Sauga January 2005 Thread

Chris; I’m coming up to EMTC tomorrow. Please drop by and have my money for your set. Hayvren is already coming and you’re the last two pre-books so I can put this venture behind me.

I’m training up Weapon X tomorrow so anyone up for casual and want to bust me up knowing they won’t see my top team then please come and lay a beating on me.

Seriously now. I never once said I wanted to pre order or by the Evo DVD. Everytime you asked me if I wanted it I said “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure” I don’t see how this qualifies as YES I WANT TO BUY IT! I’ll take it off you anyways since you are “wasting” DVDs (25 pack for 10 dollars :rolleyes:)But you are going to have to wait till york tourny if you want your free money. Since A) My cousin is here for the weekend and B) I never travel to EMTC or anywhere really on Sundays since buses are horrible on Sunday. I doubt you are dying for an extra 20 dollars anyways and you basicly scammed me into getting this magical dvd.

9 more till deathball is done.


I dont get it.

Napoleon Dynamite is the funniest movie ever.

Gerjay; PLEASE bring my tripod with you when you come to EMTC with your dad tomorrow. It saves me an extra trip back to your house. PLEEEEEEAAAAAASE!

Chris; I’m not going to discuss this in forum. I messaged you on MSN with a cut & paste of the conversation we had about the set, it’s the perk of Trillian logging everything.

Team Weapon X vs Sauga tomorrow.

Gerjay tried to steal my title, but i am still, and for ever will me, MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE.


  • DDR guy running cvs2…kinda

  • RC taunt > sagat

  • Me and gerjay were both crouching next to each other for like three seconds…I jumped and did lk hk to kill his magneto.

Today was way too good…

Hayvren retains the title of Master Of The Universe. It is his 3rd successful title defense. :tup:

Gerjay makes Kevin look like an idiot with RC Taunt COMBO smacking out Tiger Rade. :clap:

Weapon X (more specifically Nakoruru) gets beat down more often than it won. Light Sabre Hoahmaru is a beast though. :sad:

Jason is thrown out of Team Brampton after losing to DDR Guy. :tdown:

Gerjay is nearly thrown out of Team Sauga after almost losing to DDR Guy. :rolleyes:

Kevin’s Team Sim was monster, racking up a four game streak. :wow:

GG’s to everyone today. I’ll be back next Sunday for sure. :pleased:

you better. The more time that I spend on sundays with my dad not spending money on initial D is time well wasted.

Did you guys have a problem with jumping left on the 2p stick in cvs2?

Yes the 2p side is a bit screwed. I played on it on Friday

I’m not going to York tourney and probably won’t attend another tourney until summer. So obviously I can’t give out rides.

Justin, if you’re going to Skybox next Sunday, I’ll probably come too. Bring your best everyone and pray the machine doesn’t die.

i think gerjay and justin noted that on occasion it doesn’t block low, other than that, no complaints.

gg to everyone today…

my new team, a-hibiki/bison/blanka(2)

rc matches are messed up to watch :stuck_out_tongue:

I would just like to be a prick for a second and say nothing new :tup:

BTW, Teddy owns me in Cvs2. :tup: :party:

Haha, just play NFSU2, use the Corolla, paint it white, and boost the handling to max. I swear, on the downhill courses, it looks exactly like Initial D.

And 2P side IS messed up.

I might show next sunday.

The 2P stick seems to have an alignment issue. It couldn’t go up-right for nearly two hours, resulting in a lot of random up and down rather than rush down. Then for some reason it started working but the down-left started failing off and on, resulting in a couple of losses that just shouldn’t have happened. A small adjustment and it’d be good as new.

We really should try and get a good turnout next Sunday and maybe a small tournament if possible with no entry fee, just get Event Mode and play through.


16 poker games without a 1st place! Best slump in the world. tonight’s bustout, J-3 against my K-8!

On the other hand just 5 more till me and my friend finish deathball.

I wouldn’t mind tourny with no entry fee

sup y’all…

You know what sucks? Being chip leader, then losing your money in two hands. (not consecutive thank god)

The first hand I had a Full House, Jacks full of 9s, lost on that.

Second hand, Flush, Queen high, went all in, got beat on that :tdown:

Psychochronic = guy on SRK in Mississauga, who apparently hasn’t had good comp. for a while. Told him to post here. Be nice Matt.