Sauga January 2005 Thread

less then 800 canadian u mean right? you can just drink yurself stupid here and fuck random bitchs tho godfather, i mean you dont got that name for nothing

how come everyone jumps on the defensive right away and curt leaps to yur aid, yur still sayin we live to far to go and get last, it doesnt matter where you go as long as your satisfied with what you paid for, also i wasnt trying to convince anyone of anything.

Cali > BC

thats what im saying, id rather go on a longer vacation and do stuff i dont normally do, like chill on the beach, go swimming in huge lakes, get wasted out in the wilderness and camp or w/e. dont mistake me wanting to go to BC over evo as me dissing it. i wanted to go so bad last year but because there wasnt enough space in the car down there or w/e i couldnt go and decided to spend my money on other random crap (which i regret).

edit: dissregard my comment of going and getting last, i realize now that it obviously doesnt matter but at the time i thought i would throw it in since thats what would probably happen. if i somehow get mad loot in the summer then ill go to both, but untill that happens, HI-HO SILVA!!!

I’m goin to montreal on march break with my buddies. Break away tours is the way to go for sure, cause they put you in a hotel with a bunch of other teenagers, so you don’t need to worry about the noise, plus they provide shuttle buses to other areas incase you wanna shop (which you don’t). I’ll go out with you guys one night for sure though.

Just to give you guys the heads up, Montreal Annual Tournament is tentatively scheduled over March Break (see the new GTASF calandar) and I’ll be coming up probably on the Thursday so if you guys are already in Montreal it’d be fun to get a few drinks and what not.

I was initially planning on going with breakaway tours, 'cause everybody was going with them… but going seperately would save money… and you can end up meeting the people there anyways. Hm, dunno breakaway or greyhound? :confused:

i was thinkin about that too, depending on how much money you save it might be a good idea. i cant fuckin wait for montreal, ive heard many-a-story about the sluts down there, and not just from hayvren :tup:

lmao! Hayvren tell some more stories or somethin man… ur cuba highlights were toooo funny! God damn gold lol… keep it commin!

All right, just for you chris

The Italian guy:

It was around 1:30 a.m when i went into the pool club/bar for a beer. I get to talking with this 20 some thing italian guy, and we were both pretty good at makin each other laugh. So he goes to me “wanna take a shot with me? its my last night.” I obviously agree, and thats when he tells me “its not 1 shot, its actually three.” I still agree to take it, and he proceeds to tell me the italian shot is : whisky tequila whisky. I end up takin this shit, and let me tell you, its not fun. I was all right afterwards, but about an hour later he got me to take another round of his “shot” and right after taking em again, i proceeded to walk out side, hang over the balcony, and puke into the lake.

We then went out knoking on doors lookin for two sluts from montreal. We found them. He also stole a bottle of mint vodka, which we drank with the girls, and a sign that said the cabin numbers of a building, which he stole from the girls.

Who else wants to go to Montreal besides Chris and James?

if anyone wants Zooms I goto school with a guy who can get them almost any time, his brother has a shitload.

Champ Bailey!

james call my cell or DJ’s cell 416 407 6237 if u want that

soooo…anything going down today?

Do you want anything to do today? I need to do something so I don’t have to lie about not wanting to go out with someone today. . .

I’m down for something today.

Picture yourself in a boat on a river with tangerine trees and marmalade skies…!!

As am I!!!.. soiufoeiwu

cummon something happen!!

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds!!