Sauga January 2005 Thread

does anybody here remember Wizards Castle in Meadowvale Town Centre? (shut down around 1997, during Alpha 2 release) that place was hot…or Cinescape in South Common Mall, when did that place shut down?

All I remember is Cinescape. It got shut down wayy before the mall got ripped down/remade. I’d say mid 2k?

Its all about meadowvale town centre arcade… considering I’ve lived next to it for so long… Except for the fact that it died a long time ago.

curt: put up marvel matches from lockdown on gtasf, that sites more dead than roadkill on the highway =/

that being said, things should be covered in ice more often, you get around so much quicker :smiley:

I call hayvren first round for master of the universe

You can’t call a Master Of The Universe Title Match within a tournament. Make it either before or after the tourney.

Me, Jason and Steve are all coming on Sunday for the CvS2 tourney and I’ll probably join Marvel considering there’s no entry fee. Someone please make sure to talk to either of the old men before Saturday so they leave a key for the useless Sunday guy.

I’ll stop by tomorrow and do it. What exactly do I tell him? Leave a key to the cabinets with Terence?

Hey let’s have a poker game too! No entry fee…

Ya. I dare you to move all in against me!

can anyone hold casual this weekend? i thought i was able to hold some saturday but its not happening…im fiending for blunts and marvel @_@

who would of thought custom marvel was so easy :smiley:

Did you put Daytona 500 on it ??

I will for sure,I just made a mock one too see if it works. Pirate music will go on for sure :smiley: Need song list!

Select screen
The Pirate Ship Stage
Inside the factory
Carnival Stage
Bridge stage
Blue Underground Cave
Clock Tower
Ice Boat Stage
Abyss 1
Abyss 2
Abyss 3
Intro music to the Characters
Game Over
Credits Screen

Hmm, for the game over music: GAME OVER (lil flip) HAR HAR AHR HAR…

you commin to the tourny psychochronic? COme learn a bit and smoke a few spliffs (i’m assuming you blaze based off your name)

Which brings me to my next point…every one bring a sack for sunday.

Someone recommend me more Onyx songs… Last Dayz was too sick!

ask james which song fuzz had for his custom marvel char select

I used to have boom playlists but i lost all my old songs

I’ll have to think of a new one, and GET MY PIRATE MUSIC BACK!!

i forget what song fuzz had in his character select screen but it was too good. some rodeo music or some shit. i already got a play list for ya, just gotta get some of the songs.

ps. pirate music and daytona 500 are givens :tup:

edit: can anything at all happen today??? casual, chill at random arcade/spot…there doesnt seem to be a lot happening, some1 make it happen!!!
edit2: if anyone with a car or access to a car is willing to give a ride to me/bry and possibly cq to streetsville bowl which has a boom marvel machine thats also set on 25c we’d gladly pitch a couple bucks/smoke you off a bowl or two…

word something go down today @_@EMTC’s Marvel doesn’t have a lk btw…It doesn’t even exist.