Sauga January 2005 Thread

They should do what they do in Mac. They give a whole separate tiny room for DDRers to stink in their own stinkiness and dance so nobody sees their crappy dancing.

That MvC1 Machine is top tier.

More stools.

Change machine would be top tier. Fucking hat guy and brown guy = useless.

No worse than weed.

everybody recommend me some good anime (doesnt have to be new) so my collection can grow.

ps. no prince of tennis - teddy :tdown:

Here’s my perspective:

-turn DDR volume down but don’t get rid of it, it’s a moneymaker for the school children
-Fooseball is also for the school children
-Air Hockey is questionable
-Pool Table? (i don’t think there’s enough space)
-Tekken 5 buy in: from $1 to .50 and the data card at $2/$3
-Definetly get rid of Power Stone 2 and DoA2 (i saw dust this afternoon on those screens)
-any games/shooters/racers that are not turning in revenue, get rid of…
-MvC1 buy in: .25
-add in CFE/#R
-bring back: ST/3S/SC2/TTT/VF4
-all fighting games: .50 buy in (should we put .25 continue on all or selective)
-change machine

42 Ron 15.12.2004 05:39h Hello #TOSF !



And yeah, pool table. Except we would have an asian revolution over the loss of the foosball tables :rolleyes:

my arcade changes:
-mvc2 25c
-cvs2 $3 per credit, 19 credits to start
-initial d ver.3 25c
-ggpo random dust collecting space filler games
-with all the new space throw in another mvc2 cab
-ggpo air hockey, put in pool table
-add another jitz table or two
-lower ddr volume (watching fat white kids tryin to dance cant be bought)
-move emtc from accross the mall to a moving truck that follows me around so i never have to travel for games :tup:

oh yeah, bring back 3s, 2nd impact, and throw in some A3 and AE machines along with #R since people say its a good game. also add a random good graphic side scroller for teh noobs

57 bucks for 1 gamee of cvs2 lol, why not just make both the marvels free while yur at it

Skybox really doesn’t need that many changes to become a truly effective arcade on the west end.

First off I wouldn’t change the amount of money needed to play either CvS2 or MvC2. It’s obvious that both of those games bring in a regular amount of players regardless of whether it’s 50 cents or 25 cents. Dropping the price while already having an established revenue stream with no sign of decline is just burning potential profit.

As it concerns Tekken 5, that game is what I consider a losing project from a long term perseptive. With the exception of the established East Asian obsession with the card format (see ORBIT having multiple machines all being used continuously for a prime example) there is no other demo holding down a strong affiliation with this game. The massive investment needed just to play it is ridiculous considering the game is due for a late spring domestic release and any of the people holding out now that want to play it will get it in April. So arcades are left with a useless machine in the end. If arcades actually hold out and keep their machines after domestic release, you’ll see the drop in price (both for cards and each play) that were mentioned earlier because they quite simply won’t have a choice.

Bringing in 3rd Strike is an obvious choice and is almost a necessity as tournaments are always held around the big three (CvS2, MvC2, 3S) and will continue to do so until either CFJ gets a wide arcade release or Capcom comes up with something remarkably new and actually fun to play.

Alpha 3 and Super Turbo are both niche games at this stage and while I love both games more than just about anything else outside of CvS2, I would never spend the money to bring in games that five people would regularly play. It’s just bad business.

DDR is a constant cash cow and if anything I would bring in a second machine. BTW; to everyone complaining about the volume of the machine, that’s actually a great marketing tool. Has anyone ever noticed how often random couples and parents with small children walk by the arcade and stop because of the noise and the players dancing? That’s potential revenue from people who may walk in and play a game of something else or who’s kids are drawn to the arcade and want to play a game or two. Volume stays, I hate it as well but it’s a good marketing tool.

Pool is a waste of time in a place that’s on mall hours and uses it’s non arcade space for fooz ball.

Speaking of fooz ball, I’d scrap the air hockey table and add another table. I don’t know what it is about that game but it’s always played, has low overhead (maintenance/repairs in this case) and the tables are no more expensive than a mid tier arcade cabinet while bringing in far more revenue.

I’d scrap just about everything on the right side of Skybox and put Inital D (whatever the latest version is) in there and add another Inital D as well (think METRO setup along the wall).

That’s all I can think of right now.

sigh I think I’m moving again…

o_O!!! to somewhere closer to emtc…right?

ps. move to that spot you had just above my house.

I don’t see arcades as a very profitable business. I wouldn’t have created an arcade in the first place.

In the future, we’ll most likely be able to hold even bigger tournaments online with future generation consoles. Eventually the fighting game scene will fade from the arcades. But it probably won’t happen before you retire.

I wouldn’t invest in any fighting games at all at Skybox, unless I can get an acceptable quality machine for super low price. Skybox has already established the reputation of having the shittiest fighting game machines on Earth. It’ll take time to rebuild player’s confidence but it’s probably not worth it.

I think CFJ is a crappy game and very few people will play it after a week. 3rd Strike and GG are fine games but I doubt they’ll attract the non-SF player demographic. Skybox should just make sure the DDR fags and the Initial D people are happy, as these two groups probably generate more money than all other games combined. Get another DDR machine, but a different type. Don’t turn the volume down and if anything, turn it up. Get another foozball machine. Make room by getting rid of those games nobody ever plays.

Other changes that are probably not beneficial to the arcade but I would really like:
-REPLACE THE CVS2 MACHINE!! I don’t like the tiny little bit of space between the players.
-Get 3rd strike
-get a change machine

Yeah that spot was the illest. I’m not sure if we are yet but they are getting the house inspected tomorow to see how much it’s worth :tdown:

Move to TO niggaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Join the west side masses!

That sucks Chris. Will you still be going to Fraser, or is nothing decided at all?

only in Fraser for another 2 weeks :stuck_out_tongue: Nothing is decided yet, theres just talk.

dont see how you can bad mouth sauga sticks and not mention metro/orbit in the same sentance

There’s a huge difference between the two. With the exception of the MvC2 machine at METRO, the rest of their cabinets run great. I have never had a problem with the CvS2 or 3S machine at METRO in the two years I’ve been frequenting that arcade.

ORBIT, while it has had it’s many many moments of fuck ups has the luxury of an on site technician that fixes machines on the fly. With the change in attitude lately by the staff, their machines have been running great and whenever there’s a screw up they fix it ASAP. If people actually bothered to post on the ORBIT forums and let Simon and their tech know the problems they’d be fixed even faster instead of going through the random clerks who may or may not remember to tell Simon and the techs about the problems.

Skybox doesn’t have the worst cabinets in the GTA. DT Funland is worse. Wizard’s Castle when it was around was far worse (Brampton stand up and testify about the 2P Roundhouse that NEVER worked longer than 2 days) and Shoppers World before Roger bought into it was a shithole. Let’s not forget Woodbine, which somehow has the God’s 3S machine but has a crappy MvC2 and the single worst CvS2 cabinet in Ontario bar none.

I’m down for the sunday tournament.

Just to join in:

How to make the arcade profitable:

Get ride of all the bullshit games.
Add 2 more gits tables
Add a sealed off smoking area with gits in it (assuming this was leagal)
Drop tekken to 50c
Add a few more random 25c games