Sauga January 2005 Thread

Hopefully that’ll be fixed by tommorow, if not we can still rub CvS2, and a side MvC1 tourny i guess…just to satisfy us marvel heads.

you would need to take a button from a different game because the whole button is gone. Good luck with that :slight_smile:

take the HP buttons out of the CVS2 cab and see how well ppl do LOL

It’s obviously a diabolical plot by Hayvren to stave off challengers to his Master Of The Universe title. :tup:

looks like it’s the return of sent/megaman/doom

sent with no lk? are you serious? :stuck_out_tongue:

i garentee no mvc2 tomorrow

Uh… doesn’t Matt have an extra set of buttons? If he doesn’t want to give it up I’ll be happy to buy the button from him for whatever price he was selling parts for beforehand.

Also; I hope Anant remembered to get the keys for us tomorrow otherwise this is going to be very long.

Does anyone want to create a CvS2 Master Of The Universe title? Standard King Of The Road rules apply and you have to survive twice.

Me: Do you mind giving the keys to whoever’s working there that day, as we’re running a tournament?
Him: I wouldn’t give those two the time of day.
Me: :lol:

Master of the universe is a mvc2 only thing.

Does anyone like…wanna burn me season 3 of 24? I Dled every other ep of every other season cept for eps 7-20 of season 3.

another sauga tourny which sauga doesnt goto :lol:

call me if the button gets fixed, otherwise i wont show up.

I just woke up from a night of drunken revelry which involved glow in the dark paint, stealing trays from tim hortons, and a shit load of snow…i’m showing up late

Oh ya, I was just told yesterday that my parents are taking the car next week and leaving me without one, so we have to find another way getting to and from York. . . any suggestions ??

I have all 3 seasons of 24 original copies, if you want all of season 3 I could do it for you

so who went today besides jason?

Today was random as hell, I showed up 2hours late, somehow money matched ramy as soon as I got there by punking gerjays game.

Too bad CvS2 is still fucking broken.

I got 2nd cuz of chunnyyyy

Jamie, that’d be nice if u could do it for me. If possible only 7-20 but if u can’t do it i’ll take the whole season.

An unusually large amount of people showed.

lol o man good shit today. gg’s everyone.


Psychochronics randomness