Sauga January 2005 Thread

Yeah this was an odd day…

Highlight Of The Day: Coming 3rd in CvS2

Low Point Of The Day: Losing winners semis to Gerjay because of Sauga Sticks.

Line Of The Day:

Anant: “I’ll bet you a quarter Tyler wins.”

Me: “WTF am I doing to do with a quarter?”

Gerjay: “Buy candy?”

I figured we’d get a decent crowd today based on who said they were going to show up over the course of the week. I was pretty disappointed that Team White Boys V1 didn’t come but otherwise we had a good turnout.


Vs Teddy (1st Round): This is a match I’m going to have nightmares about. First match I blew not one, not two, but THREE different opportunities to ice the game with Storm and watched my lead evaporate. Second game was tight and I got Invincible Boots to smoke Teddy’s Sentinel and Capcom at once. Third game I get pissed because the one game I actually beat Teddy in for a tournament wasn’t taped. I get stupid not caring anymore and get run over. Whatever…

Vs Shumayel (2nd Round - Losers Bracket): Shu ran away with Storm until I got frustrated and started chasing with stupidity. He smoked me both games with the same strat.


Vs Teddy (1st Round): Despite what Teddy thought, this wasn’t revenge for Marvel. This was actually revenge for the bullshit broken stick win he’s been holding over my head for the last couple months. Anyway, both games were 2CV’s (never saw R2 Vega IIRC).

Vs Shumayel (2nd Round): Shu runs A Ken/Rolento/Bison and both matches were pretty tight but Vega > Bison once you get pinned in the corner and don’t RC reliably. I take this two straight.

Vs Gerjay (3rd Round): Once again we meet in Winners Semis and it’ll probably go this way every time we play in a Skybox tourney. Gerjay takes the first game with Sakura doing all the damage. Second game looks the same but I made the big comeback with Vega and pinned him down in the corner. Third game I make the comeback again with Vega. We both had no health left, the timer was running out and I turtle waiting for a poke. The poke comes and the stupid 2p side still doesn’t low block properly on the left and I eat the c.hp. GG’s though both Gerjay and I know I got scammed.

Vs Anant (4th Round - Losers Bracket): I’m stuck on the 1p side that has no medium kick. That pretty much kills Guile and Vega dead so I switch my team to C Yuri/Chun/Kim. We go even until Kim comes out and I rush him down. Anant kept trying to JD my c.lkx3 and kept eating it and the Triple Kick follow up.

Vs Tyler (5th Round - Losers Bracket): Tyler runs K Kyo/Hibiki/Athena after switching his last team off but it didn’t really matter. He ate a ton of backfists and for some reason fell for roll Flash Kick a lot. Anyway, I never lost the lead and Vega cleaned it up. I need to play Tyler more so I adjust when I throw out pokes that aren’t JD’d.

We didn’t finish the tournament but considering it was only Roger, Gerjay and myself left we all agreed on how it’d breakdown and I take my 3rd place for the 2nd tournament in a row at Skybox.


Teddy pulls one of the biggest comebacks I’ve ever seen on Ramy. :wow:

Ramy’s new Egyptian Tactics were too good. :tup:

Hayvren doesn’t defend The Master Of The Universe Title. :tdown:

Matt comes out of nowhere and wins a money match with Ramy while I bankroll him for no reason. :confused:

Wilson is the fucking future of CvS2. I have no doubt in my mind. :nunchuck:

Crazy matches in CvS1 between Tyler and Anant. :clap:

Psychochronic wouldn’t leave me alone the entire day then he tries to scam a ride off me? :wtf:

GG’s to everyone today. Thanks to everyone that came out and made this a fun way to burn the afternoon. :pleased:

Haha, fun today.
Old school CVS1 with Tyler.

I suck at CVS2.

Watching Roger vs Tyler, Tyler vs Wilson was pretty fun. JD, JD, JD, JD, back and forth back and forth.

Today was ok. Beats the hell out of writing about stuff and studying at home. I wish we had a casual instead of a tourney. But then Roger would have a 452151507 win streak. I don’t mind. Casuals are more fun because I can pull out a random team without any pressure.

The matches weren’t too satisfying. I was disappointed that the machine wasn’t fixed. I knew mk didn’t work since I played at Skybox on Friday. So I adapted with a team that doesn’t need mk. But obviously it wasn’t my best team. I ate 2 billion sagat jp HK because I thought Mai’s st. HP had more range. Oh well.

CvS1 is still kind of fun. That game is broken. Ryu/Ken’s jumping lp is god-like. I forgot about Ex Balrog. I should have used him.

I need to play Justin more…his curt system is best described as “magical”. I’m stunned in awe everytime he lands a roll super or a throw. I should develop a counter system when I have time.


shu: I beatsed on him first round. Second round he almost won, but I pulled a nice comeback.

Teddy: beat him first round, pulled a nice comeback after getting raped, but threw it all away with a poorly timed ahvb. BEasted on him 3rd round

Gerjay: Fucked up completly, lost 3-1.

Teddy: Played like crap again (i wasn’t as high so i played stupid. Not to take any thing away from teddy or gerjay, they both beasted) so i leave the tourny with 3rd.

CvS2: Got dqed 1st match. Beat teddy in loosers (giving me my first ever cvs2 tourny win) then lost.

Random shit:

The kid standing in the little alcove talking on his cell phone

Smoking a blunt that i meant to pitch on, and when i tried to pitch i realized it had been roled all ready.

Edit: No one challenged me…thus i still remain MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE

Hayvren just admit you got chun’ed the fuck out

I tihnk i got hit by a chun combo like twice…it was your turtle cable that did me in.

Wow… magical. I don’t even know what to say to that.

In any case, you should come by the York U tournament after your exam next Saturday. I’ll play matches around yours until you can make it. You’re really good and it’d be a shame to see all that skill not used with so many players there.

OK for those of you asking about rides, Jason has agreed to take Team Brampton (in this case Steve, Gandhi and Ian) to the York U tournament. As a result, I have agreed to take representatives from Sauga to the tournament. Those people are:


Now the last person is being debated on. From what I understand Chris Q is the person who’ll be taking that spot but no one seems to be able to give me a straight answer. If I don’t hear from CQ within 48 hours I’m opening the spot up. The usual gas price ($3) applies. Be at Erin Mills Town Centre for 11:00am. I have to be at York U early for last minute prep and to take registration. BE ON TIME! DO NOT FUCK WITH MY SCHEDULE!

If you’re coming with me, bring money. I already promised Team Hamilton that I’d go for dinner with them after the tournament, in all likelihood at Jack Astor’s. What I figure is going to happen is that we’ll head to the Jack Astor’s at Square One after the tournament is all wrapped up. That way it’s on the way back home for everyone. Now if you want to take a bus from Square One because you don’t want to it that’s fine but otherwise you’ll eat with whomever comes to Jack Astor’s and then I’ll drop you home.

Lastly this goes to Anant. When you talk to PsychoChronic you make sure to tell him the following. I don’t want him drinking in or before getting into my car. I don’t want him smoking up in or before getting into my car. I hate the smell of that stuff and I’m not having it. When we get there you guys can go nuts because you’ll at least have time before we leave to get that smell off you but not beforehand.

Yes sir!

anyone seen the xenosaga anime? thoughts? fanservice?

[quote=Nagata Lock II]
Vs Gerjay (3rd Round): The poke comes and the stupid 2p side still doesn’t low block properly on the left and I eat the c.hp. GG’s though both Gerjay and I know I got scammed.
QUOTE]unless it was blanka’s slide its impossible for C.hp to hit low

That spot is mine for sure.

Ok so anyone going that is able to drive the other sauga people ??

all you fucks goin for marvel better hold that shit down at york

make canada proud :tup:

For The Horde!!!

lok tar ogar

First i’ve heard of it, i’ll be sure to get it.

I don’t read manga, but this FMA shit is good :tup: Thanks.



Mustang: “It’s raining”.

Easily one of the sickest parts in the show. Think i’m gonna watch it again :clap:

poeta…whats the deal, i really need my bag tonight plz