed up on a lot specials…

I’m not even gonna waste my time pointing out what’s obviously wrong with this picture. Close your mouth.

Nah you first troll…mars did a great job not gonna take that away from him mad props for sure, daigo did mess up a lot on his specails including when mars jumped at him with forward kick he Daigo messed up on his jab dps in the beggining, Daigo is also a bit out of practice since he played in the x maina 2007which was 3 years ago when he serouisly competed in Japan at ST. Again im pointing out mistakes with Daigo not mars…which mars played correctly why dont you re read this?

ps i didnt see page one till now.

No you close your mouth Corrosive (corrosion on ggpo right?)…Don’t disrespect Battosai…or would you like me to woop your scrub guile ass on ggpo with my Bison and Chun li some more to teach you a lesson.
It was evident that Diago messed up on his excution of a DP like 3 times so Batt probably saw that something was wrong, besides Daigo isn’t in practice at that game and hasn’t took ST competatively seriously since he competed in X-mania in Japan when he was at his best years ago but he does just play in the US off of his memory of the game (like muscle memory, players great like Daigo can do that).

Congrats to Roybisel taking 2nd and Sabin takin 3rd!

Might be hard trying to look around your brother in your lap to see my point, but I know you got it!

Offline only, kids, maybe I’ll see you there one day when you’re not fighting for false cred.