SBR ST tourney: 1st Daigo, 2nd Frank Bisel, 3rd Sabin

Roybisel promised that we’ll have at least 4 hours worth of ST stream this coming Sunday starting at 11 a.m.

(I believe Ohio is in Eastern Time Zone, 11 am EST = 8 am PST)

I always like to watch football games with a bunch of friends. And I think we’ll enjoy the ST tourney more if we watch it together, so we can discuss who is the favorite, talking shit, etc.

Last EVO we were watching the stream and chatting on ggpo together and it was rather fun.

So if you are going to watch the stream, open another windows and login to ggpo and chat with us.

TeamSpooky on USTREAM: Featuring players such as Sabin Arturo Sanchez, NerdJosh, Chris Hu, Min, Akumahokoru, and ZTB, we travel all over the world bringing…

Sure thing.

anyone can contact roybisel Damdai or Mars and see if ST is over?

this is frustrating

<DGV> according to Mars, Damdai was beating down Daigo hard w/Hawk during casuals
<DGV> Daigo 3 Mars 1 all close
<DGV> According to Damdai…
<DGV> Thelo’s out
<DGV> winners: Wong, Ghaleon
<DGV> losers: Damdai, Chen, Mars
<DGV> according to Mars, Roy/Frank is still in it…score one for the old man haha
<DGV> Mars & Dam keep throwing out names
<DGV> According to Mars…if Arturo wins his next match, he’s top 3
<DGV> Corrosive elim Sanford Kelly, Wong beats Immortal
<DGV> Damdai vs Immortal coming up
<DGV> Damdai elims Immortal, Mars elims Damdai
<DGV> Damdai played Ryu & Ken against Mars
<DGV> Sabin vs Ghaleon is going on right now
<DGV> Wong vs. Daigo is next
<DGV> Top 8 (according to Damdai): Damdai, Frank, Mars, Sabin, Wong, Daigo, Ghaleon
<DGV> Sabins defeats Ghaleon
<DGV> Daigo beats Wong…Mars vs. Sabin is coming up
<DGV> correction…it’s Sabin vs. Daigo
<DGV> Mars plays loser of Sabin vs. Daigo
<DGV> Mars vs. Ghaleon is coming up…haha, as you can tell, Mars is a little confused right now
<DGV> Wong is out…waiting to find out who knocked him out
<sabin> daigo knocked me out with dictator wtf
<DGV> let’s see…Roy just elim Mars
<DGV> Roy/Frank also knocked out Justin
<DGV> Roy played O.Gat vs. Mars
<DGV> Roy defeats Arturo
top 3: frank bisel, sabin, daigo
<DGV> Daigo is up 2-1 vs frank
<DGV> Frank lost 1-5

Daigo won

and it’s being stream now. get on if you ain’t yet

[edit: ST stream went live for 5 seconds]


is it over?
i dont’ see anything.

aww fuck. fuck this, no SF2 love anywhere.

waited all day for ST, left the room for two minutes, and missed the only game they streamed

Not to denigrate SB in any way, but 30 seconds of ST is pretty sad :frowning:

good shit Roy Bisel and Damdai.

who eliminated Damdai ?

That’s the most stupid streaming ever. Hands down. Nothing could be worse than what’s done this evening, in terms of streaming the ST stuff.

Congratulation to Frank and Sabin taking 2nd and 3rd.

Sabin and Wong did really good considering that they don’t practice this game at all.

Frank, very nice taking 2nd, although we can’t see you in action live.

I hope ghaleon and fugee wouldn’t count arcade out next year.
Maybe we need more people to donate hardware so we don’t need to swap boards out.

I think SBR is getting so big and so much hype in all the games that everything runs late.

The stream is disappointing, to be honest. Hopefully next year things will run smooth.

The hype is unbelievable, though.

i had to catch my plane so mars was gonna win no matter what, I just wanted to make it a little closer ;p mars the god! Don’t think st was pushed aside. We had best location in venue. Just not enough hours in a day. People recorded tho.

Great. It’s all good, then: I will control my fury and try to forget the pitiful streaming.

I have a lot of pictures and a few match vids.

I don’t want anyone to tell me Cammy vs O Sagat in ST is impossible lol.

anyone find match vids yet?



When I get back to my friend’s house, I’ll try to upload the footage I have. I didn’t have enough memory in the camera for a few matches, so that can’t be helped.

Agreed, I was so excited to see ST get streamed then nothing. Then again anything not named Marvel or SSFIV was screwed over completely.

Fudd and I were able to record at least half of the ST matches. It was Fudd’s camera and for obvious reasons we prioritized getting his matches recorded, but we also have lots of other good ones including all of top 4 I’m pretty sure. We definitely have RARE FOOTAGE of Daigo playing Dictator vs Arturo, haha.

I guess links will be posted as this stuff goes up.